"Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

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Yuli Ban
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:55 pm

"Too Strong" by Ishida1694

Just how powerful is Yulaan?


Earth-Prime (our Earth) is a world of science and limitations. We're not a world of gods and demigods unto our lives, save for one's sincere beliefs. Thus, we needed a demonstration.

Yulaan is a Yaban. Yabans are quite like Saiyans.

Imagine a Saiyan, except they're here.

That's what Governor Colin Maddox needs to see to be convinced, and that's what Yulaan is happily obliged to show. Yulaan isn't just strong. She isn't even very strong.

She's too strong. Too strong for our world. Ah, but see, that's not her problem....

Yulaan uses qigong and gathers qi, causing the Earth itself to shake and mountains to break apart.

She's put the fear of a new God into Governor Maddox. He's just a man. Man is a fearful creature. That which we cannot understand, we fear. And that which lives beyond our power, we worship. In times before secularization, we'd elevate men to the status of living gods. These times were chaotic and supernatural for all involved. If the gods walked the Earth casually, everything of Man's doing could be rendered worthless and forgotten at any moment. But the cold fact is that even history's greatest God-King could be felled by a 9mm. No God walks among men as an equal. One becomes a God by transcending man.

Yulaan didn't expect this, and for one so proletarian, she doesn't like it. But she knows why now. She can see it in Colin's eyes.

Let me tell you something. Superhero movies all fail. They fail at something profoundly basic. They may be good movies and fun to watch which is all they need to be, but attempts to be deep by bringing in interpersonal drama or social issues fail to recognize the God in the room.

Humans of Earth Prime are used to a level of power that never transcends beyond the lower supernatural. What the Pazuzu-possessed Regan called too vulgar a display of power would bring mocking laughs unto even a secular Yaban's lips.

If a person of Yulaan's caliber ever appeared on our world, they'd need not do a damn thing. Hero or villain, rogue or renegade, they just need to let their power be known to destroy the world— and we'll gladly destroy it ourselves.

Humans are only capable of cultivating superhuman social power. The most powerful man in history was he who convinced millions that he was the most powerful man in history. The same god-king killing 9mm would drop him all the same. No man can move mountains; he can only direct others to move them for him through great technological effort. But we will never call it such. Our mass self delusions are a byproduct of our parasocial civilization.

If a person of true power ever appeared, civilization would come apart at the seams. Someone who could break the moon with a flex of the wrist, or explode a city with their fingers, or survive a nuclear explosion unharmed is simply too strong to be anything other than a God. If taken seriously, superhero movies wouldn't be pseudo-artsy kid's flicks— they'd be pseudo-mythologies. Property damage and insurance woes would be the least of anyone's worries when superhuman forces of nature walk the Earth. Most would rather render worship unto these walking gods, and some would exploit the chaos for their own ends, creating unapproved cults with the "blessing" of their new patron deities.

As could possibly now happen on Earth Prime. And unlike the MCU, or Dragon Ball Z for that matter, Yulaan is all alone. If she so desired, her will be done without competition. She's here as punishment, in a low-energy universe to make her suffer. But that's just her. What this means for us is irrelevant. There is no Goku to save us should she so decide to lay waste to our world. No nuke or germ will put her down either.

Some, like the God-fearing conservative governor Colin Maddox, need to be convinced that they're no longer truly in control. But others can remain blissfully ignorant as Yulaan stays in the shadows. Her spartan ways allow her a life without luxury or great desire for anything but combat, but if she ever desired to take the reigns of world, those same ideals would be brutal for our world.

Heaven forfend the day a Yaban becomes God of Earth. Humans would soon be molded into the space orcs we believe ourselves to be, within reason.

Such is the way of Yabans, even Dociles like Yulaan. She's incorruptible for the worst reasons. Yabans, those fascistic war-obsessed space monkeys, make only for good villains.

So it's for the best that Governor Maddox remember his place and remember too that no amount of corporate lobbying or private threats will sway his new "constituent." He's playing politics when she's living God of War.

After Yulaan tells him of her full capabilities, a young man with autism tells her fairly defiantly one day that she would get clapped by Goku. Something she doesn't deny— but the issue she brings up is, "What does it matter?" Goku exists in the pages of a comic book and on TV screens; he exists in the Yabanverse the exact same way he exists IRL. So what does it matter if they hypothetically came to blows? If Yulaan actually aimed a ball of qi at Earth at this moment and threatened to fire it, is Goku going to materialize and stop her? No. Because he's a manga character. And that threat to blow the Earth up— that would get any other person arrested and locked up for years. Not her. And why? Because the criminal justice system is not built to handle superhumans like her. It's not a matter of her being too rich or well connected. It's a matter of her literally, physically being too strong. She only suffers punishment through her own free will, which defeats the purpose.

Have you ever asked yourself "How come no one ever does anything about Vegeta?" The answer is "Because he's too powerful."
You can't cancel a god and you can't put Superman in jail unless you have peers of equivalent power willing to do so.

The humans of Planet Earth-Prime in Little Miss Savage luck out so hard, so hard from Yulaan choosing to not exploit her godlike superiority over all. Because otherwise, we're all alone.
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:25 pm

Yulaan, by Valeria Bossa
10-year-old Sol Yulaan, a Saiyanthropus ferus (aka Yaban or Demonoid) barbarian from eastern Subotai on Planet Kollidor
Though she starts out as a barbarian and fights as a primal warrior in her young life, she eventually begins shifting into a proper martial artist and Spartan-like personality. Coincidentally this shift starts around age 10. By pure chance, this made her sudden change to living on Earth that much less difficult for everyone involved.

As has been mentioned, Yaban society exists at every point on the "Warlike Spectrum," from organized honor-coded militarism not unlike the aforementioned Spartans, Mandalorians, Klingons, all the way to animalistic nexcidium not unlike zombies or certain kinds of lower demons (hence their colloquial name 'Demonoid').
Unlike Spartans, Mandalorians, and Klingons alike, Yabans are cursed with nexcidiousness (i.e. an impulsive lust for battle and destruction), making pacifism and diplomatic existence impossible for their species, so they'll always lean towards the more ruinous ends of warlike existence as a whole, but individuals run the gamut.

Some, like Ral Enekai and Sol Yuta (some of the most docile Yabans to ever live) are martial artists who only fight for sport.

