Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Discussion specifically regarding the "Dragon Ball Super" TV series premiering July 2015 in Japan, including individual threads for each episode.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Kataphrut » Wed May 22, 2019 7:14 pm

1: I mean, it makes hardly any difference because of the outcome. I guess I'll go manga since it had a better version of the "forgetting the seal" joke.

2. Again, it's barely a point of difference.

3. Anime, definitely. Going back to the Piccolo gi is just regressive fanservice.

4. Anime. GoDs fighting is a cool idea, but it doesn't do much to set up the coming tournament. The Universe 9 fight gives characterisation to some of the opponents, sets up Gohan's arc, gives Buu some needed shine and most importantly establishes the stakes and circumstances of the tournament.

5. Anime. It's a cute C3PO/R2D2 reference.

6. Anime. Goku being "even" with the second strongest guy is funnily enough a better way to establish tension and stakes than him being weaker in my opinion. Being even with Toppo makes the idea of Jiren a challenge, being weaker than him makes Jiren seem unattainable.

7. Honestly, they're both bad. Is it more of a slap in the face to consider Yamcha but still pick Freeza over him, or to just not consider him at all? I guess I'll go manga since it didn't indulge in cruel jokes at his expense the way the anime did.

8. Anime. Manga version of that fight was crap. I like the idea of Hit stepping in after Goku goes down, it's like he's paying him back for helping against Dyspo earlier. Incidentally, that was also a better rivals team-up fight than Hit and Goku v Jiren in the manga.

9. Anime, though her considering Krillin attractive would have fit with the reversed standards of beauty angle they were going for with Universe 2. But that fight and the enmity between them was better in the anime.

10. Anime. Anilaza losing to Kale only works because you know how strong he was in the anime, and that Toyotaro was using her elimination spree as an outlet for his Broly fanboyism once he learned he wasn't going to be allowed to adapt the movie.

11. Anime. Gohan had an arc in that version, in the manga it was a cheap fanservice win that came out of nowhere. Also again, Toyotaro liked Broly so much, he made the fused version weaker.

12. Anime. Having the final fighters of U2 and 6 turn out to be nobodies instead of established characters was a nice little twist.

13. Manga. It was an awful idea to take out Two and Six before Three and Four. They couldn't carry the tension or the dramatic weight left. Three gets a bit of a pass for making Anilaza a crazy-strong climax boss, but Four's ep was garbage.

14. Her reaction was really awkward in the anime, so as far as I'm concerned, there's no difference. Credit to the anime for trying I guess.

15. Anime. The ending montage of everyone gathered in their homeworlds was a nice sequence.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Lord Beerus » Wed May 22, 2019 8:29 pm

1. The Mafuba scenario felt like filler in both mediums. The anime has the wonderfully surreal moment of Future Trunks learning the Mafuba from seeing a phone recording of Piccolo doing it. The manga has the context of Goku, well, going through with actually using the technique in combat. I suppose I would go with the Anime's take on that because of the catharsis provided in Zamasu being brought down a peg with the aid of muggle (Future Mai) and the great dramatic irony it provided. Also, fuck the whole "Goku doesn't bring the seal" tidbit. That was so unflattering to Goku's character.
Manga: 0
Anime: 1

2. The Anime's version by FAR is better. Primarily because Fused Zamasu' threat expanded not just throughout Future Trunks universe, but to other timelines, so Zeno going overkill has some justification in the anime. Fused Zamasu, as a potential threat, was rooted to one planet. So Zeno nuking Future Trunks' entire timeline when he's made aware of Fused Zamasu destruction of the planet in the manga was uncalled for and pretty fucked up.
Manga: 0
Anime: 2

3. Don't care about Gohan's choice of gi, in all honesty. Did nothing for Gohan's character in the original manga and does nothing for him in Super. I guess the Anime wins by default because at least it didn't regress Gohan's character like Toyotara did.
Manga: 0
Anime: 3

4. I love both version of the Zen Exhibition Match. The 12 Hakaishin skirmish is one of Toyotaros best fights in the entire manga. And I enjoyed the strategy involved in Goku and Gohan's battles against Bergamo and Lavender. Plus, the anime gave us Majin Boo's first real battle (which was awesome).
Manga: 1
Anime: 4

5. Don't care for this either way.
Manga: 1
Anime: 4

6. I enjoyed both takes on the Goku/Toppo fight. They achieved what they set out to do, which was give a taste of the immense challenges that Goku will face in the TOP, while also hyping up Jiren.
Manga: 2
Anime: 5

7. The anime seemed to get some weird pleasure out of jerking around Yamcha, which didn't sit will with me at all. Toyotaro kept the teasing of Yamcha being in the TOP far more simple and less mean-spirited. But in general, I didn't like the story teasing Yamcha being involved.
Manga: 2
Anime: 5

8. Hit was horribly written in the manga, making his elimination carry no weight or impact on the story. Hit in the anime, was treated as not only a formidable opponent, but also integral to Universe 6. Which made his confrontation with Jiren all the more intriguing and his defeat all the more shocking at that time.
Manga: 2
Anime: 6

9. The gag with Ribrianne remarking Krillin's appearances worked fine in both mediums.
Manga: 3
Anime: 7

10. Aniraza was one of the few minor characters who really felt like an actual obstacle to overcome for the team in the anime. He made the story incorporate teamwork and strategic thinking into the manner of his defeat and had a versatile moveset. Aniraza is barely a character in the manga. In fact, he was more of a prop to hype up Kale. Which would have worked fine if Aniraza was made out to seem like a formidable opponent in the first place, but Toyotaro dropped the ball on that one.
Manga: 3
Anime: 8

