Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

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Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by nickzambuto » Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:16 pm


Green - The ring of will. Only those with an indomitable will not coerced by fear can wield this ring.
[spoiler]"In brightest day, in blackest night,

No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil's might

Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!"[/spoiler]

Yellow - The ring of fear. Only those who have mastered fear and possess the ability to instill it into others can wield this ring.
[spoiler]"In blackest day, in brightest night,

Beware your fears made into light.

Let those who try to stop what's right

Burn like my power--Sinestro's might!"[/spoiler]

Red - The ring of rage. Only those who have experienced profound rage can wield this ring.
[spoiler]"With blood and rage of crimson red,

Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,

Together with our hellish hate,

We'll burn you all--that is your fate!"[/spoiler]

Orange - The ring of avarice. Only those whose greed knows no bounds can wield this ring.
[spoiler]"What's mine is mine and mine and mine.

And mine and mine and mine!

Not yours!"[/spoiler]

Blue - The ring of hope. Only those who are capable of bringing hope for the future to others can wield this ring.
[spoiler]"In fearful day, in raging night,

With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.

When all seems lost in the War of Light,

Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"[/spoiler]

Indigo - The ring of compassion. Only those who feel great compassion towards other beings can wield this ring.
[spoiler](translation unknown)
"Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,

Natromo faan tornek wot ur.

Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur,

Taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur!"[/spoiler]

Violet - The ring of love. Only those who feel immense love for another can wield this ring.
[spoiler]"For hearts long lost and full of fright,

For those alone in Blackest Night.

Accept our ring and join our fight,

Love conquers all with violet light!"[/spoiler]

White - The ring of life. All of the colors combined. The most mysterious of the Lantern Rings, it seems this ring is charged whenever a wielder performs an action that would constitute "living." Presumably a being who is strong in all of the emotional states would be suitable for the white ring, as they would have the most "life."

Black - The ring of death. As black is technically not a color, but rather characterized by a lack of color, this ring does not technically appear on the spectrum. Those dead or who were once dead are capable of wielding this ring.
[spoiler]"The Blackest Night falls from the skies,

The darkness grows as all light dies.

We crave your hearts and your demise,

By my black hand, the dead shall rise!"[/spoiler]

The Game,

Assign different Dragon Ball characters to each ring based on who you think displays each trait the strongest. After a suitable number of suggestions, the results will be tallied, and whichever character gains the greatest number of votes will be considered the wielder of that ring. Please provide at least a one sentence explanation for each of your choices, as that is what makes things interesting.

After this, with each ring possessing a Dragon Ball representative, a second round will begin where we discuss who we believe would be the strongest wielder. Is Freeza's greed greater than Evil Boo's rage? Or is Beerus' fear greater than Goku's hope? Etc.

My picks:

Green - Piccolo of course. He IS green.
Nah. Will power does not refer specifically to the ability to continue fighting through great pain or resisting mind control or any other way it's typically represented in heroic moments. It simply refers to a person's level of conviction towards doing something. "Will he/she/they do it." That's why the Green Lanterns in DC are often abrasive, D-bag, arrogant egomaniacs. Because they do whatever they want, nothing stops them. Pain and damage won't stop them from getting up and beating the bad guy, in typical "hero willpower" fashion, nor will common decency or societal norms prevent them from dropping their pants and mooning the Justice League, if that's what they want to do (Guy Gardener). That's why fear is the enemy of the Green Lanterns, fear naturally weakens will more than anything. For that reason, at the risk of being cliche, I feel like more than anybody, Son Goku would be strong with the ring of will. This is the man who had to be taught not to walk around patting other people on the crotch when he wanted to know if they were a boy or a girl. Never did he think about how the recipient of this molestation might feel, never did he think about what it might look like, he just wanted to do it, so he did it. That's Goku in a nutshell, that's why he's so charming. "I don't like those Red Ribbon Army guys. So I'm gonna go beat all of them up now." He just does what he wants in the moment. Nothing stops him from doing what he wants, not pain, and certainly not fear. Whether you believe Goku has the ability to conquer fear, or simply doesn't possess the capacity to even feel fear, the fact remains that it can not weaken his will, and that's all that matters.