Yulaan, especially at this young age, is a more brutish kind of fighter. She becomes less brutish with age, but it's a slow evolution that starts with military training at age 7. She was born a Chaotic Yaban, but shifts into that of a Common Yaban and then a Docile Yaban. Docile Yabans range from the "only fight for sport" types that could overlap with the great Son Goku to the regimented Spartanoid militarists with which Yulaan finds kinship. To put it another way, Liquid Snake would see "Docile Yabans" as the peak type of person— warriors not so brutish that they are literal animals, but who have discarded softness for a life of war filled with chaos and honor.

Common Yabans would seem similar to Chaos Warriors in the 40kverse. Driven to ultraviolence and war by higher guidance and a system of death worship, they are every warrior society thrust to the limit.

Chaotic Yabans live not unlike Orks— they live just fight things and smash the other monkeys into pulp. They don't need gods or society to tell them to fight.

It's Feral Yabans you need to really fear. You use Ferals not unlike a grenade or atom bomb, something which destroys everything in its path without thought or self reflection.

This is Yulaan's people and explains why she is the way she is.
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:14 pm

Drugatsko and the Devastators, drawn by Ishida1694

The Devastators being inspired directly by this single song:

Drugatsko is a bolloi who has become the Ultra-Khan and Ido of Planet Suiza, reigning over a race of humans known as the Devastators.

The Devastators were once a race of humans self-named as Shaeshens. Long ago, their world was fairly modern (similar to 1950s Earth). But a cataclysmic world war left only one country standing as the sole superpower right as that nation was undergoing a severe ultra-traditionalist revival that left a Taliban-like totalitarian regime in control. This country imposed their will on the entire planet, forcing their technological civilization to collapse back into a pastoralist and quaint theocratic society, vicious and totally repressing their women to the insane point that they even banned the depiction of female characters in fiction. Despite their fanaticism, they did these things and more out of a desire to live a pacifistic lifestyle opposed to war and conflict.

But one day, a mysterious female warrior arrived from outer space. She had been injured in a battle with a martial wizard and crashlanded on Suiza in a desperate attempt to avoid dying in space. This was Drugatsko, and she recognized Suiza as a world that had been visited by the Ultra-Khan Rahal. They had rejected the Ultra-Khan's message to prepare for the Universal Awakening Plan, instead turning away from the martial path and seeking peace. Indeed, ironically it had been Rahal's message of imminent total cosmic war that had triggered the fundamentalist uprising, for they presumed that Rahal had been an emissary of the Antichrist instead.

Now that Drugatsko was alone with this disarmed race of weak humans, even in her own damaged state, she managed to effortlessly crush those who attempted to impose their religious restrictions on her and get her to submit. So enraged was she by the Shaeshen's turn towards religious pacifism that she took her sweet time making sure the end of Shaeshen civilization was as slow, drawn out, and painful as she could make it.
How pathetic! To disarm yourself! To give up war! To turn away from combat! These weaklings were so pathetic that finishing them off would be too kind.
She didn't collapse the last standing nation until almost five years after she landed, all because she craved to soak in the raw despair and despondency of the Shaeshens. Oh how lovely it was to see these old grandfathers and their black-clad crones weep in despair over fallen icons and burning churches. How laugh-inducing it was to watch communities tear themselves apart over bread, starved by the collapse of agriculture, only to run in fear and horror at her very visage. Observe as political leaders and high-priests fall unto their knees, begging her for mercy forgiveness. HER. Not their god. Oh their God has forsaken them. She walks their God like a dog.
But she did not slaughter them all. Indeed, she even took some care to keep as many alive as she could. This because she had big plans for the Shaeshens. She was going to correct a mistake and turn these weaklings into a mighty warrior race, perhaps even one to rival Yabans. This sinister project was to be her monument to the Ultra Khan, a way to keep the spirit of the Universal Awakening Plan alive.

Drugatsko, a bolloi, a fellow female in this cosmic sorority, could have been the fem-Messiah for Shaeshen women and overthrow this wretched patriarchy. How could their star-sister not take pity on them? Could she not see how horribly her kind were suffering under the yoke of male supremacy? The women did nothing wrong except be born without dicks and with human emotions, and for that, they were abused so horribly, treated as defective property and not even allowed to have their own word. They weren't women— they were "the other kinds of people," a deliberately cumbersome moniker.
She, the space warrior, is just a wife and mother to be. She could be a competent warrioress who has laid waste to all planets in any number of galaxies, conquered trillions of civilizations, and defeated any great number of proud warriors, and the only thing they'll care about is her answer to the question, "But can you cook and clean?"
Please, the other kinds of people begged, save them.

And she replied, "No." The women were betrayed.

Drugatsko had every woman on the planet murdered. She made it so that they were often killed in front of their families, just to amplify the pain and horror and rile the men to greater hatred. Some misogynists and incels celebrated at first until they realized they were now forever without sexual satisfaction. And then they joined the despairing collective masses while Drugatsko watched on from afar, laughing and coiling her tail, her Yeren scimitar raised to the heavens.

Because as Drugatsko would say, Suiza is now a planet of war. It is a planet based centrally and completely around the triumph of the will over the forces of weakness, of the celebration of bellicose violence and manly pride. There is no longer any place on this blood-stenched planet for weaklings and the effeminate! The Shaeshens shall be warriors of power and might!
The technological regression was reversed, and Shaeshens were able to build breeding chambers and artificial wombs that Drugatsko further pruned to help engineer even more warrior-ready Shaeshens. Before, society was quaint, very much similar to the Amish or Mennonites in a Taliban-like society. Now it was something like a gladiatorial Airstrip One, except headed by a war-sick Yaban. Making things more processed, she brought in slaves and goblins from other worlds to do the dirty work of running society so that the Shaeshen men would not be distracted from their duties of infinite war.
And Drugatsko herself rechristened them with the delightfully boyish moniker "Devastators."