11. Gohan's battle with Kefla was fucking stupid. It was a power scaling mess that had Kefla uncharacteristically shilling out Universe 7, and ended in a double knockout, which both undermined Kefla and provided no resolution for Gohan. I willing gladly take Gohan being more of a leader and working with Freeza to take down Dypso over that shit.
Manga: 3
Anime: 9

12. Episode 118 was one of the Super anime's best episodes, for how it made the erasure of Universe 6 and 2 so emotional and palpable. And even the battles that precede that episode with Ribrianne and Kefla were wonderful to watch. In comparison, in the manga, the defeat of Kefla and subsequent erasure of Universe 6, was anticlimactic and made me despise Champa. So... yeah.
Manga: 3
Anime: 10

13. Didn't give a flying fuck about Universe 4, and there were only two characters I gave a shit about in Universe 3, and that was specifically for their anime incarnations.
Manga: 3
Anime: 10

14. The fake out of #17 blowing himself in the manga was a pretty neat character beat, but it's so contrived with how it plays into the final battle. I also had a major issue with how #18 seemingly didn't give a shit about seeing her brother potentially die in front of her. And while I enjoyed the drama of #17 gambling with his life in last ditch attempt to save Goku and Vegeta in the anime, the circumstances of his survival were poorly written.
Manga: 3
Anime: 10

15. Episode 131 of the anime is legitimately one of the finest all-around episodes so the Dragon Ball anime series. So topping that, let alone matching it's quality, was always going to be difficult for Toyotaro. The ending in the manga is certainly acceptable, but nothing home to write about.
Manga: 3
Anime: 11

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Rakurai » Wed May 22, 2019 9:23 pm

VegettoEX wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 11:32 am
Every single post garners additional posts, when it otherwise would just be harmless crazies shouting into the void, quickly shuffled to the next page and forgotten. Gotta pick your battles.

As for the sequel/canonical/etc. monikers, reminder that Jake and I did an updated version of this discussion back on podcast episode 457, which of course includes the aforementioned example.

(The North America Tour / Tokyo Skytree display is talked about beginning at 21:40, but I would encourage you to listen to the whole thing to understand the context for when we get to that part.)
Your vernacular escapes me sometimes. I had a hard time understanding the point of your first sentence.

I listened to a bit of that (sorry, podcasts are not really my thing in general but I might try to listen to one when I'm at the gym in the near future).

And Herms/Jake is absolutely correct, in the DB Japanese fandom they use the term 'parallel world' (パラレルワールド) to refer to other works as opposed to this 'canon' vs 'not canon' labeling. You also see this labeling in the Gundam series among the JP fandom (the seishi or official history stuff at the very least). And it certainly has less negative connotation because in general, Japanese ppl try not to insult each other's preferences, whereas Western fans give no fucks and will fling the term 'non-canon' around as if the 'non-canon' stuff is supposed to be trash, ignored, etc.

Just like how RebelYeh tries to unnecessarily flame these anime vs. manga wars by calling one true which implies the other is fake. Because that's worked so much wonders for the latest DBS film, which features SSG Vegeta and no KK-Blueku or Sparkles Vegeta. Funnily enough, he doesn't bother mentioning such important distinctions, like SSG-SSB switcheroo and the different ways that Goku/Vegeta battle the climax antagonist. Because he probably knows that it would break his headcanon of anime = true since the Broly films shits on those anime events.

Anyways I made my point. I just don't like how some ppl in the fandom unnecessarily have to give some sort of special distinction to their preference like it's supposed to be inherently the more relevant one.
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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by theTUN » Wed May 22, 2019 10:19 pm

I prefer the manga’s version of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga at least.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by ZeroNeonix » Thu May 23, 2019 5:31 am

The manga is no less canon than the anime. Toriyama gives both TOEI and Toyotaro his plot outlines, and they independently fill in the blanks. It does annoy me that the manga started off as an advertisement for BoG, and then just skips Resurrection F. Clearly, some poor planning on behalf of whoever was responsible for those decisions. But since it has evolved into its own thing, I actually prefer it over the anime from what I've seen. I haven't gotten to the ToP, but I've read the Zamasu and the recent original story available online. IMO, the anime version of the Zamasu arc was a complete mess. It made no sense. The manga does a much better job of explaining the time traveling involved. Trunks' new transformation in the anime was both pointless and unexplained (or even properly named within the show). I mean seriously, they never bothered to tell us what it was. In the manga's version of the events, Trunks essentially became the new Kibito after helping the Supreme Kai defeat Buu, and he has healing abilities as a result. Honestly, I think Toriyama's outline was probably the source of a lot of the arc's problems, but Toyotaro did a much better job with it than TOEI.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by TobyS » Thu May 23, 2019 8:31 am

VegettoEX wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 6:00 pm
Rakurai wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 5:42 pm Bait thread.
Nokra wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 5:46 pmBait thread.
If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
Refering to one as "true" and forcing other commentors to accept that premise is inherently baity and shitty. OP knows that and as such doesn't really deserve thought out replies.

I guess you are just saying "put a more thought out reply" but like if it's a standards thing, then you should nuke the bad faith thread entirely honestly.

