Vic Mignogna

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by PhoenixEX » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:12 am

miguelnuva1 wrote:Can the Trump politics debate about presidents be kept out. This is about Vic and being accused of sexual assault.
Eh let them discuss their politics, it's kind of interesting to see what people have to say and it keeps the thread alive and traffic up since the Vic discussion itself is kind of done. Vic has been fired and the moderation team pretty much made it clear that they won't accept any pro-Vic arguments so there's really nothing to discuss.. unless you want to discuss the bias from the mods? But, again, you'll probably be censored one way or another.
Either way I'm on Monica's side. Vic always seemed to be that kind of guy where maybe he can be a little too endearing in person, but behind closed doors you just never really know.

Regarding politics, Bernie 2020 for sure. I have a feeling Donald Trump will win though, and AOC will run in 2024 (she'll be exactly 35) and will win by a landslide. I can't help but feel like everything is just rigged. I'm not a conspiracy theorist like a lot of people seem to be nowadays, but I definitely do believe that everything isn't as it really seems.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by VegettoEX » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:24 am

What, pray tell, could possibly be a/your legitimate pro-Vic argument? I would honestly love to know at this point.

As noted several times (by me. in direct answer to people. who specifically ask this. as recently as the last page.), this topic is far from over with direct fallout on actual productions in production that are being produced happening literally right now set to arrive on your doorstep in under two months.

General reminder that we cannot censor you. We are not your government. As such, we do not have to listen to bullshit.

Also, yes, after being presented with all of the evidence it appears we are indeed biased and treated a thread about sexual assault differently than we treated a thread about some dude being petty. Allow the record to show this bias. (That this needs to be said at all is ridiculous to me, and ties in with the consistently-cited lack of priorities people seem to have.)
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by PhoenixEX » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:53 am

VegettoEX wrote:What, pray tell, could possibly be a/your legitimate pro-Vic argument? I would honestly love to know at this point.

As noted several times (by me. in direct answer to people. who specifically ask this.), this topic is far from over with direct fallout on actual productions in production that are being produced happening literally right now set to arrive on your doorstep in under two months.

General reminder that we cannot censor you. We are not your government. As such, we do not have to listen to bullshit.

Also, yes, after being presented with all of the evidence it appears we are indeed biased and treated a thread about sexual assault differently than we treated a thread about some dude being petty. Allow the record to show this bias.
My bad, I should have probably worded that better. I was riding on the coattails of the more outspoken members on here. However, what I will say is that before Monica Rial came out with her statement there was nothing solid to pin Vic to the chair other than a bunch of accusations that could have been false. That's not coming from me, but from the pro-Vic fans out there. Like I told Sean in a DM, he shouldn't have been harsh on fans that were pro-Vic because they just didn't understand. To them it's like they viewed it as someone says something and boom, their career is ruined. The fans wanted proof of some kind that Vic really was a sleaze but all they got was "we're not able to disclose the findings of this investigation" from FUNi and from the voice actors due to legal reasons. It also didn't help that there were people faking things and making things up, which Monica herself came out against. I basically told Sean that Monica had come out with some sort of personal statement (even though it might have been hard for her), which she did, or to just stop replying to pro-Vic fans and let the situation die down on its own. I'm not saying I supported pro-Vic fans, just that I understood where they might have been coming from.

I've always thought that the best leaders were the ones who've strived to understand both sides. I'm a finance Major but I definitely do plan on delving into the political world once I have the appropriate means, financing and support from networking with the well-connected. I've definitely met some interesting people in my lifetime and, without a doubt, I know I can make a difference. I just wanted Sean and others to understand that it was important to understand both sides before harshly replying to people.