That was over 400 years ago. The Devastators today are a brutalitarian race of ultra-warriors. Mercenaries, barbarians, berserkers, space pirates, hypermasculine mildew distilled. The sudden shift into a unisexual race certainly became clear when they started adopting a BDSM look. Chains and leather, studs and laces, skull armor and facepaint, helmets and mohawks, glammy hair and lipstick, big muscles and battle scars, oh they look like freaks. They ride on hypermasculine heavy metal machines and scream through the night, always hunting for war and conquest. They're fairly well known for looking like road warriors and drag pirates, though with barbarian pelts and skullcrusher gear. They'd all have horribly cheesy death metal names like Wolfmaster Skullcrusher, Killmaster Supreme, King Dick, Godric the Demon Raper, Megas the Heart Eater, Turbo Joe, Max Powersteel, and more.

Drugatsko may wield absolute power, but she strongly encourages dissent. She demands conflict. She gleefully transforms them into rabid misogynists in the hopes they despise her, which greatly satisfies her Yaban lust for conflict. This is a society of strength and conflict, united only in the brotherhood of honor and battle. Only the strong thrive! Celebrate those of iron will. We Devastators are an empire of steel and blood. There is no place for femininity or the corruption of romance. Only battle and blood, steel and muscle! Pride and hate, honor and brotherhood. Is it homoerotic? Fuck yes, it is. We worship the male form and masculine power. There is no shame in doing so. Suiza is a planet of very macho and sweaty muscular men plunging swords into each other, beating each other bloody, obsessing over each other from grudges and honor disputes and rivalries of strength and ability. And fuck it all, we're proud of it. Women will never understand.
Their manly fighting spirit only burns ever stronger with every victory and battle. Drugatsko knows her time will come one day. These men don't need her. They need war and endless carnage. The mighty will of Yabans will live on through them. These pigs of war. These heroes of the will. Let heaven tremble before the might of the Devastators! Let the warp of Getavara's Rage drive them to battle and chaos! Let them bear sons of insane aggression and wild violence. And those who remain chained to carnal needs of the phallus, go take your spoils of war, those weeping and defeated women of your slaughtered enemies.
They've gone mad with bloodlust, black-eyed with ultraviolence, and crave nothing but war, murder, ruination, blood, destruction, and combat. Fight, maim, crush, kill, destroy! Fight, maim, crush, kill, destroy! Wash over planets home to the innocent and weak, fight the universe's mighty warriors, and bring forth ENDLESS CARNAGE!!
ENEMIES. THEY NEED ENEMIES. They need opponents who will ignite their inner thrill of slaughter and combat. They suffer from pangs of thirst for blood. They hunger for fresh and the sensation of passing their slain foe's hearts through their bowels. They lust for the feeling of plunging their swords and spears deep into the bodies of the weak. And they value the thrill of challenging the strong. Only the strong will meet on the battlefield, and in their bloody fight, they will know who is the superior force! Go for the kill with your iron will!



Somewhere in my notes, I wrote something to the effect of "if Yabans are Judas Priest & Slayer, the Devastators are Bolt Thrower and Mayhem." And that's despite the fact I designed Yabans to be as hypermasculine as I thought possible to get. Devastators go far beyond them into the realm of camp turbo-ultra maximum over-masculinity. To the point that even warping them with Chaos wouldn't do anything because they're already so war-sick and villainous.

I also toyed with the idea of making Drugatsko an infiltration baby (think Kakarotto) because everything fit towards that purpose: she'd be sent to the Taliban-like Suiza and raised to be feminine, but bollois psychologically can't be overly feminine according to traditionalist ideals since nexcidium overpowers their actions, so that would set up some dramatic irony of the patriarchs creating their own doom because of their ideology clashing against the reality of alien physiology. Plus Drugatsko could conceivably have a reason to "take revenge" upon women in some warped misunderstanding and misplaced blame. But I decided to use that plotline for another, separate situation. Instead, Drugatsko's just a case of a random low-level Yaban warrior conquering an ultra-weak planet. Basically, imagine if Raditz came to a Kakarot-less Earth that wasn't slated to be wiped clean and decided to make himself its king.

Except I don't think Raditz would turn Earth a Khorne-infused planet of bestial war lust.
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:34 pm

Ultra-Khan Drugatsko, by Salvamakoto

Drugatsko, the Ultra-Khan of Suiza and leader of the Devastators.

Drugatsko is a terrifically ultraviolent person in her own right, persisting in a skullthrone she built herself. Drugatsko's skullthrone is decorated extensively in blood and gore, rotting and disgusting and replenished often. She crushes the skulls of any passerby with her bare hands and feasts on his brains. You even have Drugatsko's Sea— a massive body of blood and water. A sea formed from the blood of opponents Drugatsko herself slaughtered, so deep and mighty that it has its own weather where thunderstorms of blood wash the lands. Warriors are baptized in these bloody storms. Drugatsko's Sea has altered the climate of the surrounding area since it regularly rains and storms blood. There's blood condensation. There are tornadoes of blood! And perhaps most disturbingly, Drugatsko's Sea is just the first of multiple seas of blood she's left; it's merely the primary one she claims ownership over. Not to mention that she eagerly commands the Devastators to create their own seas of blood and mountains of corpses and skeletons, and they are more than happy to live up to that wish.

She is the archetypal Chaotic Yaban, one who lives for the thirst of blood and battle day-in and day-out, except with the added trait that she's a god-empress of a planet of war freaks. In fact, Drugatsko did the impossible and cultivated a world even more war-obsessed than Kollidor, if that's even possible— and did it out of HUMANS no less. Humans are warlike, to be fair, but we have a variety of traits that keep us from crossing over into becoming the Space Orcs we believe ourselves to be. There are far more warlike races in the cosmos. There are more warlike races on Earth if you want to be technical, including felines, ants, and chimpanzees. Human violence is exaggerated due to our technology and stupidly-large social groups. Yabans are still exponentially more violent than humans will ever be. Still, the Devastators show just how brutal humans could be if we were purposed for war as an innate value. They live as if Khorne has released their Chaotic bloodlust, in a world where Khorne doesn't even exist.
At a good bit over 400 years old, Drugatsko lives Yulaan's dream. Yulaan has dreamt often about turning Earth into a Suiza-like martial dystopia, a world where warriors are celebrated, honored, and rule, where hatreds drive conflict and war is an ever-present fact of life. Yulaan would love nothing more than to break Earth into ever-warring factions and ignite that human warrior spirit. But she is restricted by the rules of her arrest and has taken herself to respect what humans want and found a compromise: don't mess with the global order.