But that's just my 2 zeni, it's your forum...
Yamcha almost certainly did not cheat on Bulma:
He was afraid of Women, Bulma was the flirty one.
Yamcha wanted to get married (it was his gonna be his wish)
He suggested they settle down in the Trunks saga.
Alternate future Trunks is not a reliable source.
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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by VegettoEX » Thu May 23, 2019 8:35 am

TobyS wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 8:31 amRefering to one as "true" and forcing other commentors to accept that premise is inherently baity and shitty. OP knows that and as such doesn't really deserve thought out replies.

I guess you are just saying "put a more thought out reply" but like if it's a standards thing, then you should nuke the bad faith thread entirely honestly.

But that's just my 2 zeni, it's your forum...
Then, correct, make a good-faith post explaining your position and acknowledging your rejection of the original premise.

We don't just delete in-universe analysis because we don't agree with them. If it's truly nutso, no-one will reply and they'll fade away. If there's something there, well, either join the conversation or don't! "Bait thread" doesn't do anything other than making yourself and the community as a whole look foolish and needlessly-confrontational.
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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by TobyS » Thu May 23, 2019 8:48 am

Thani wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 3:00 pm Yeah, I prefer the anime overall, but the manga has little details that I just adore as well. The scaling of the manga, SSG being more used, the SSG-Blue variation, CSSB, Black having SSj, etc.

What I do particularly dislike is the amazing and not at all subtle bias that Toyotaro have for Vegeta, it's really easy to see him as a creator's pet. That isn't bad in itself, see the trashing he gave Black for example, but it happens so much it hurts, and usually at the expense of the plot or other characters.
I couldn't disagree more. As a vegeta hater I actually prefer Toyo's vegeta. He's much more likeable and mature. "With me now Kakarot" "thanks 17 you saved us all" (paraphrased) "I'm sorry I did genocide" (paraphrased)

His stand against Jiren was wanky as hell, using his last scrap of power while Jiren just humours him and then still giving power to Goku (so Goku's acheivement after are part Vegetas) The anime wanks him way more imo. He beat up black in the anime too.

His extra fight with Beerus was cool and Beerus did turn around and own him.

I really prefer the manga. I honestly think the anime being more stimulating, (colour, sound, movement) gives it an unfair advantage, let alone coming out first and being ahead.

The Manga started out as promotional but has it's own legs now. Toriyama clearly has more back and forth with Toyo than he does with Toei. Even if it was "worse" provably it'd still feel more "true". DBS feels like a spin off like GT. The manga feels like real Dragonball, for better or worse.

The only thing the manga is missing is the Freeza fight which is boring AF IMO. RoF sucked.

I also feel God Vegeta being used in animation is BECAUSE it was used in the manga. The anime bought red god back after the manga did, and the movie bought it back because the manga did and the anime did (because of the manga) so we have the manga to thank imo.
Yamcha almost certainly did not cheat on Bulma:
He was afraid of Women, Bulma was the flirty one.
Yamcha wanted to get married (it was his gonna be his wish)
He suggested they settle down in the Trunks saga.
Alternate future Trunks is not a reliable source.
Toriyama wanted new SSJ Kids and not make new characters.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Hugo Boss » Thu May 23, 2019 9:39 am

1. Anime. Future Trunks doing it gave him and Mai more importance in that scene, it felt emotionally great. Piccolo doing a tutorial was awesome.

2. Anime. Zamas breaching into the other timelines was an entirely new thing. The manga version reminded me a lot of Meta Cooler movie, which I didn’t like all that much.

3. Manga. I prefer Piccolo’s gi on Gohan and it reminds me of his best version of all time.

4. Manga. Zen exhibition matches in the anime spoiled skills from Universe 9 fighters that they didn’t take advantage in the tournament. They could have saved those fights for later. Seeing all the Gods fighting was much better and helps to justify the reason Zeno doesn’t want them in the tournament.

5. Manga. It makes more sense for Ea to understand Mosco, given that he appears to be intellectual.

6. Manga. Goku showing all his transformations was cool and him losing made him learn to not understimate the other universes.

7. Anime. Not thinking about Yamcha as an option was funny.

8. Anime. Hit fighting alone suits him more and his time cage felt OP.

9. Manga. Considering Krillin attractive sounds like something Toriyama would do.

10. Anime. It gave a good moment for No.17 and the skills Anilasa showed were interesting.

11. Anime. Gohan knocking out Kefla felt unearned. Beating Dyspo with strategy was much better end for him.

12. Manga. Don’t like the namekians from Universe 6 at all, they feel generic. Kefla should have been the last and be defeated by Ultra Instinct as it was in the anime.

13. Anime. It was interesting to see what Universe 3 and 4 accomplished so far and they weren’t all powerhouses.

14. Manga. No.18 should have realized that No.17 was lying.

15. Anime. The fighters being brought back to their respective universes was beautiful. They seeing Super Shenlong far and wondering about who saved them.

Anime 8 x 7 Manga

It seems I’m divided :lol:

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by TobyS » Thu May 23, 2019 9:55 am

Difference 1
Manga version: Goku is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu
Anime version: Future Trunks is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu

Goku learning it off Roshi makes more sense than Trunks learning it of a samsung galaxy. Although I do miss Piccolo being involved.

Difference 2
Manga version: Future Zeno erases the entire timeline of Future Trunks
Anime version: Future Zeno just erases all the universes of Future Trunks’ timeline instead of erasing the entire timeline itself

This isn't a difference. It might not have explained this as well but that's clearly still what he did in the manga seeing as the entire time ring poofs out. Otherwise you'd move into the void and still be able to get to the other universes from there. Plus Future Zeno wouldn't have left the other universes.... and I misread what you said. Yeah leaving a void where all of it is is pointless. The ring poofing showing there is nothing left is much more tidy.

