Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

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Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by worldmonsters » Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:26 pm

Heeyy everyone. Photobucket killed our previous post so we're bringing it back :) We have been working on this project for years! An actual Dragon Ball boardgame that full on goes for its theme.


Dragon Ball Last Chance is a boardgame my brother, Heldheld, and me have been working on for years. You play with 2 to 4 players (but more is possible) who each control 2 to 4 characters to complete a set number of Objectives in the Dragon World. You can roam around in an open world and basically do anything that's possible in the series.


How do you play it?
You start by each choosing a set number of characters to control in the game. There are six different races to choose from: Earthling, Namekian, Saiyan, Changeling (Freeza's race), Android and Buu. Then you pick out Facecards (pictured below) for your characters and give them a proper name. Each player then randomly draws a set number of Objectives, choosing between easy ones and hard ones, and the first player to either achieve all his objectives or to have killed or locked up all the other characters has won.

A selection of all the Facecards. This is all artwork from Dragon Ball Online or drawings by me based on the artwork from Dragon Ball Online. We tried to choose familiar faces, but also some unfamiliar for some variety. The new characters come from Online, Heroes and Xenoverse.

Characters can move through the Dragon World training to get stronger and eventually transform into your next level, grab Items to get ahead of your opponents and fight each other when necessary. You can learn a wide variety of Techniques from the show to get ahead in battle or to help you to achieve your Objective. When an objective is achieved the player draws an Event Card to stir up the game. Event Cards can have a big effect or they impact very little. It can range from the Bansho Fan shuffling all the item decks, or Beerus destroying the planet you are on in an instant. The stakes get higher and higher until you have only one last chance to achieve your goal and you have to take it.

Items from Earth and Namek, Objective Cards and Event Cards.

What's with the names?
We've chosen to go with Funimation names, but we will be including the original Japanese names in the Rule Book eventually. We both respect and like the Japanese version of the show, but we grew up with the dub. This is why we'd rather go for Destructo Disc than Kienzan. It's the same with most of the people around us who wish to play the game. We are completely aware of the original and in what ways it is better than the English version.

The map of the Dragon World. Finally finished after a long time!!

What about Dragon Ball GT or Dragon Ball Super?
As Dragon Ball Super hasn't finished yet and we're still debating whether or not we want it to count as much as the original Dragon Ball, we've decided not to include anything from that show in our Boardgame, with an exception of using Frost in the face cards as it is VERY hard to find proper Changelings. We ARE including Battle of Gods and Ressurection F as they were both released as Dragon Ball Z movies. We're also afraid that Super isn't going to do the balancing we tried to have for this boardgame any favours. Another two transformations (or three even) of Super Saiyans is just going to ruin it for other races. We can't just add stuff just because it's cool, it has to fit in the game. As for GT... well we're just not fans of GT, sorry.

Back when we started with the first iterations we had maps for EVERYTHING. A map for Kami's Lookout, for Planet Vegeta, for Freeza Planet 79, for Snakeway. It was insane. Previous versions were made on paper and badly printed.

How long have you guys been working on this?
Well... it's been over a decade I believe? We started out on paper writing everything down and drawing the map. Can you believe we started with 20+ choosable races? It was insane. So many rules. As we went down the years we decided that this whole thing needed to be streamlined and a lot of rules cut out. We decided that if rules would be frustrating or annoying we'd cut them entirely or changed them to make it more fun. Some of this simplification resulted in us having to stow all the non-Earth items into the Namek item stack, which might seem a little weird at first, but you'll get used to it. We've gotten pretty far and we are looking at final versions of artwork here.

This version of the items has been the longest running. It's only recently that we decided to give those an overhaul and make them a little bigger. The previous version of the facecards is really not that old, because facecards have been a relatively new idea.