Although the situation is nowhere similar, it's the same with Donald Trump. I don't agree with anything he says or anything he does, but I do understand where his supporters might be coming from. I do understand that the average American may have felt left out by corporate big-wigs. Trump was just the unfortunate response to have come out of that. I definitely don't believe that Nationalism is the answer (I'm personally pro-Globalism) but I do understand how people can be swayed into that narrative.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by jelleline89 » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:59 am

Ok, let me phrase this in the clearest way possible. I brought up the Kamehacon situation because I'm pointing out an inconsistency between the two events. Both events centered around a voice actor under fire for their action (yes, the allegations Vic is facing is much worse but let me finish.) but one thread was locked when it got out of control and the other didn't.

Both threads brought out nasty exchanges between users as well as a large degree of drama. So what warranted the locking of the Kamehacon thread? Because how I see it, the Kamehacon was on a similar level of toxicity within user discussion but pertained to a far lesser issue than the one here. It just seems odd to me that a thread derailing towards a disagreement between two voice actors warranted a lock but the derailment here towards politics and direct attacks towards users has been allowed up to this point.

That's all I'm trying to figure out here.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by VegettoEX » Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:04 am

PhoenixEX: Thanks. At this point (and at many points long before this), it's no longer a "both sides" kind of thing. I don't have the quote in front of me (so I'm going to mangle it), and it's only tangentially-related because as much as we try to uphold those values while transcribing video game information out of a children's magazine, we're not an actual journalistic outlet, but it goes something like:

When one side tells you the sky is blue, and the other side tells you the sky is orange, it's your job to look the fuck outside for yourself and tell people what color the sky is.

jelleline89: I'm on my third attempt at explaining to you and conceding that these threads were handled differently because one was regarding some dude being petty about a convention and one was about sexual assault. I'm sorry this is not the "Gotcha!" moment you seem to be looking for, but it's just not. I'm not going to explain our moderation any more.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by PhoenixEX » Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:10 am

VegettoEX wrote:PhoenixEX: Thanks. At this point (and at many points long before this), it's no longer a "both sides" kind of thing. I don't have the quote in front of me (so I'm going to mangle it), and it's only tangentially-related because as much as we try to uphold those values while transcribing video game information out of a children's magazine, we're not an actual journalistic outlet, but it goes something like:

When one side tells you the sky is blue, and the other side tells you the sky is orange, it's your job to look the fuck outside for yourself and tell people what color the sky is.
I like that. I'm definitely going to remember that one.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Kokonoe » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:39 pm

This thread is worthwhile cause it's a on-going situation effecting the series we all know and love. It's certainly not finished just because the site doesn't tolerate clearly problematic views. Simply put if you do not like this thread don't post in it. Others like myself are quite enjoying keeping up with the latest news surrounding it especially so in my case as Vic was my hero voice acting wise.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Son Dragon » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:47 pm

I think I'll keep my opinions on it a little while longer. However in other news how is this suppose to play out court.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by XanatosVanBadass » Sat Mar 02, 2019 1:20 pm

The problem with “both sides” is it comes from an implication that the StandWithVic side isn’t being heard or understood. This is inaccurate as we get it. We understand that side VERY well. They’re just asshols who should shut up. Remember, not every opinion is equally valid. Hell, I’d argue objectively most views aren’t equal in many instances. I think the problem with political discourse is the left is too nice. That’s why you get walked over.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Son Dragon » Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:08 pm

XanatosVanBadass wrote:The problem with “both sides” is it comes from an implication that the StandWithVic side isn’t being heard or understood. This is inaccurate as we get it. We understand that side VERY well. They’re just asshols who should shut up. Remember, not every opinion is equally valid. Hell, I’d argue objectively most views aren’t equal in many instances. I think the problem with political discourse is the left is too nice. That’s why you get walked over.
On twitter maybe, on youtube maybe, but not here, not really, not from what I've seen. Heck we don't even know if they are on that side. Also I think there are some outliers here just as there are with some who believe the opposite. Furthermore not everyone who is on twitter can be so easily categorized, same goes for people on the opposite side, just like everyone here. For example there's one of the victum mentioned in the original ann article, who IIRC supports Vic Mignogna because her information was used falsely & incorrectly and without her permission, Which is an example of an outlier who shouldn't be lumped in with everyone less.