Contrast this existence with Drugatsko, who eagerly conquered Planet Suiza as soon as she landed upon it and indulged gleefully in her Yaban battle tendencies to their maximal extent. And now, 400+ years later, she is living the Yaban dream, crushing skulls casually, killing thousands daily, and vanishing planets with powerful qi to the cheers of her bloodthirsty subjects, this ten trillion-man horde of insane warriors who call her their Ultra Khan. This hypermasculine mass of men wild with aggression and adrenaline living every day for war and combat. Vicious martial barbarians clad in road warrior death armor, freaking out on adrenaline-fueled internecine aggression, with proto-nexcidious berserker tendencies galore.

Drugatsko is a classic Yeren bolloi, vicious and overwhelming, and she has pre-empted the New Libertines movement on Kollidor just by way of circumstance. She is allowed to endlessly indulge in her own base Yaban impulses nowadays thanks to her few centuries of planning and coordination, transforming Suiza from what was essentially Planet Afghanistan into a Mad Max Sparta in Space. She lives the high life by Yaban standards, one of pure slaughter, combat, and conquest. And it's an extraordinarily hypermasculine existence, with all that brings with it.

(Warning: this next section gets a bit "gender studies-y")

In that first Drugatsko post, I put it in no unclear terms that Devastators are a society ruled by male supremacy. So much so that they're unisexual— there is no such thing as a "female Devastator." And that's because Drugatsko herself killed them all when she first came to Suiza, long before they became the Devastators.

When Yulaan returns to Earth to tell of her bloodsoaked adventures on Gorta, her description of Devastator society seems to run horribly at odds with the fact they have a female god-emperor. Drugatsko is, after all, a bolloi. And yet Devastators seem to be as hot-bloodedly macho as they come, even showing clear disdain and hatred for Drugatsko on the basis of her sex. Heck, the whole reason Yulaan even gets employed by Drugatsko is because a warlord named Yasimbata defected from Drugatsko's empire precisely because of his hatred over her rule and just so happened to set up camp on Planet Gorta.

What confuses the Earthlings even more is why Yulaan agrees with Drugatsko's methods and ideology. But the answer comes back to the cold fact that Drugatsko is, again, a bolloi. She is a Yaban, a creature of war and conflict. Misogynistic hatred of herself is a form of conflict, one that she adores and always breeds hatreds and bloody desires. Devastators only ever get to enjoy the feel of the female body in battle and conquest (in horrible ways that need no description here) because Drugatsko took theirs from them long ago and, as a bolloi, refuses to offer herself as recompense. For those who aren't gay in this barbarian-BDSM-looking society, it's just frustrating to be under the bootheel of a not-unattractive dame forever closed and forever stronger than yourself while also being told that you, as a man, are superior to those weak pathetic females of the cosmos and should always indulge in your manly fighting spirit. It's a deliberate tactic by Drugatsko to keep the blood running hot at all times.

The raw, powerful misogyny Drugatsko spread often blows back against her as many of her own subjects despise her for being female. They are raised to hate femininity and desire to dominate it in all manners. They are told from birth that they, as men and as warriors of power, are superior to the weak pathetic females who once infested this planet and arrested their collective manly fighting spirit. That females are to be penetrated, violated, dominated, mastered, and discarded when used up. That females are creatures of peace and passivity, kind and gentle sensitivity, of romance and delicate emotions, of sass and spice, of submission and vulnerability— and they are men of might and glory, physical force and war, of creative destruction and matters of steel. Let no king rule you forever. Plunge your sword into his neck when he looks the other way. Bang your fist against his skull and blind him from the impact. Seek power at all times. This is the rule of Male Supremacy! Scream it loud unto the heavens. Let the gods tremble before the men of war. Fight, feast, and fuck all you can, you mighty men! Seek and destroy, all ye mighty!!

Oh, and your brutalitarian god-khan is female. And not even an ugly mannish one, besides her battle scars and muscles. Drugatsko is a she and she never hides this fact. In fact, she might very well be the manliest person on Suiza because of that, because she had to overcome her femalehood to achieve a brutalitarian iron fisted rule.

On a planet that's basically "What if 1980s hypermasculine action movies, but in a timeline where the Fascists and Futurists won," her manly subjects despise her on principle. They must learn to disrespect and disregard her voice, put back into their place only by her use of bellicose force and her powerful will.

But she and Yulaan both understand why that's the point. It's something humans might not be able to understand. A bolloi facing misogyny, a bolloi being disrespected and told to get back in the kitchen, is exactly what she wants. Of course she's not going to do it. Tell a bolloi to get back in the kitchen when she isn't intending on cooking anything and you're going to get punched in the throat. But it's not because she demands to be respected or wants equal rights with you— Yabans don't understand the concept anyhow. She openly welcomes your disrespect and hatred. It's what she craves. She is a bolloi, a Yaban, a monkey of war and battle. Your hatred and disgust of her has bred conflict, and Yabans adore conflict more than life itself. By delivering a bitchslap to a bolloi in your attempt to make her submit like a woman, you've only ignited her fighting spirit. (And let's be fair here, you're going to do the same with most women, though perhaps not to the same extent of battlelusted conflict). Silvio Sabatini suffered a psychotic break over things like realizing this: that a bolloi will never respond to threats of violence by submitting or displaying vulnerability and, in fact, misogynistic threats of violence aren't understood as anything but an opponent ready to throw fists— like a man. To men who only understand how to control women via threats of violence, bollois are walking Antichrists. And Drugatsko is no different.

So for Drugatsko, this mass misogynistic hatred of her and widespread desire to turn her into just another nameless slut by many sexually-obsessed Devastators, scratches that ever-pulsating itch of warlust. Yulaan agrees with the sentiment. People in the 2020s and 1960s alike don't get why she likes being the victim of misogyny, especially when she strikes back. They think she has internalized misogyny or that she isn't being honest about her desire to have equal rights with men and other males. But that's not it. Misogyny, hatred for her form, appeals to her need for war and conflict. She wants to be hated because hate breeds conflict, and conflict is everything to a Yaban. Drugatsko gets it. Drugatsko lives it.