Is it difficult?
Not... really. You need to get the hang of the Character Sheets, which can seem a little overwhelming at first. You'll be tallying all your stats, which might seem like a chore at first, but we've made it easy by laminating the Character Sheet and having a whiteboard marker pen. Your life will be a lot easier too if you know your Dragon Ball stuff, however it's not impossible if you don't. The only real difficulty is your opponent players and how well they know the world and the game.


Is it done yet?
Noooo.... Right now we're almost done with setting all the rules and we're going to start making a Rule Book again, which is something we haven't done for this project in years. We've also been play-testing this with people who know the Dragon World and it's been going really well. We'll probably also play-test the game with people who have never really seen the show, but enjoy boardgames. Apart from that it's mostly artwork that needs to be done. For example a little over half of the Face Cards are done, and a little over half of the actual board is done. These will both probably take a little while still.


Can we play it?!
This is a difficult question to answer. Printing this stuff is expensive, and we don't really know yet where to get our board and a box made. Also we cannot profit from this for obvious reasons, so right now the answer is 'no', you can't play it. We really really want everyone to be able to play this, but copyright stuff is a bitch. We could probably make it available online so you can print it yourself, but we're not at that point yet. In any case, don't expect this to be a cheap thing to do. As for handing this over to Funimation or some boardgame publisher... we might do that eventually, but honestly I don't think there's a proper market for this game. It's a little too involved for a casual boardgame and the amount of artwork that has to be made is pretty astounding. We might do this, but we don't expect much from this. However the future is uncertain, so anything can happen and this might change. If you have any ideas be sure to post them! We'd like to hope a lot of you get to play this some time in the future.

As for right now, we'll try to post some updates and of course answer any of your questions :D I have an Instagram page for smaller updates, so if you wanna know how everything is going follow me at https://www.instagram.com/dougurasu/.

Other Artwork:
[spoiler]The Earth Map

The Namek Map

All the Facecards

Older versions of this thread:
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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by worldmonsters » Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:53 am

Some new artwork I recently made. All of the new artwork is for the Event Cards which all have a character on them that's going to be made into the Dragon Ball Online Artwork.
Heart Disease (Super Saiyan Goku)

Old Kai gives up his life for you

Android Firmware Upgrade (Doctor Gero)

On the main board there's a discard pile for the Event Cards which has a fake front side of a card including Puar mimicking Goku[/spoiler]

So far I really feel like I'm improving and I really love these last four! Hopefully in a little while these will be indistinguishable from the Dragon Ball Online artwork :)

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by worldmonsters » Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:56 pm

Time for a little extra information :D

Choosing characters!

As shown above you can choose your own characters. Usually we play with 4 characters as that gives you a lot to do and the game will go quicker. A character can be one of six races; Earthling, Namekian, Saiyan, Changeling, Android and Majin. For every race there are twenty Face Cards to choose from. For every character that you create you get your own Character Sheet.

An Android Character Sheet

It might seem a little overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it relatively quickly. It also might seem very DnD level, but it's actually not too bad. The Character Sheet is divided into several sections, pictured below. The Character Sheet is plasticized so you can write on it with a white board marker so you can erase it later.

Character Information
This is where you write down your character's name and what his starting morality is going to be. It really doesn't matter for the game itself what name you put in here, but it'll make the characters more easily defineable. Both being Good or Evil have their advantages, but this can change over the course of the game. A Good character killing an Evil character will make that character change to Evil. The other way around will make that character turn Good. Your race and starting space are also shown on here.
This is where you physically store all your character's items. Your regular item inventory is face down so other players can't look at them, but equipped and transport items are flipped open. The amount of items in a character's inventory is defined by what race your character is. Namekians for example can hold up to 10 items, while Changelings can hold only 3. Same goes for Equip Items.
This is where you tick the different techniques you can learn in the game. Some races start with techniques, for example Majins start with Buu Absorption and Heal. Once you've learned them you can perform them in battle. Techniques can attack other characters, destroy planets, pierce armor, lock characters up, absorb other characters, fuse with other characters, or transport you to other places.
Apart from Majin's and Androids every race can transform. We've added Mystic as a transformation for Earthlings and Super Namekian for Namekians even though they aren't officially transformations. This will allow them a power boost to keep up with Saiyans and Changelings who can transform 3 times. Transforming will multiply all your stats by either 2 or 1,5 depending on the transformation.
This is where you tally all your stats. Every time you start training at a training spot on the board you can add the Learning Points you got from that to your Stats. Stats are of course needed to perform techniques, to see how strong you are and to keep score how damaged you are. There's a "Remaining" box for when you've been attacked or when you've spent Ki on Techniques. Speed is a special kind of stat. You can only have 7 Speed and you cannot have lower than 1. Your speed defines up to how many spaces you can walk on Earth and Namek. Also it costs 3 Speed to dodge a technique.