Yellow - This is a tricky one. Beerus is going to be a popular answer, because everybody in the universe fears him. But does that actually make Beerus deserving of the yellow lantern ring? It's not like he's an extraordinarily frightening guy, he's actually extremely polite and down to Earth. People fear him because of his universal power, not because he's actually a scary guy. I think this ring should go to the person who is actually the most skilled at forcing people to feel fear, even when at a power disadvantage. Think about it, if Joe Shmoe, who isn't particularly brave at all, was stronger than Beerus, would he fear Beerus? Probably not... but would Joe Shmoe fear Vegeta? Ohh, yeah. Vegeta excels at instilling fear in others with his supreme confidence, coldness, malice and remorselessness. I don't know if this is filler or not, but at a point in his fight with Pure/Kid Boo, despite doing nothing besides get the ever loving crap beaten out of him, at one point, since he just kept getting back up over and over and over and over again without any hesitation and just kept making confident threats, at one point, for just a moment, Boo expressed clear fear of Vegeta. It was an extremely badass, shamefully overlooked moment, and I believe it alone earns Vegeta the yellow ring.

Red - Part of me wants to give this to Gohan, because his normally gentle nature just accentuates how total and immense his moments of sheer rage are. I don't think anyone would disagree that Gohan's rage is more powerful than most characters in the series, and that's counting several characters are who pure evil. However, there is one character who outshines even Gohan's rage. A character who seems to be nothing but pure rage personified; Evil Boo. This guy is just... I don't even know what to... sigh. He got so angry, he screamed a hole into reality. There, that sums it up.

Orange - Ever hear the phrase "green with envy"? The answer is once again Piccolo.
...Nah. There are many creative ways you can look at this. In many ways, it's the most interesting of the rings. A case can be made for GOKU being a strong wielder because of his neverending quest for more power. He's greedy for strength, and wants to be the strongest one in the world, then the universe, then the multiverse. However, again at the risk of sounding cliche, I have to go with Freeza. Not only did this guy think it was his right to rule everything in the universe, but unlike somebody like, say, Pilaf, Freeza didn't let fear or anything else get in the way of his greed. Even against Super Saiyan Goku, the object of his nightmares, he didn't stop fighting because he was unwilling to give everything up. He wanted it all, and he refused to be denied.

Blue - I want to try and avoid double-assignment of rings, but I honestly feel like nobody is more deserving of the ring of hope than Son Goku. It's pretty clear, just think of all the hopeless situations and despair the characters have faced, and yet each time, the only thing they think of is "Once Goku gets here, everything will be okay!" He gives characters hope. "As soon as Son-kun arrives, he'll tear you guys apart! Just you wait!" There's never ANY doubt, ANY hesitance. They believe in a better future 100%, just because of Goku. This isn't just because of Goku's strength, he's actually lost almost as many fights as he's won. It's because of his nature, always happy and confident and secure. If he isn't despairing, his friends figure, they shouldn't either. They trust him completely.

Indigo - At first this was a split between two characters. Son Gohan and Android 16. But then I remembered somebody with levels of compassion that puts these two to shame - Android 8. He is the only character who couldn't ever bring himself to fight at all. He just cared about everyone, even his evil, abusive masters in the RRA. The only time he did strike out, was in response to thinking Goku was killed.

Violet - Master Roshi, for his love of porn,
Nahhh. It might be weird to picture, but I feel like Piccolo's love of Gohan would actually make him a very strong Violet ring wielder. You don't need to love everyone and everything, you simply need to feel a profoundly strong love, and Piccolo does. Sacrificing your life for someone isn't special in Dragon Ball, but completely and totally devoting your life to someone, to the point where you spend your days creepily stalking them around... that's special.

Black - Krillin is the master of death. He's died, what? FOUR separate times?

White - Honestly a case can be made for Son Goku being the strongest candidate in each of these categories, in fact it was actually difficult to think of alternatives. That look he gave Murasaki when the ninja tried to destroy Android 8? Bone chilling. Remember how he made half the RRA retreat in utter terror without even needing to face them? Goku isn't all strength, I believe that he is genuinely scary, with how serious he can become. Almost on par with Vegeta. And rage? He was the first Super Saiyan in a thousand years, a transformation which can only be achieved by experiencing a mind-numbing rage. Considering a race of bloodthirsty, prideful warriors never achieved that level of rage in a thousand years, it goes to show just how strong it must be. And Goku possesses the capacity to feel it. Greed, again, his neverending quest for more strength can be interpreted as extremely greedy, even though it isn't really effecting anyone negatively. He obviously feels immense compassion for all living creatures, even down to tiny birds, and his compassion for his friends is so great that it has allowed him to do the impossible numerous times. Love? Well... he loves fighting. lol.