All in all, Drugatsko is a pure Yaban warrior, one who lives for endless carnage. She came to Suiza by accident, conquered it in blood and destruction, and remade it the way she wanted it to be in the absolute most brutal manner possible, a reign of blood so thick and murderous that it could only exist in fantasy. She's everything old-school Saiyans were promised to be, which probably makes it fitting that her design stems back to Knife Lady.
She's everything old-school Saiyans were promised to be, which probably makes it fitting that her design stems back to Knife Lady. Except as a Yaban, she's even worse. She's the OG Saiyajins with even more bloodlust.

What's terrifying is that she is not the deadliest Yaban to ever live. Not even close. For example, Batzor is said to have killed so many as to have formed an entire stellar system of planets, planetoids, and whatnot made of blood and bodies of those he killed just for fun. To kill so many requires a long time, but Batzor lived a very long time, much longer than Drugatsko currently has lived. The Ultra-Khan Rahal dwarfs even Batzor, having left multiple galaxies dead. Galaxies that had quintillions of civilizations each at that. And Yabans also do the infiltration baby thing that Saiyans do, meaning that plenty of un-noteworthy Yabans have been sent out to the stars to slaughter entire planets without remorse or affect, often as children.

Still, Drugatsko's bloodlust and devastating brutality (no pun intended) is beyond human comprehension, into levels that one could describe as "beyond Biblical." We're talking so much death, so much blood, so much savagery at her hands alone that it genuinely can be hard to fathom. And that's just her, not including her underlings. There are Devastators that have been born just to die by her hands, but there are so many Devastator humans that she has only ever killed a fraction of them. A very big fraction admittedly, but a fraction nonetheless (though to be fair, innumerable trillions, if not quadrillions of Devastators have been born/created, so assuming she herself has killed half of them...) And their sole purpose is to fight and kill. And as a result, many have become really, really good at fighting and killing.

I figured it'd be as obvious as the picture on your screen, but she absolutely is supposed to look like Knife Lady from DBZ Episode 20 as I've been cripping Yaban designs from interesting-looking background Saiyans lately, especially the ones who look the most 80s and space-piratey and, thus, least likely to be represented in nü Dragon Ball with its Bart Simpson-haired monkeys galore.

Just in case anyone argues that I didn't ripoff the look for whatever reason, here's Knife Lady and Drugatsko back to back.


I know a few people thought that Yulaan was based off this character, and the "ancient Saiyajin" look definitely did stem from there. Hence why I went with straight up taking Knife Lady to use for Drugatsko directly since Drugatsko represents who Yulaan could have been under better (read: worse) circumstances. I mean for Christ's sake, the first ever image of Yulaan was of her eating a man's leg!

Here's a Yaban who is most like a Saiyan. I mean she is otherwise exactly what we were told Saiyans were supposed to be: hypermasculine death machines, bloodthirsty space warriors, thermonuclear conquerors built to Image
AKA how Saiyans should be, not "humans but stronger" as they are now. Thank Getavara for Yabans.

I don't know if she and Yulaan will ever come to blows, because otherwise Drugatsko would make for a great villain. She's already basically a classic xianxia warlord-type character, but in space. I figured that, in practice, Yulaan will fight and interact with the Devastators more than the Ultra-Khan above them.
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Yuli Ban
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:37 pm


Rendered by myself

Rage of Angels is a future sidestory of Little Miss Savage and either the first or second story in the Demonoids series (depending on if I do Yulaan's backstory first or not). It most likely will come second due to being a major follow-up to the events of Yulaan's early life.

The story centrally follows Yulaan's return to Planet Gorta after being directly visited by Drugatsko while on Planet Earth.
Drugatsko is the Ultra-Khan of the Devastators, a blood-god-empress of Planet Suiza, and a prime bolloi who lives up to the more ultraviolent ideals of the Yabans. However, she has a proposition for Yulaan, who is a minor celebrity among Yabans as the Butcher of Gorta due to having cleared the planet of sapient life at only 12 years old. There's this breakaway group of Devastators who call themselves the Chaos Angels: a warlord named Yasimbata wants to overthrow Drugatsko and reformat the Devastators under his rule and the rule of his four generals, the Four Star Lords. By chance, they established their base of operations on Planet Gorta. Drugatsko offers Yulaan an opportunity to go on a brutal killing spree against these traitors on her old stomping grounds, and she obviously accepts. The order is to wipe out all life on Gorta once more. However, Yulaan discovers quickly that the Chaos Angels have brought off-world slaves and maidens to Gorta, and, stained by her time on Earth-Prime as well as her own Titanist warrior honor, she instead chooses against killing noncombatants. This complicates her journey but doesn't thwart it entirely.

Along the way, a Devastator boy and budding martial artist named Skullcrusher tags along with her, eager to prove his own mettle and fight his own people (it's not unnoticed that Yulaan and Skullcrusher literally share the same name). So does Yoshua, Death's Shadow and the Swordsman of the Black Dragon. These three form a considerable power trio bringing death and brutal justice to Gorta.

The story's basically Hokuto no Ken but even bloodier and with Yulaan as a morally-gray female Kenshiro as she wipes out the Chaos Angels. Skullcrusher would probably best be described as the Feral Child from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior meets Toph Beifong, while Yoshua is clearly Legally-Not-Hiei with shades of Piccolo Jr.

The names for the Four Star Lords are the best part:
• Warmaster Kombaticus
• Demon Supreme Ozzy
• Killkamesh
• Genocide Man

Yulaan vs. Warmaster Kombaticus is a fight I've actually half-written out already just for fun because it's pure hypermasculine shlock, a one-on-one post-apocalyptic wuxia fistfight that'd make Gray Fox blush. The whole story reeks of hypermasculinity. In fact, despite the fact that the Chaos Angels bring alien maidens onto Gorta for a bit of the old ultraviolence, Yulaan is often the only female person for thousands of miles. It's a tale more sausage-flavored than a wiener factory in ancient Greece, or at least it would be if not for its lead protagonist. The homoeroticism is off the charts or at least it would be if Yulaan was male, and it's blatantly obvious with this fight because Yulaan and Kombaticus fight in the latter's kinky-looking death chamber, a place filled with whips and chains. Kombaticus is the one who orgasms to the thrills and joys of combat, speaking of how angry it makes him that a female could possibly share the same thrill despite also being elated to fight a bolloi, the universe's premier female warriors. He is a man who obsesses over what it means to be a warrior. He shares Yulaan's philosophy completely, and he steadfastly refuses to even consider the idea of calling for reinforcements or using a weapon. True warriors fight hand-to-hand, one on one. In this chamber, he considers Yulaan a man, so he also says man to man. He adores the idea of rippling muscle, torn and bloody hands, bleeding eyes, bruised and sweaty skin clashing, and iron wills throwing sparks. This is what all true warriors strive for. In fact, this is the fight that should ultimately end with a Knife Edge Death Match. Except this time, it's truly to the death. It's pure machismo, out of control with shirtless muscles galore. And Yulaan defeats him and takes his life with honor, and at his request, beheads him with one of the knives. She exits this fight horribly bruised and bloodied, but satisfied.