Difference 3
Manga version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Piccolo in the ToP (sans turban and cape)
Anime version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Goku in the ToP

Real dad FTW go manga XD but Piccolo whipped him into shape again not Goku so it makes more sense in the manga. So I guess obth work for both, but Piccolo suit is better just for beng an outfit change and fits with the whole "I'm not going for Blue I'm doing my own thing. Wearing his Piccolos suit instead of BlueKu's clothes sorta fits nicer with that.

Difference 4
Manga version: The Zeno exhibition match involves all of the Gods of Destruction
Anime version: The Zeno exhibition match involves three fighters from Universe 7 matched up against three fighters from Universe 9

Good to see the GoD's in action and establish their relationships. The Mortals will fight soon enough anway. I do like that Buu got to do something but that ended up worse as it ended up being more of a tease/bait. The manga makes up for this with the recent chapter anyway so Manga again for me. You don't get the problem of the wolves under-performing in the ToP and Gohan kinda being still despite training a bit after RoF and as Saiyaman filler inconsistencies.

Difference 5
Manga version: Ea is fully capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds
Anime version: Ea is not capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds, requiring Campani’s translation to help him understand

I can't remember who these characters are. You mean the squeaky robot GoD with the guy in the hatch... It'd make sense he can communicate with his team and Angel. Anything else is impractical... We know universal translators exist, and there' a galactic standard language at least in U7.

Difference 6
Manga version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends with Top defeating Goku by ring-out
Anime version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends in a draw

Can't ever have Goku lose or look bad!" - Anime staff. Being cocky and carelss is a Goku tradition. If you disagree look at your beloved Anime RoF's... Goku losing AND being told Jiren is stronger creates a sense of peril second only to Raditz's "and there's TWO MORE BOTH STRONGER THAN ME" thing.

Difference 7
Manga version: Yamcha is considered as a tenth member by the U7 team
Anime version: Yamcha is never considered as a tenth member by the U7 team

It absolutely makes no sense Roshi got that strong/was chosen over Yamcha/Chaozu nor that they'd forget him.
Toyo makes it make the most sense at all possible by them remembering him last minute, having Ten who arrived last not forget him at all.
Also the anime makes Yamcha look even worse by pretending to be busy and hoping they beg him last minute like an arrogant ass. He can sense chi, he knows he's weaker than most of the rest so he doesn't have the strength to back up that arrogance, he was always a more polite humble dude than that. The whole anime handling is retarded.

Difference 8
Manga version: Hit fights alongside Goku against Jiren
Anime version: Hit fights by himself against Jiren

Goku works with others later in the anime so this just makes him look like he's being a dick to hit. And more irresponsible given how flukily and narrowly they win against Jiren later.

Difference 9
Manga version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be exceptionally attractive
Anime version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be highly unattractive

The mangas joke was funnier and unexpeted at the time which is better. But it also actually makes more sense. If she is ugly by earth standards and considers 18 ugly, than the conventionally weird looking Kuririn being attractive too makes sense.

Difference 10
Manga version: Aniraza is a weakling who is easily defeated by Kale
Anime version: Aniraza is a powerhouse who gives Frieza, Android 17, Android 18, Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan a good amount of trouble.

Anizara being that tough but them not being significantly unfairly tired against U11 makes no sense. Either Ani wasn't that strong after all or U11 are cheap cowards. And It just contributes to the stupid infnite stamina/stamina/wounds mean nothing shit the anime kept pulling.
We saw from Frost that going all out can knock a lot of people out before guranteeing your own defeat, so although I'd rather see fodder fight fodder or humans fight fodder it made sense.

Difference 11
Manga version: Gohan is eliminated when he and Kefla knock each other out of the ring
Anime version: Gohan is eliminated when he sacrifices himself to eliminate Dyspo, with the help of Frieza

Like it or not Gohan has had huge potential, it's been a plot point numerous times. BoG felt like an entire contrived plotline to put Goku back above Gohan and Gotenks in a somewhat plausible way. But this creates the problem of the greater-potentialed Gohan either just getting God too or being able to get there anyway if other non god characters can too (Hit Freeza). Unlike the Anime Gohan has been training again for longer. (And possibly didn't get AS weak in the first place too).

Kale was not as wanked in the first Place. Golden Freeza commenting she's overdoing it and he thinks he can take her. Which makes the resultant Kefla less impressive. So Gohan is stronger (and way more experienced/trained) and Kefla is weaker and they meet in the middle. Makes much more sense and although it's off screen due to lack of time I like it. It prevents the excessive Goku wank AND the Goku can regain all his energy and get it back again for no reason bullshit. Also with that in mind it makes Gohan truly usefull, if Goku had to expend energy fighting her he'd have less for Jiren and probably lose. Much nicer.

Difference 12
Manga version: Kefla is the last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated
Anime version: Saonel and Pirina are the last Universe 6 fighters to be eliminated, with Kefla being the third to last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated instead

Shock! I kinda sorta prefer the anime here, in terms of raw concept. Like stronger people shouldn't automatically be the last ones left if they fight also strong people. Although the anime has things work out too much in rule of cool that it breaks believeability it would have been neat to have Piccolo meet or at least comment on the Namekians. Perhaps the multimerge thing was Toei only and so it would make sense a non Piccolo Namek was fodder. Also people moan these new Saiyans are too strong without earning it, which I kinda get, but her owning half her own term made it a the kinda of mixed blessing that stopped it being OP overall. Downsides are cool. So maybe narrowly the anime here kinda. I just wish the manga had done more with them then it would be better I'm sure.