Personally I think issue just stems from has Vic Mignogna sexual assaulted someone. Many users have different definitions of what sexual assault actually is, of even what sexual harrasment is, who they believe and even of what's happening inside the context of the evidence everyone does have.

As for politically I couldn't tell you. I've had those thought regarding many situtations in life, however I'm not sure if this is supppsed to be the one.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Captain Awesome » Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:17 pm

Son Dragon wrote:I think I'll keep my opinions on it a little while longer. However in other news how is this suppose to play out court.
It most likely won't.

Think of it this way, Vic at this stage has essentially been "fired" for violating company policy; FUNimation would have a formal (or informal) code of conduct which after an internal investigation Vic was found in violation of and subsequently "let go". I use quotation marks because he's probably an independent contractor and he cannot be fired insomuch as he is not retained for work in the future. That said he may have had contracts with FUNimation for future work that he may have been found in breach of due to morality clauses or the aforementioned code of conduct.

He could certainly run a defamation suit (good luck haha) or possibly a unfair dismissal or breach of contract action depending on his employment situation, but again it wouldn't surprise me if FUNimation kept all their VAs as independent contractors.

As for the criminal courts that is all dependent on whether the victims wish to press charges, which is often unlikely as sexual assault cases are notoriously difficult to prosecute and extremely traumatising for the victims, especially in cases like this where a bunch of idiot children are weighing in and harassing those victims.

The long and short of it is this is won't be going to court, so don't expect this all to be ventilated by the court process. We know as much now about it as we probably ever will.

As such there is no "weighing of the evidence" for anyone here, you either have the baseline bare minimum level of humanity required to believe victims of sexual assault, or you don't.

So if you find yourself siding with a serial abuser and a cabal of horrible, stupid cruel little children either you're deeply and tragically naive, or there is something very wrong with you.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Fionordequester » Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:50 pm

Captain Awesome wrote:I think I'll keep my opinions on it a little while longer. However in other news how is this suppose to play out court.

It most likely won't.

Think of it this way, Vic at this stage has essentially been "fired" for violating company policy; FUNimation would have a formal (or informal) code of conduct which after an internal investigation Vic was found in violation of and subsequently "let go". I use quotation marks because he's probably an independent contractor and he cannot be fired insomuch as he is not retained for work in the future. That said he may have had contracts with FUNimation for future work that he may have been found in breach of due to morality clauses or the aforementioned code of conduct.

He could certainly run a defamation suit (good luck haha) or possibly a unfair dismissal or breach of contract action depending on his employment situation, but again it wouldn't surprise me if FUNimation kept all their VAs as independent contractors.
Oh yeah?! W-well...l-look at this!!

VIC MIGNONGA LAWYERS REVEALED! KICKVIC And Monica Rial Story Inconsistencies

VIC MIGNONGA! LAWYERS REVEALED! IN ALLLL CAPS!! Not just regular case, but in ALL CAPS!! That's how you know it's SERIOUS!!

Whaddaya think of that, huh?
Kataphrut wrote:It's a bit of a Boy Who Cried Wolf situation to me...Basically, the boy shouldn't have cried wolf when the wolves just wanted to Go See Yamcha. If not, they might have gotten some help when the wolves came back to Make the Donuts.
Chuquita wrote:I liken Gokû Black to "guy can't stand his job, so instead of quitting and finding a job he likes, he instead sets fire not only to his workplace so he doesn't have to work there, but tries setting fire to every store in the franchise of that company".