Yulaan vs. Demon Supreme Ozzy is a tougher one as Ozzy is a warmaster of great skill and power who leads his men to evil conquest. He's been in wars where the humans wound up being better orcs than the actual orcs all because of him. Demon Supreme Ozzy also summons demons and revenants, using necromancy to reanimate the men who are killed, both slain allies and vanquished foes.

Every dead man will rise again. He who is killed will stand and kill. Those he kills will rise and kill!

Hell Overwhelming!!

The warp of ultimate chaos and madness drives these men wild with bloodlust and combat ecstasy. Ozzy can also impose Getavara's Laughter upon them, putting his men into a state of wicked nexcidious bloodfreaking. They are so sick with rage, they communicate in wrathful caveman grunts and violence, and, much like Feral Yabans and Vedar Mazoku, they are no longer even fully sapient, instead living 100% on ultraviolent impulse. Yulaan relishes such hordes. She's played loads of zombie video games and zerg rush games precisely because her own nexcidium gives her endless pleasure at the thought of a never-ending rush of enemies. As for the Demon Supreme himself, he's little else than a classic xianxia sorcerer/necromancer, which is always fun.

Yulaan vs. Killkamesh is really a three-on-two battle and the closest the story gets to full-on wuxia as the Chinese would do it, since Yoshua leads this battle and Killkamesh is a swordsman as well, so there's a lot of qi-powered swordplay. Almost certainly, this won't be a Yulaan kill. This battle also plays with the idea of honor as well, as Killkamesh shares Kombaticus's warrior philosophy. Yulaan and Killkamesh don't really want their companions in their battles, but they wouldn't do as well as they do without them. But otherwise, as mentioned, this is a fairly standard wuxia fight, largely between a Mazoku and a dark-hearted human.

Yulaan vs. Genocide Man is the craziest one of all. Genocide Man is downright loony. He's assaulted so many women and young boys that his privates became cancerous and he had to cut it all off, leaving him sexually unsatisfied for the rest of his life. But in becoming an unwilling eunuch, he's actually become even stronger.
He is freaky, he's gone crazy. He does the Madman Dance we see with Arthur Brown, goes full "Liar," and wiggles and twists like he's on LSD. Plus he captures both of his eyes open with little claws, a self-inflicted Clockwork Orange. He moves fast enough to be a blur, like when he shakes his face. He can't sleep or rest anymore, and this permanent wakefulness has caused his mind to deteriorate further.

He's gone full freak-o, and when he resurrects after his first battle ends badly for him, he breaks his hands to push the bones through the skin, and then uses his bone-skewer fists to beat up Yoshua. He does the same to his legs and feet, causing Yoshua to be bloodied up heavily. Despite Yoshua being stronger, he's still overwhelmed because Genocide Man is loco. He am become death.

He can't take it. It's time for maximum over-violence.

There's obviously a bunch of lesser lieutenants and common mooks working for the Four Star Lords that Yulaan/the trio take their time to dispatch, giving Rage of Angels something of a "fight of the week" quality in between the arcs against the generals, all leading up to the final fight against Yasimbata.

It's a pretty tragic waste of life wrought by psychotic war lust all things considered, but it makes for a fun story! It's a horrible story about horrible people doing horrible things, and I can't wait to write it.

Just to hammer home a point: Sol Yulaan is evil, she is a bad guy, she is one of the villains, she is currently acting as a henchman for the very evil Drugatsko, and the Yulaanverse of stories is essentially a subfranchise about a nameless henchman who does quote-unquote "good" deeds because she fancies doing them at that particular moment. She chooses against killing noncombatants out of her own personal honor, but still took on the job of exterminating the sapient life of an entire planet without hesitation. A planet whose sapient life she had already exterminated once before.

The better chunk of the story is indeed Yulaan wandering around the planet, killing almost everyone she encounters unless she deems them non-combatants. She isn't particularly heroic, but it does happen that when Devastators and non-Devastators are in the same space, nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, the Devastators are wreaking havoc and abusing victims. Thus, Yulaan plays the role of justice dealer almost by accident because of the brutal circumstances of the planet. The Devastator world of violence isn't exactly a place of Western-style sentimentality and heroics no matter which side you're on.

It's around this time, however, that we see Yulaan begin to realize that she falls back on her Yaban nature to justify her cold brutality far too much, hence why she goes back to Earth without much complaint or resistance despite the offer of a Devastator gladiatorial deathmatch if she emerged victorious. She realizes in seeing Drugatsko's brutalitarian reign that she can't just blame all her failings on her Yaban genetics. She deliberately chooses to do things. Indeed, in her struggle against one of the Four Star Lords, it can be made into a major point of character development that Yulaan knows she has the instincts to act and think aggressively, but it's her own conscious decisions to follow them through that define who and what she is. She is a Yaban. She will always be a Yaban. She will always be a monkey of war and conflict. She knows that nexcidium flows through her veins, forcing her to be more aggressive. But there's also sapience and free will in her mind. She looks upon the life she has on Earth as an opportunity to prove that she is not a Clockwork Grenade, one who must explode when the pin is pulled at a certain time. If she truly has a powerful will, then surely she can tolerate Earthlings living their own way?
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Yuli Ban
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:25 pm

Raza, the Yaban Pirate
Drawn by ERIC-ARTS-inc


A generic male Saiyanthropus ferus named Raza.