The Differenct Races

The Earthlings pro's are that when they draw cards from the Item pile on Earth or Namek, they may draw up to two cards instead of the regular one, which makes them perfect for chasing that one item card you need. However, because of their item nabbing and being not so easy to train and make stronger, they are a prime target for other players, so remember to train and protect them. Earthlings can transform once into Mystic.

Namekians have the added benefit of being allowed to choose between two starting spaces. What also makes them very helpful is the ability to store up to 10 items in their inventory, which is the highest of any race and can equip up to 2 items at the same time. Unfortunately they also have a bit of a slow start, but the fact that they live on the planet with the Namekian Dragon Balls that grant THREE wishes makes up for it. Namekians can transform once into Super Namekian.

Saiyans can get strong FAST! They don't have any limitations in training stats like all the other characters have. Not only that, but they start on a very excellent training spot and can transform three times, all the way to Super Saiyan 3. Unfortunately it still takes quite a bit of time to get there. Saiyans can also hold up to two equipped items.

Changelings have the early advantage. Not only do they start at an excellent training spot, they can also transform three times, from Form 1 to Form 4. But what makes this great is that they transform very early on, which gives them a great advantage over other races.

Androids don't even have to train. Every turn they get two points stronger, all the way until the end of the game. They can also absorb their enemies and become stronger and learn their techniques. Absorption is a powerful tool against your opponent as it not only gives you power, it also gives the opponent player one less character to play with. They also can't be sensed, which mean they cannot be targetted by items or Instant Transmission. Not to mention that their KI is infinite. However... they can be shut down by one press of a button.

While Majins may not have the best starting space and can't perform their Absorption from the start, they have enormous potential. Once they have trained for enough Ki their Absorption is twice as strong as that of the Androids. Not to mention that there are two "Energy Extractor"s in the game that can absorb all the remaining Ki of an opponent player and transfer that as Learning Points to their Majin of choice.

Hope you liked this look at the different races :D Here's a present; I made a picture of all the faces I drew (after making those group pictures above), combined with the Dragon Ball Online artwork we used:
Still need to make about 20 of these faces, though :o[/spoiler]

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by ShadowBardock89 » Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:52 am

Wow! I applaud you for the work you've put into this game!

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by worldmonsters » Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:50 pm

ShadowBardock89 wrote:Wow! I applaud you for the work you've put into this game!
Thank you very much :D Especially the artwork takes soooo longgg. But it’s also very satisfying work :)

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by Tian » Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:50 pm

This board game looks pretty darn good, man!

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by worldmonsters » Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:29 am

Tian wrote:This board game looks pretty darn good, man!
Thank you :D

Yesterday we introduced the sister of a good friend of us (who really likes to play this game with us) to the game. She hadn't seen Dragon Ball before, but after we were played to good rounds she wanted to do another game and really wanted to start watching Dragon Ball! So I guess that's a good sign, right? XD