Difference 13
Manga version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 are erased very early in the ToP
Anime version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 stick around for quite a while, being erased very late in the ToP. They outlast even Universe 2 and Universe 6, which is extremely surprising because Universe 2 and Universe 6 are featured much, much more prominently in the ToP than Universe 3 and Universe 4.

I don't really care about order of elimanations there's a lot of luck and randomness with who bumps into who. I don't really have a preference. I guess the dread after an erasure was done better in the anime but that's only due to time factor the manga didn't have.

Difference 14
Manga version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is nonchalant over his supposed death
Anime version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is distraught over his supposed death

18 is quite stoic even if she did think he died I'm sure she could control herself. Not everyone reacts to tragic shit by immediatly crying. Sometimes your in shock and don't have a reaction till later when it kicks in.
I totally buy and like her knowing more than the others that it's fake. It reinforces their unique Cyborg/sibling bond. She knows he lost his bomb and neither, especially 17 had access to the advanced ki training to self destruct like vegeta or Chaozu. It's totes plausible.
18 being distraught is just like a cliche given she's a woman and too easy drama for the sake of drama anyway.

Difference 15
Manga version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into the tournament stands
Anime version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into their respective universes

Manga way better, they don't get to say goodbye to each other/see who won or anything like that. No closure for the losers.


Manga version:
Anime version:

The Manga had neat little bits like Gotenks beind SS3 (because duh he should be), Tenshinhan fishing the boys out of the water.
Humans and 18 not worfing themselves for no reason. Gohan in his Gi putting in more work than the anime. Other tellings had characters look bad to make others look good which I hate.

Manga version:
Anime version:

Roshi is just there due to beans, IIRC no line about leaving Yamcha behind.
Scaling in art. Piccolo is REALLY trouncing the fodder.
No pointless Piccolo death.
Gohan not getting owned by first form Freeza.
Piccolo not getting knocked down by NuZarbon 2 Electric Boogaloo.
Scaling better. Base Goku doesn't fight for long/1st Form Freeza didn't own Gohan.
No ring blast IIRC.
No allusion to ginyu frog filler.
No Kuririn PTSD. He's fought tougher people, showed up to fight Mecha Freeza with no issues.
Yamcha almost certainly did not cheat on Bulma:
He was afraid of Women, Bulma was the flirty one.
Yamcha wanted to get married (it was his gonna be his wish)
He suggested they settle down in the Trunks saga.
Alternate future Trunks is not a reliable source.
Toriyama wanted new SSJ Kids and not make new characters.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Tai Lung » Thu May 23, 2019 11:53 am

ZeroNeonix wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 5:31 am The manga is no less canon than the anime. Toriyama gives both TOEI and Toyotaro his plot outlines, and they independently fill in the blanks. It does annoy me that the manga started off as an advertisement for BoG, and then just skips Resurrection F. Clearly, some poor planning on behalf of whoever was responsible for those decisions. But since it has evolved into its own thing, I actually prefer it over the anime from what I've seen. I haven't gotten to the ToP, but I've read the Zamasu and the recent original story available online. IMO, the anime version of the Zamasu arc was a complete mess. It made no sense. The manga does a much better job of explaining the time traveling involved. Trunks' new transformation in the anime was both pointless and unexplained (or even properly named within the show). I mean seriously, they never bothered to tell us what it was. In the manga's version of the events, Trunks essentially became the new Kibito after helping the Supreme Kai defeat Buu, and he has healing abilities as a result. Honestly, I think Toriyama's outline was probably the source of a lot of the arc's problems, but Toyotaro did a much better job with it than TOEI.
that's because the zamasu arc is the best thing that did toyotaro.
is what many used to think .. when comparing both zamasu arc even I thought that, but is retract once compare both versions of the TOP arc that sincerely makes less sense in the manga, I do not spoiler, but I give an idea.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Zamasu55 » Thu May 23, 2019 12:14 pm

Rebel_Yeh wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 5:33 pm I’m going to list several DBS differences between the manga version and the true version (by true version, I mean the anime version*). I have not listed differences from the BoG and RoF arcs of DBS, because I see the BoG and RoF movies as the true version of those arcs. I also didn’t feel there were really significant differences from the U6 arc of DBS. I am interested in knowing which versions of these events others prefer. Do you prefer the true version of the following DBS events over the manga version? If so/not, why?

Difference 1
Manga version: Goku is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu
True version: Future Trunks is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu

Difference 2
Manga version: Future Zeno erases the entire timeline of Future Trunks
True version: Future Zeno just erases all the universes of Future Trunks’ timeline instead of erasing the entire timeline itself

Difference 3
Manga version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Piccolo in the ToP (sans turban and cape)
True version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Goku in the ToP

Difference 4
Manga version: The Zeno exhibition match involves all of the Gods of Destruction
True version: The Zeno exhibition match involves three fighters from Universe 7 matched up against three fighters from Universe 9

Difference 5
Manga version: Ea is fully capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds
True version: Ea is not capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds, requiring Campani’s translation to help him understand

Difference 6
Manga version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends with Top defeating Goku by ring-out
True version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends in a draw

Difference 7
Manga version: Yamcha is considered as a tenth member by the U7 team
True version: Yamcha is never considered as a tenth member by the U7 team

Difference 8
Manga version: Hit fights alongside Goku against Jiren
True version: Hit fights by himself against Jiren

Difference 9
Manga version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be exceptionally attractive
True version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be highly unattractive

Difference 10
Manga version: Aniraza is a weakling who is easily defeated by Kale
True version: Aniraza is a powerhouse who gives Frieza, Android 17, Android 18, Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan a good amount of trouble.