Much like Drugatsko, he's based on a nameless background Saiyajin, this one the red-haired guy from DBZ episode 49


He's a Gosamyrized space pirate, which would also ironically make him as close to a classical Saiyajin as possible in the Yabanverse. Yabans are already extremely close to Saiyans by design, but they do offer a few differences. Plus their armor tends to be more "80s power metal" than the space samurai/pirate/80s aerobics hybrid Saiyans had. Of course when you cross Gosamyrian battle armor (which is very much rooted in 80s fitness freak and space-pirate styles) with Yabans, you might as well have a Saiyajin as they used to be.

Raza is a Yaban warrior classic, built solely to Image

Perhaps as a side effect (or perhaps because of it), Raza's quite the manly nagoi.
Raza is a space pirate, one who raids interplanetary and interstellar vessels to sell the materials on them on the black market, but this is really just a front. All he's really into is a good fight and butchery, so he deliberately targets the most well-defended and hardest-to-penetrate ships in the cosmos for the sake of a great challenge. Indeed, because of the insane nature of nagoi piracy, they're often employed by warlords and mercenary groups to do the difficult missions no others will dare to contemplate, let alone try. Raza isn't a top-tier pirate— he's a small fry all things considering, but that's his lot in life. Unlike a lot of his compatriots, he's perfectly fine with staying small rather than advancing through the power structure, feeling that it keeps him close to the best kinds of action— those down-to-Earth sorts of fistfights that really get the blood pumping... often all over the walls.

Raza's not just holding a dagger for the hell of it. He's going to be introduced to the story in Middle American Mythology where he and Yulaan play a certain something between those knives... Any fan of Yu Yu Hakusho will know what I'm talking about!
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Yuli Ban
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:27 pm

Following up on that, months after the fact....

Little Miss Savage: Middle American Mythology

The year is 1977. New York is a city in decline. A modern Sodom, the Big Apple has rotten— fallen into dilapidation and the starkest divides.
It's this breakdown of modern society into its rawest form that pulled Yulaan enough to leap across time to have her own fun here and now. As a traditional bolloi, she is attracted to the machismo and political incorrectness of the era.
There are several faces she meets in this era, including Jocko Roosevelt, the son of Buck Roosevelt and a Green Beret who's seen action in Vietnam. There's his best friend, fellow soldier, and war-damaged George "Elf" Kirby who is the first Yulaan encounters in 1977 when she lands in the American Southwest and meets Elf as an outlaw biker. There's Glenn Sampson, the typical Male Chauvinist Pig of the '70s and a Brooklyn native. There's Glenn's close friend, Michael LaBlanc, filled with hot-blooded Black Machismo and having grown up on James Brown and Ray Charles. There's Jennifer Campbell, a forward lady of the time and a disco-loving exotic dancer. And there's Lori Goldwater, a funky, rough and tumble street punk chick who grew up an a number of rough neighborhoods.

Yulaan's not unused to hanging around humans— she's marked her life with the disgustingly middle-class youths and manchildren of the 2020s after all. But Yulaan finds greater disharmony among this crowd, a hotbed of racial and gendered conflicts that simmer hot compared to the relative egalitarian attitudes fifty years hence. And what she's really here for is to fight manlier men.
Unsurprisingly, Yulaan jives with the kung fu craze, dropping by a grindhouse theater, watching several martial arts flicks. She then reveals she's a competent martial artist herself, also revealing her tail and electric powers to her little in-group. Finally she reveals that she's an alien, which seems fitting because Star Wars just came out the other day and it's all about aliens and mystical stuff.

As a funny aside, a superhuman kung fu monkey-tailed space alien remains a completely novel concept to the people of this era. It's still only 1977, and Saiyans would not be introduced to the world until 1989. So to everyone she encounters, there's quite literally no perfect frame of reference to understand what a "Yaban" is supposed to be other than some bizarro crossover of Klingons, Spartans/Amazons, Yahoos, and Planet of the Apes with a little bit of Thor thrown in.

A hot and angry summer day arrives, into the Blackout of 1977. People are violent, frustrated, agitated, and ready to fight. Yulaan enters a street fighting tournament. She reduces her qi to nil and fights purely secularly, winning every match with brute force. She then let's her final opponent use qi to prove a point, that she is naturally stronger than humans because of her physiology, but humans are not as weak as they think themselves to be. She gave this man an iota of qi and it was enough to stumble her around.
Also, now that he feels such qi, his actions seem to become so much more deliberate and opera-like, almost like a kung fu movie.
Yulaan beats him with brute strength, and the qi he has protects him from serious injury. But it leaves him. She's not going to just give humans her own qi. If they want to cultivate such abilities, practice qigong. Maybe they'll break through their limits.
Anyway, plot happens that I'll eventually figure out, and this culminates in Raza revealing himself to be on Earth and challenging Yulaan to a fight, one which ends with the two having expended their qi. Yulaan is satisfied to be fighting someone like him, especially in this time of all places, and Raza can tell that the Butcher of Gorta is into this, so he decides to throw a knife-edge deathmatch.

"How about we settle this with a Knife-Edge Deathmatch."

Raza is a space pirate, one who raids interplanetary and interstellar vessels to sell the materials on them on the black market, but this is really just a front. All he's really into is a good fight and butchery, so he deliberately targets the most well-defended and hardest-to-penetrate ships in the cosmos for the sake of a great challenge. Indeed, because of the insane nature of nagoi piracy, they're often employed by warlords and mercenary groups to do the difficult missions no others will dare to contemplate, let alone try. Raza isn't a top-tier pirate— he's a small fry all things considering, but that's his lot in life. Unlike a lot of his compatriots, he's perfectly fine with staying small rather than advancing through the power structure, feeling that it keeps him close to the best kinds of action— those down-to-Earth sorts of fistfights that really get the blood pumping... often all over the walls.