We did two games, this is a photo of the game that I'm not describing down here



What we always like about this game is it's turns and twists. For example this game my last objective was to "Get to Kami's Lookout". Jasper's characters had already found the Power Pole and had put it on the map so you can just walk over there (you need the Power Pole to get to Kami's Lookout basically). So I was like, good, I'm definitely going to win now, I'll just walk over there and then I'll win. Jasper had no idea what my last objective was, but instinctively he withdrew the Power Pole back to his inventory, because my character was getting closer. So shoot, how was I going to get there then? Well, I could always learn Instant Transmission and go there. Instant Transmission works like this. You can teleport to any other player in the same dimension as you, providing that character has any Ki left (or isn't an Android). So, I got my Super Saiyan ("Transforming to your next level" was one of my other objectives that I had already completed), went to Yardrat, learned the Technique and Jasper moves his characters to inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which is another dimension, so I can't use Instant Transmission to get there. Again, I was so incredibly close. So I'm like... there's a surefire way to Kami's Lookout without having Jasper involved! I will learn Instantaneous Movement and just go there!
At this point, Jasper was slowly but surely finishing more and more of his Objectives, kreeping up on me and Lisette, the other player. And just for the fun of it he started training his Saiyan to be Super Saiyan 3, getting incredibly powerful, because he didn't need to do a lot to stand in the way of me and Lisette. About at this point he completed his second objective "Lock someone up in the Dead Zone" after having learned "Open Dead Zone" on the Makyo Star and trapping Lisette's Android character there. Jasper now had basically free reign over the board, with his characters being almost untouchable.
So Instantaneous Movement is different from Instant Transmission in a few ways. It costs twice as much Ki to perform and when you teleport you can literally teleport anywhere you want, regardless or not if there's a character standing there or if it's in another dimension. The only downside is, you can only learn it on Supreme Kai's Planet. Which is in Other World. Which means I first had to kill myself. So I went to Planet Arlia as soon as possible and learned Self-destruct. Unfortunately my Saiyan character (the one who knows Instant Transmission) was evil. Which means if I died I would end up in Hell and not in Heaven, and I needed to be in Heaven to get to Supreme Kai's Planet. Luckily for me one of my Good characters had already been killed so I could use Instant Transmission to get out of Hell and into Heaven. But just as I got to that point and was about to reach Supreme Kai's Planet, Jasper took measures. He didn't want me to learn Instantaneous Movement, because that would put all his characters at risk. And just then he had collected all seven Earth Dragon Balls, summoned Shenron and wished me into the Dead Zone to join Lisette's Android character.
That was it. There was nothing else I could do. I had two characters in Other World that both didn't have Instant Transmission (which you need to get to Supreme Kai's Planet), one was absorbed into Lisette's Android character and the other was my Saiyan in the Dead Zone. There was no way in hell I could win. However! Lisette had a Namekian on her team that almost had enough Ki to go to Makyo Star and learn Open Dead Zone! If she could get her character over there, learn that technique and open the Dead Zone, we would've been free! We discussed this without Jasper hearing it and she went for it.


After discussing what items we had in the Dead Zone I found out that Lisette's Android character had the item "Android Absorption Hands". This is an Item you can use to counter another person's Ki blast and if the user of the item was an Android, they could absorb that blast and turn it into learning points for their own stats! We formed an alliance and I started attacking her Android with powerful blasts which she absorbed and became stronger. In NO time we were stronger than Jasper's Super Saiyan 3!!
Unfortunately Lisette didn't tell me that she wanted to complete her objective first, which was to transform to Super Namekian. So before she went to Makyo Star, she started training on Planet Vegeta. This is when Jasper's Super Saiyan 3 character came and menacingly stood on Makyo Star. I urged her to go to Makyo Star asap to learn Open Dead Zone, but Jasper already decided it wasn't worth the risk, so he blew up Makyo Star! The way this works is that you use a technique like for example Kamehameha that can destroy a planet and then you have to wait three turns before the Planet blows up. So there was still time! However Lisette just transformed to Super Namekian! Which means she completed her second objective. Whenever someone completes an objective you have to draw an Event Card. Which can be good or bad. And it was bad this time. She drew General Blue.