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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by Pantalones » Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:46 am

My first thought, reading over those descriptions, is that I would want to say Freeza for Yellow. Heck, with the golden form he already is yellow, on top of the whole "ruling an empire 99.9% through fear" thing. His whole concept appearance-wise was "what Toriyama thought scary monsters would look like when he was younger," he's constantly brought up as one of the scariest villains in the series, and so on. Fear is pretty much part of his character design in every possible way. Some of that is just from being so much stronger than everyone up until Super Saiyan happened, but still. Vegeta also works.

For Orange... maybe Cell? His entire goal was to absorb as many people as possible in order to gain as much power as he could, with the Androids just being the final two necessary pieces of the puzzle. He was so focused on his goal of gaining power and becoming "perfect" that he didn't even seem to care about Dr. Gero's goal of killing Goku. Fat Buu's super greedy when it comes to food, but he doesn't really seem to care much about anything else that someone could be greedy for so he probably isn't quite that high up there.

For Red, Super Buu makes a lot of sense. Skinny gray Buu has been described as "pure rage" and was spawned from Fat Buu getting so angry he lost control, but Super Buu is basically just Gray Buu fused with Fat Buu (with Gray Buu being in control) so either one of them works. Younger Gohan could work. And of course there's Broly, going berserk at the first sign of anything Goku-like is basically his defining character trait. XD

Indigo going to either #8 or #16 is a great idea. Given his personality, it seems like the only reason #16 actually wanted to kill Goku was his programming, and he ended up going against that in the end anyway -- I figure if #8 was created after Dr. Gero had developed his grudge against Goku it'd be a similar situation with him. It's kinda funny to think that the two most compassionate characters in the series are probably a cyborg Frankenstein's Monster and a killer robot! XD

Goku for blue makes sense.

Can't really argue against Goku qualifying for the white ring, either. Oddly, though, the thought of Whis also comes to mind? Not entirely sure why. Hard to imagine him raging, though I could see him qualifying for at least most of the others in one way or another.

And if anyone who's been dead can qualify for a black ring, that means... basically everyone in the series? Well, except Beerus, Whis, probably the Universe 6 guys... maybe a few others here and there that I'm forgetting. Pretty much everyone else has died at least once now, though.

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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by Kamiccolo9 » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:33 pm

An issue with giving the blue ring to Goku is that Blue Lanterns are passive. They encourage others; they can't bring about hope on their own, though. Blue Lanterns were created to be used in tandem with Green Lanterns, as they can enhance the power of a green ring, and the Green Lantern, in return, has the willpower to bring about the Hope that the blue light represents.

Goku's got plenty of hope, but he doesn't fit the profile of a Blue Lantern. If anything, he'd be White. Goku's the most "alive" person in the franchise, even when he's dead.
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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by FoolsGil » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:58 pm

Krillin would be the perfect blue lantern. He pretty much runs on hope when the Saiyans aren't around.

Goku is a green lantern, he's all about becoming stronger for its own sake, you need to have large amounts of willpower for that.

Tenshinhan has massive amounts willpower like Goku, and no family to tie him down from training endlessly, only problem is he's human, but he gets the green ring as well.

Chi Chi's intense love for her family would definitely power her to stop them from leaving to fight, and if she could, would deal with the threat herself so Gohan could become a scholar-she would get the purple ring.

Vegeta has an intense need to be better than Goku. At this point he doesn't train for himself like Goku does, he trains to surpass him. I think this could be worked into the orange ring as greed. Alternatively, his intense love for his family would give him the purple ring.

Broly. Red Ring. It kind of goes together, he goes around screaming Kakarot over sleepless nights as a baby, then his father tried controlling him like a beast, he has plenty to be mad about.

Cell creeped me out as a kid, especially his first form. He's a perfect candidate of the yellow ring.

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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by DragonBallFoodie » Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:51 pm

The power rings work on the emotional spectrum, a concept that says the seven colors are tied to an emotion that grants power (red - rage, orange - greed, yellow - fear-inspiring, green - solid willpower, blue - hope-inspiring, indigo - compassion, violet - love).