Difference 11
Manga version: Gohan is eliminated when he and Kefla knock each other out of the ring
True version: Gohan is eliminated when he sacrifices himself to eliminate Dyspo, with the help of Frieza

Difference 12
Manga version: Kefla is the last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated
True version: Saonel and Pirina are the last Universe 6 fighters to be eliminated, with Kefla being the third to last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated instead

Difference 13
Manga version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 are erased very early in the ToP
True version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 stick around for quite a while, being erased very late in the ToP. They outlast even Universe 2 and Universe 6, which is extremely surprising because Universe 2 and Universe 6 are featured much, much more prominently in the ToP than Universe 3 and Universe 4.

Difference 14
Manga version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is nonchalant over his supposed death
True version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is distraught over his supposed death

Difference 15
Manga version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into the tournament stands
True version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into their respective universes

*I call the anime version the “true version” due to the anime being the main product and the manga acting as promotion for the anime.
1) Manga, becuase in the anime it didn't make any sense at all.

2) Anime, because we see for the first time what Zeno is capable of.

3) Manga, of course.

4) I liked both actually.

5) Manga.

6) Anime.

7) Manga, of course.

8) Manga all the way.

9) Manga, because it makes more sense.

10) Anime, of course.

11) Disliked both honestly.

12) Manga.

13) Don't care, honestly.

14) Anime, of course.

15) I actually liked the anime version better.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by ZombieVito » Fri May 24, 2019 1:36 am

Rebel_Yeh wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 5:33 pm I’m going to list several DBS differences between the manga version and the true version (by true version, I mean the anime version*). I have not listed differences from the BoG and RoF arcs of DBS, because I see the BoG and RoF movies as the true version of those arcs. I also didn’t feel there were really significant differences from the U6 arc of DBS. I am interested in knowing which versions of these events others prefer. Do you prefer the true version of the following DBS events over the manga version? If so/not, why?

Difference 1
Manga version: Goku is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu
True version: Future Trunks is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu

Difference 2
Manga version: Future Zeno erases the entire timeline of Future Trunks
True version: Future Zeno just erases all the universes of Future Trunks’ timeline instead of erasing the entire timeline itself

Difference 3
Manga version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Piccolo in the ToP (sans turban and cape)
True version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Goku in the ToP

Difference 4
Manga version: The Zeno exhibition match involves all of the Gods of Destruction
True version: The Zeno exhibition match involves three fighters from Universe 7 matched up against three fighters from Universe 9

Difference 5
Manga version: Ea is fully capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds
True version: Ea is not capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds, requiring Campani’s translation to help him understand

Difference 6
Manga version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends with Top defeating Goku by ring-out
True version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends in a draw

Difference 7
Manga version: Yamcha is considered as a tenth member by the U7 team
True version: Yamcha is never considered as a tenth member by the U7 team

Difference 8
Manga version: Hit fights alongside Goku against Jiren
True version: Hit fights by himself against Jiren

Difference 9
Manga version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be exceptionally attractive
True version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be highly unattractive

Difference 10
Manga version: Aniraza is a weakling who is easily defeated by Kale
True version: Aniraza is a powerhouse who gives Frieza, Android 17, Android 18, Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan a good amount of trouble.

Difference 11
Manga version: Gohan is eliminated when he and Kefla knock each other out of the ring
True version: Gohan is eliminated when he sacrifices himself to eliminate Dyspo, with the help of Frieza

Difference 12
Manga version: Kefla is the last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated
True version: Saonel and Pirina are the last Universe 6 fighters to be eliminated, with Kefla being the third to last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated instead

Difference 13
Manga version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 are erased very early in the ToP
True version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 stick around for quite a while, being erased very late in the ToP. They outlast even Universe 2 and Universe 6, which is extremely surprising because Universe 2 and Universe 6 are featured much, much more prominently in the ToP than Universe 3 and Universe 4.

Difference 14
Manga version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is nonchalant over his supposed death
True version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is distraught over his supposed death

Difference 15
Manga version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into the tournament stands
True version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into their respective universes

*I call the anime version the “true version” due to the anime being the main product and the manga acting as promotion for the anime.
1.- Anime. It seems way more fitting for the last 2 remaining humans of that timeline to perform it.
2.- AFAIK Zeno does the same thing on both mediums. The anime handles it way better though. Infinite Zamasu is an actual thread in there. It made even Whis feel uneasy.
3.- Anime. Gohan doesn't look good in Piccolo's clothes as an adult.
4.- Anime. All 3 fights on the anime are very good and the manga's GoD fight was not only interrupted but very short.
5.- Anime. It makes sense only the angel can understand him since he's with him 24/7.
6.- Anime. I didn't like how Toppo won in the manga.
7.- Anime. I enjoyed the anime's gag.
8.- Anime. The manga made Goku look like a complete fucking idiot.
9.- Manga. This is probably the only gag I like in the manga.
10.- Anime. That entire manga chapter was a joke.
11.- Anime. The manga made Kefla a weakling.
12.- Anime. Episode 118 is one of the best episodes of the ToP arc by far.
13.- Anime. Manga went with the very predictable route of having U6 second to last to be eliminated.
14.- Anime. My god 18 is just awful in that manga scene.
15.- Anime. While having them on the seats is nice, the manga doesn't do jack with it. The anime at least gave us some dialogue for U6 and U11.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by DestructoDisc » Fri May 24, 2019 3:09 pm

Kataphrut wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 7:14 pm 3. Anime, definitely. Going back to the Piccolo gi is just regressive fanservice.
Isn't Gohan wearing Goku's gi fanservice too?