Temporary Artwork

The General Blue event card will make the last active character (her Super Namekian) paralyzed for three turns. Which means there was no way anymore. It was over. All my characters were out and she only had a measely Earthling who hadn't trained at all on Planet Earth.
All was lost. Until Lisette's Earthling drew some Earth Items and drew "Dr. Gero's Spy Robot". I screamed. There WAS a way out!


Lisette's Namekian could rush over to Earth (the paralysis had just ended) land at her Earthling character, use "Dr. Gero's Spy Robot" to learn "Open Deadzone" from Jasper's Super Saiyan 3 character and then BAM, we'd all be out again! I could probably then still use Instant Transmission to get out of there and hopefully to Kami's Lookout and win the game! It was my Last Chance. Gettit? Ok. Jasper had absolutely NO IDEA how we could possibly escape the Dead Zone. To him it was perfect, there was no way he could not lose at that point, so while we were excitedly celebrating our escape before we actually did, he tried to figure out what our secret was, but he couldn't. At this point we deduced that Jasper's final objective was to "Destroy 3 Planets", because he had already started randomly destroying planets, so we had a deadline! Everything went according to plan and Lisette's Namekian landed on the same spot as her Earthling, they exchanged items, opened the Dead Zone and there we were!
Our celebration was short-lasting. Jasper had taken the time to learn Instant Transmission too, just before he had destroyed Planet Yardrat. He Instant Transmissioned to us and opened the Dead Zone AGAIN. When you open the Dead Zone you do a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors for every character on that spot. Every character that loses gets sucked up in the Dead Zone.


However there are three items called "Rock", "Paper" and "Scissors" which you can use to change the outcome of one of those games of Rock, Paper, Scissors. And he had already gotten two and together with some luck he trapped my Saiyan, Lisette's Android, Super Namekian AND the Earthling back into the Dead Zone and then our fate was sealed. It was over. Jasper had won.

Even though we lost, that was damned tense O__O This is the kind of stuff that can happen in these games and just makes me excited to do it again!

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by worldmonsters » Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:21 pm


We played another game today, so time for a super short story :) Well we played three, but the last one was definitely the most fun. Casper, a newcomer who really liked the game :D, hadn't been very subtle in trying to put us into the Electronic Jar with his Android who had learned Mafuba. We correctly assumed that it was his last objective. So we stopped him in the best possible way. By killing all our own characters :D


I love playing this game so much XD

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by MondoCool » Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:29 pm

Absolutely incredible project - this very much so needs to be a thing.

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by SirTorra » Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:48 am

Is there any way for me to help? Would love to be involved in this. It looks like a lot of fun

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Re: Dragon Ball Last Chance The Boardgame

Post by worldmonsters » Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:52 am

MondoCool wrote:Absolutely incredible project - this very much so needs to be a thing.
Thank you!! We truly hope it will be a thing one day, but I think there are two possibilites to make it an actual thing (publish it). First we get turned down almost immediately because it's too complicated (either to play or to publish). Or second, they'd want to alter it until it no longer resembles the boardgame that we intend it to be.

The best thing we'd probably be able to offer is giving away all the files. The rules booklet, the sheets for printing it yourself, the board(we have however made this on A4 and not American Letter, so I hope that won't be a problem cause we've been pretty close to the edge on most of our things) and instructions on how to put it all together. This can be timeconsuming and possibly expensive to do yourself. But nothing is really stopping us from doing that, apart from that we're not done yet :)
SirTorra wrote:Is there any way for me to help? Would love to be involved in this. It looks like a lot of fun
Thank you, we super appreciate it, but I don't think there's anything you can really help us with. We're both from the Netherlands so playtesting would be hard. Also I'm pretty strict on the artwork, which I'm all doing myself, that if you want to help me with that I'd really really need to think you can capture the Dragon Ball Online style. If there's anything you think you can offer that we haven't thought of, please tell!

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