It's a great concept, but IMO it's rather limiting and ensures only select soldiers who can feel one emotion majorly get to use these rings. With characters who can feel a lot of emotions (rage, pride, love) at once, it's not really useful.
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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by nickzambuto » Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:25 pm

DragonBallFoodie wrote:The power rings work on the emotional spectrum, a concept that says the seven colors are tied to an emotion that grants power (red - rage, orange - greed, yellow - fear-inspiring, green - solid willpower, blue - hope-inspiring, indigo - compassion, violet - love).

It's a great concept, but IMO it's rather limiting and ensures only select soldiers who can feel one emotion majorly get to use these rings. With characters who can feel a lot of emotions (rage, pride, love) at once, it's not really useful.
That isn't necessarily true. Green Lanterns can still be normal people who feel normal emotions. They just need to have particular strength in one emotion in order to wield a ring. Freeza feels many emotions, but would you not say his greed is an exceedingly strong character trait?

The only rings that actually effect the user's personality are red and I think orange and maybe violet. I know for a fact that Green, Yellow, and Blue Lanterns can continue operating normally. A Blue Lantern can become angry, that isn't going to effect anything. Only if his rage reaches absurd heights that actually make him worthy of a red ring would things become tricky.

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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by apex_pretador » Wed Sep 07, 2016 2:29 pm

I'll keep it short as of now. I'll respond to the OP's post points later.

Green Lantern:
Goku no doubt. He is sheer willpower personified. There are very few times where he lacks the sheer willpower to contend anything.

Yellow lantern:
Freeza! So sinestro corps are no more sinestro corps, they are freeza corps. He is the emperor of fear, and once he gets control of YL ring, he should be able to use it better.

Red lantern:
It is hard, maybe kid gohan? Or vegeta? Vegeta seems better IMO.

Piccolo daimao is greed personified, and also entire corps personified.

Not too familiar with any other lanterns except above ones, I'd like to give it to goku as the biggest cause of hope, plus combined with his GL ring, the two rings will boost each other.

Dont know
Again don't know

The life entity, it makes sense for Whis or kaioshin to wield it.

Beerus makes sense to use it but he is not undead.
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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Wed Sep 07, 2016 2:44 pm

Freeza should come back again with a black ring.

18 gets orange though.
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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by Ironixie » Fri Dec 03, 2021 12:56 am

Green - Probably Tien? Jiren and probably Vegeta, really he just has a lot of pride, but his pride gives him immense willpower.

Yellow - Frieza, Beerus, kid Buu, King piccolo, possibly piccolo jr since he's still feared.

Red - Z Broly, Kid Buu, and most definitely Goku Black, because after he figured out rage empowered Saiyans, he started to constantly exploit the power of his rage.

Orange - Maybe Android 18? I mean, her sole motivation for most things is if she's getting compensated, the only reason why she joined the tournament of power it was because she was being paid and she also forfeited the match just to get paid, and more recently she fought in the moro arc, because she was paid to. So the only time you can get this woman to do anything is if you're paying her, I don't think she's really greedy honestly, but it's the closest thing I can think of.

Blue - Tapion, Goku and mostly Future Trunks because he was the embodiment of hope for the human race in the future timeline before he was erased, he even had his time machine with "hope!!!" printed on it, he also had a spirit sword made of hope, and ironically it's blue too so it checks out. Yamcha, I'm placing Yamcha here because he's always optimistic, I'm not sure how much hope and optimism correlate but... ehh.

Indigo - The indigo ring forces compassionless people to feel compassion, but also empowers compassionate people, so by that logic. Future Android 17 and 18 because they're the most emotionless characters in the series, King cold, Cooler. Super Broly, android 16, and 8 since you mentioned it. Gohan, Goten.

Violet - ranfan, Elder King, Grandpa Gohan, Ribrianne, and her teammates.

Black - All of the humans, Krillin first though for sure.

White - Supreme Kai's, since they're gods of creation and life.

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Re: Dragon Ball Characters With DC Lantern Rings

Post by Peach » Fri Dec 03, 2021 8:55 pm

I think most of the z fighters would be green.

Frieza, Cell, Super Buu, Raditz, and most villains are yellow.

Broly and early Vegeta are red.

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