Honestly, why doesn't Gohan just wear an unique gi that doesn't look anything like the gis his father and Piccolo wear? Give him a black gi or something. The Saiyaman outfit without the helmet looked really cool on him in the Buu saga. Heck even his School outfit looked decent on him. Anything would be better than the orange and purple gis that his fathers wear.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Kataphrut » Fri May 24, 2019 8:16 pm

DestructoDisc wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 3:09 pm
Kataphrut wrote: Wed May 22, 2019 7:14 pm 3. Anime, definitely. Going back to the Piccolo gi is just regressive fanservice.
Isn't Gohan wearing Goku's gi fanservice too?

Honestly, why doesn't Gohan just wear an unique gi that doesn't look anything like the gis his father and Piccolo wear? Give him a black gi or something. The Saiyaman outfit without the helmet looked really cool on him in the Buu saga. Heck even his School outfit looked decent on him. Anything would be better than the orange and purple gis that his fathers wear.
Gohan has only one father, and it's the bloke he said he wanted to honour when he asked for the orange gi in Buu. It's natural for him to carry on wearing that gi. He did in Battle of Gods.

The lack of unique gi for him is a separate issue for him- the stripped down Saiyaman outfit was cool, but it was too circumstantial to work as a full-time option. I personally liked the tracksuit but it's become synonymous with the lame, untrained Gohan.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Hugo Boss » Fri May 24, 2019 10:28 pm

Kataphrut wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 8:16 pm The lack of unique gi for him is a separate issue for him- the stripped down Saiyaman outfit was cool, but it was too circumstantial to work as a full-time option. I personally liked the tracksuit but it's become synonymous with the lame, untrained Gohan.
What about the purple gi he used when training with Goten?

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Kataphrut » Sat May 25, 2019 12:42 am

Hugo Boss wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 10:28 pm
Kataphrut wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 8:16 pm The lack of unique gi for him is a separate issue for him- the stripped down Saiyaman outfit was cool, but it was too circumstantial to work as a full-time option. I personally liked the tracksuit but it's become synonymous with the lame, untrained Gohan.
What about the purple gi he used when training with Goten?
That one's alright. But again, it makes sense after the end of Buu for him to keep the orange gi.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by wolflonnie » Sat May 25, 2019 3:22 am

Rebel_Yeh wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 5:33 pm I’m going to list several DBS differences between the manga version and the true version (by true version, I mean the anime version*). I have not listed differences from the BoG and RoF arcs of DBS, because I see the BoG and RoF movies as the true version of those arcs. I also didn’t feel there were really significant differences from the U6 arc of DBS. I am interested in knowing which versions of these events others prefer. Do you prefer the true version of the following DBS events over the manga version? If so/not, why?

Difference 1
Manga version: Goku is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu
True version: Future Trunks is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu

Difference 2
Manga version: Future Zeno erases the entire timeline of Future Trunks
True version: Future Zeno just erases all the universes of Future Trunks’ timeline instead of erasing the entire timeline itself

Difference 3
Manga version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Piccolo in the ToP (sans turban and cape)
True version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Goku in the ToP

Difference 4
Manga version: The Zeno exhibition match involves all of the Gods of Destruction
True version: The Zeno exhibition match involves three fighters from Universe 7 matched up against three fighters from Universe 9

Difference 5
Manga version: Ea is fully capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds
True version: Ea is not capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds, requiring Campani’s translation to help him understand

Difference 6
Manga version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends with Top defeating Goku by ring-out
True version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends in a draw

Difference 7
Manga version: Yamcha is considered as a tenth member by the U7 team
True version: Yamcha is never considered as a tenth member by the U7 team

Difference 8
Manga version: Hit fights alongside Goku against Jiren
True version: Hit fights by himself against Jiren

Difference 9
Manga version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be exceptionally attractive
True version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be highly unattractive

Difference 10
Manga version: Aniraza is a weakling who is easily defeated by Kale
True version: Aniraza is a powerhouse who gives Frieza, Android 17, Android 18, Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan a good amount of trouble.

Difference 11
Manga version: Gohan is eliminated when he and Kefla knock each other out of the ring
True version: Gohan is eliminated when he sacrifices himself to eliminate Dyspo, with the help of Frieza

Difference 12
Manga version: Kefla is the last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated
True version: Saonel and Pirina are the last Universe 6 fighters to be eliminated, with Kefla being the third to last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated instead

Difference 13
Manga version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 are erased very early in the ToP
True version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 stick around for quite a while, being erased very late in the ToP. They outlast even Universe 2 and Universe 6, which is extremely surprising because Universe 2 and Universe 6 are featured much, much more prominently in the ToP than Universe 3 and Universe 4.