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Shaddy » Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:23 pm

I was really hoping that was just gonna be a rickroll.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Fionordequester » Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:32 pm

Shaddy wrote:I was really hoping that was just gonna be a rickroll.
Ah...sadly, I am not creative enough to have thought of that. Nor would I have been creative enough to intentionally misspell his name :P .
Kataphrut wrote:It's a bit of a Boy Who Cried Wolf situation to me...Basically, the boy shouldn't have cried wolf when the wolves just wanted to Go See Yamcha. If not, they might have gotten some help when the wolves came back to Make the Donuts.
Chuquita wrote:I liken Gokû Black to "guy can't stand his job, so instead of quitting and finding a job he likes, he instead sets fire not only to his workplace so he doesn't have to work there, but tries setting fire to every store in the franchise of that company".

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Kokonoe » Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:52 pm

Fionordequester wrote:Oh yeah?! W-well...l-look at this!!

VIC MIGNONGA LAWYERS REVEALED! KICKVIC And Monica Rial Story Inconsistencies

VIC MIGNONGA! LAWYERS REVEALED! IN ALLLL CAPS!! Not just regular case, but in ALL CAPS!! That's how you know it's SERIOUS!!

Whaddaya think of that, huh?
What a bunch of "snowflakes".

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Kunzait_83 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:16 pm

PhoenixEX wrote:Regarding politics, Bernie 2020 for sure. I have a feeling Donald Trump will win though, and AOC will run in 2024 (she'll be exactly 35) and will win by a landslide. I can't help but feel like everything is just rigged. I'm not a conspiracy theorist like a lot of people seem to be nowadays, but I definitely do believe that everything isn't as it really seems.
PhoenixEX wrote:I've always thought that the best leaders were the ones who've strived to understand both sides. I'm a finance Major but I definitely do plan on delving into the political world once I have the appropriate means, financing and support from networking with the well-connected. I've definitely met some interesting people in my lifetime and, without a doubt, I know I can make a difference. I just wanted Sean and others to understand that it was important to understand both sides before harshly replying to people.
"I can't help but get the sense that politics is rigged in some way." followed in literally the very next post by "I want to get into politics myself, but am working on establishing financial connections with powerful people in the meanwhile."

I honestly can't even add anything more to this. The irony is so rich and thick, you could drizzle it over pancakes.

Needless to say, Bernie 2020 for sure: but the longterm goal for candidates like him (and for many of the people who support him) is to get all of the moneyed influence the fuck OUT of the political system (which is ultimately where all of the "rigging" fundamentally stems from). If you both support people like Sanders and AOC, yet don't understand that money in the political system is the underlying crux of what those two are fighting against (and what in turn is ultimately fighting against THEM succeeding), then you also don't understand the fundamental most important reason for exactly WHY so many people are supporting them in the first place.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: Vic Mignogna - An Objective View

Post by Son Dragon » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:02 pm

I thought this was pretty good video on the subect. Very objective pointed a few things I didn't know. Well balanced. Also sorry however I'm not going to transcribe it.

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Re: Vic Mignogna - An Objective View

Post by Scsigs » Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:13 am

Son Dragon wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:02 pm

I thought this was pretty good video on the subject. Very objective pointed a few things I didn't know. Well balanced. Also sorry however I'm not going to transcribe it.
"A video that goes over this topic, goes over what's happened, & claims to be objective? Why would we listen to this person?" Says at least on person in this thread.

After watching the video: Wow. Lots to think about here. Still hate that Vic had to go through this & I agree with most of the sentiments towards the end of it & emplore everyone to watch it.
Only dubs that matter are DB, Kai, & Super. Nothing else.
Vic Mignogna: Good actor & singer, but a MAJOR douchebag & idiot.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by SMKirbyZX » Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:15 am

Here's a livestream of an interview with Vic's Lead Counsel if anyone's interested.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Captain Awesome » Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:01 am

SMKirbyZX wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:15 am Here's a livestream of an interview with Vic's Lead Counsel if anyone's interested.

This is exactly the kind of ridiculous cowboy shit other common law jurisdictions laugh at. The host is literally comparing "SJWs" to the KKK.

Edit I just did my best out of morbid curiosity as to what kind of action they were going to bring, but I couldn't suffer through the stream any longer - it was just a string of self satisfied nonsensical guffawing.