Difference 14
Manga version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is nonchalant over his supposed death
True version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is distraught over his supposed death

Difference 15
Manga version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into the tournament stands
True version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into their respective universes

*I call the anime version the “true version” due to the anime being the main product and the manga acting as promotion for the anime.
There's no "true version" even though I massively prefer the anime.
That said:

1: Manga. Having Trunks learning one too many techniques is not good writing wise
2: Anime. Makes seem Zeno the thread he was meant to be.
3: Manga. I prefer Gohan with the purple gi.
4: Manga. Merely because Beerus does something other than eating/being a comic relief at the freaking least.
5: Manga. Tbf I don't really care but it doesn't make sense to have such a contrived situation going on.
6: Indifferent.
7: Anime. Yamcha is too weak and it is funny they excluded him.
8: Anime because of the execution of the fight,
9: Manga. More unconventional, funny.
10: Absolutely the anime, there's no contest here.
11: Anime because of the strategy and the execution of the fight.
12: Anime. Makes U6's erasure somehow more melanconic and sad.
13: Anime.
14: Manga. It makes more sense overall and it's less cliché.
15: Indifferent.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by Nokra » Sat May 25, 2019 10:57 am

wolflonnie wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 3:22 am
Rebel_Yeh wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 5:33 pm I’m going to list several DBS differences between the manga version and the true version (by true version, I mean the anime version*). I have not listed differences from the BoG and RoF arcs of DBS, because I see the BoG and RoF movies as the true version of those arcs. I also didn’t feel there were really significant differences from the U6 arc of DBS. I am interested in knowing which versions of these events others prefer. Do you prefer the true version of the following DBS events over the manga version? If so/not, why?

Difference 1
Manga version: Goku is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu
True version: Future Trunks is the one who uses the mafuba on Future Zamasu

Difference 2
Manga version: Future Zeno erases the entire timeline of Future Trunks
True version: Future Zeno just erases all the universes of Future Trunks’ timeline instead of erasing the entire timeline itself

Difference 3
Manga version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Piccolo in the ToP (sans turban and cape)
True version: Gohan wears the same uniform as Goku in the ToP

Difference 4
Manga version: The Zeno exhibition match involves all of the Gods of Destruction
True version: The Zeno exhibition match involves three fighters from Universe 7 matched up against three fighters from Universe 9

Difference 5
Manga version: Ea is fully capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds
True version: Ea is not capable of understanding Mosco’s electronic sounds, requiring Campani’s translation to help him understand

Difference 6
Manga version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends with Top defeating Goku by ring-out
True version: Toppo’s match with Goku ends in a draw

Difference 7
Manga version: Yamcha is considered as a tenth member by the U7 team
True version: Yamcha is never considered as a tenth member by the U7 team

Difference 8
Manga version: Hit fights alongside Goku against Jiren
True version: Hit fights by himself against Jiren

Difference 9
Manga version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be exceptionally attractive
True version: Ribrianne considers Krillin to be highly unattractive

Difference 10
Manga version: Aniraza is a weakling who is easily defeated by Kale
True version: Aniraza is a powerhouse who gives Frieza, Android 17, Android 18, Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan a good amount of trouble.

Difference 11
Manga version: Gohan is eliminated when he and Kefla knock each other out of the ring
True version: Gohan is eliminated when he sacrifices himself to eliminate Dyspo, with the help of Frieza

Difference 12
Manga version: Kefla is the last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated
True version: Saonel and Pirina are the last Universe 6 fighters to be eliminated, with Kefla being the third to last Universe 6 fighter to be eliminated instead

Difference 13
Manga version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 are erased very early in the ToP
True version: Universe 3 and Universe 4 stick around for quite a while, being erased very late in the ToP. They outlast even Universe 2 and Universe 6, which is extremely surprising because Universe 2 and Universe 6 are featured much, much more prominently in the ToP than Universe 3 and Universe 4.

Difference 14
Manga version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is nonchalant over his supposed death
True version: When Android 17 self-destructs, Android 18 is distraught over his supposed death

Difference 15
Manga version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into the tournament stands
True version: The fallen fighters are resurrected into their respective universes

*I call the anime version the “true version” due to the anime being the main product and the manga acting as promotion for the anime.
There's no "true version" even though I massively prefer the anime.
That said:

1: Manga. Having Trunks learning one too many techniques is not good writing wise
2: Anime. Makes seem Zeno the thread he was meant to be.
3: Manga. I prefer Gohan with the purple gi.
4: Manga. Merely because Beerus does something other than eating/being a comic relief at the freaking least.
5: Manga. Tbf I don't really care but it doesn't make sense to have such a contrived situation going on.
6: Indifferent.
7: Anime. Yamcha is too weak and it is funny they excluded him.
8: Anime because of the execution of the fight,
9: Manga. More unconventional, funny.
10: Absolutely the anime, there's no contest here.
11: Anime because of the strategy and the execution of the fight.
12: Anime. Makes U6's erasure somehow more melanconic and sad.
13: Anime.
14: Manga. It makes more sense overall and it's less cliché.
15: Indifferent.
Based on your response you like the manga and anime almost equally.

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Re: Do you prefer the true version (or anime version) of these DBS events over the manga’s version? If so/not, why?

Post by wolflonnie » Sat May 25, 2019 1:57 pm

^ It would seem so, but my replies are directly to these points. In overall execution, there's almost no comparison to me.
As a matter of fact there are elements of the manga I like, as pointed above, but still those are just elements.

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