I've always talked about vroda kvltvr because female characters are inherently interesting to me. But senja kvltvr is also interesting. Nagois are very manly as a rule, and they are still capable of brotherhoods— after all, "senja kagora" literally translates to "brother fellowship" or "fraternal chivalry," so they clearly have this capability. Indeed, nagois ought to have very strong brotherhoods because part of their spiritual dao is that of the ultramasculine huo combined with the feminine yin— but all the feminine third does for them is allow for that self-control and compassion for one another that makes fraternities so strong while also enhancing their destructive potential. Bollois are widely seen as lacking that sort of compassionate side hence why they make such effective butchers and assassins (as they spiritually are seen as only having the destructive huo and the masculine yang), but they still have chivalrous sisterhoods, so it makes sense that nagois will be males of unity and fellowship. Considering male friendship is a major manly theme on Earth, the manliness of nagois doesn't really need to be stated.
But that being said, senja kagora is still not some feminine ordeal or anything. Nagois do manly things that often get homoerotic, and one of those things is a knife-edge death match, where these manly space warriors get to have their fun beating each other bloody between blades. Again, bollois do these things too— nagois and bollois share many behaviors in their fellowships. Indeed, Djuggesh and Ghojin are an undefeated winners of multiple knife-edge death matches. However, Yulaan had never actually heard of these things because she never had the chance to really get into vroda kvltvr before her war on Planet Gorta, hence why she's confused by the offer to fight in one against Raza. To be fair, he's also beguiled that the Butcher of Gorta has never been in a knife-edge death match, let alone heard of them. It seems more than a bit odd, like a badass mercenary with hundreds of kills having never heard of even the concept of honor dueling or underground fight clubs. So he teaches her via actually holding one.
And what better place to do it than in 1977 New York? A place of the cusp of post-modernity, where the chauvinistic and chivalrous machismo of the past still lingers on and triggers many bystanders to become so incredibly uncomfortable.

It can't be avoided as a subject: Yulaan is female. She may not be a woman per se, but she is indistinguishable from one, since Yabans are essentially that classic "humanoid alien" archetype. She looks and sounds like a woman, and she's female, so to these people, she might as well be a woman— indeed, it's common for people to call her a woman in many forms, such as "Yaban woman," and even "bolloi woman" because they don't quite get that "bolloi" alone works (it would essentially be like calling a female fowl a "hen woman" but made far muddier by the fact bollois are, as aforementioned, indistinguishable from women). She already upsets people by being so well-built and battle-scarred. Tossing her into a brutal bare-knuckle pit fight with an insanely muscular male just seems offensively obscene to these modern eyes. Not that everyone's against it.

Sure, some like Glenn and Michael think it's an afront to the Lord Himself for this to happen and Jennifer weeps, thinking that Yulaan's throwing away her beautiful face and shouldn't be doing something so toxically wretched— but then you have the amazed Jocko and Elf who, even though they also possess era-appropriate chauvinism (how could they know their general attitudes would make them villains to those two generations away in the future?), are more tolerant than they let on and certainly don't mind a lady going topless to fight. Plus the sheer audacity of such a fight is astounding, especially to Elf who sees it not as some mixed brawl but as a legendary struggle of will. Nor is Lori anything but awe-struck. Again, she'd never get involved in such a dumb sort of brutal fight herself either, and while the fight itself is so dumb to her, it's also awesome.

Alas, Yulaan and Raza couldn't care less about what the humans think of their fight. They're Yabans; this is just what they do. That there might be anything unusual or wrong about a male and a female fistfighting with such raw brutality is an alien concept to them— on Planet Kollidor, only the strong meet on the battlefield! Strength is all that matters. There is no "equality" on Kollidor; only strength and power.


Admittedly, causing that sort of discomfort is part of why Yulaan even heads back to the past, such as to 1950s Spain and 1960s America and East Asia. These time periods were eras of far stronger gender norms and far greater male honor in daily life. There's a natural clash between human and Yaban norms as a result. We humans expect our females to be tender, delicate, graceful, kind, compassionate, submissive, motherly, sensitive, emotional, and indecisive, even in modern times when such isn't "politically correct" to say directly and thus vastly moreso in past decades. Tradwives and tradwomen are supposed to be bearers of that sort of ultra-femininity. Yabans, by comparison, expect their females to be industrious, brutal, aggressive, unconcerned, logical, and cruel. In fact, a traditional bolloi or tradbol would be seen as completely lacking femininity to humans. As has been stated before, bollois may be the females, but the hermaphroditic yenois are the "Women," at least by traditional standards. Yulaan considering herself a "somewhat traditional girl" is ironic in that context considering that, by Yaban standards, she very much is so, and yet by human standards, we'd probably call her "ultra-Butch" and some certainly might consider her a "frigid feminist" as a result. Hence why it's so fun to thrust her into places like Francoist Spain, suburban mid-century America, 80s Japan, and more.

This is what happens when you take the Strong Female Character™ trope and run with it to its maximum possible extent.
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Yuli Ban
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:35 pm

Drawn by Salvamakoto

Knife-Edge Deathmatch

Summer, 1977

Brooklyn, New York City

There was a brawl on a hot and muggy day downtown in Brooklyn, and it ended with both fighters floating from the sky onto their knees. Their tails were lashing and their hair spiked and crackled with electricity. Both of them were freshly stained with each other’s blood.

Somewhere on the ground, their shirts were collecting grunge and scum. One fighter was male, the other female, and both of their bodies were webbed and crossed with old battle scars.

And the male fighter’s name was Raza, and he said, “This ain’t no fun, isn’t it? We can’t have our fun anyway.”

The female fighter was Yulaan, and she didn’t say anything. Instead, she positioned herself in a kneel with her arm over her knee.

Raza let go of a heavy breath and said, “We might as well go secular if we can’t go all out. So how ‘bout it? No more tricks.”

Yulaan smirked at him.

And Raza had this sharp grin as he said, “In that case… to use a yutakoze raider expression, let’s make it a test ‘a balls.”

Yulaan spat and said, “Tseh. I don’t even have balls, and I’ll tell you I’ve got the balls.”

These two weren’t alone. A good group of bystanders were gathered around, watching this real life kung fu movie play out like they were condemned and this was their collective last wish fulfilled.

A small group of six motioned by more helplessly than the rest. These were the people Yulaan had spent the past half year befriending to varying degrees of success. John “Jocko” Roosevelt, the son of Buck Roosevelt and a Green Beret who wore his years in Vietnam on his face. There's his best friend, fellow soldier, and war-damaged George "Elf" Kirby. Now these two were apart from the others, but were close enough to still be in the group. There's Glenn Sampson, the typical Male Chauvinist Pig of the '70s and a Brooklyn native. Squatting next to him, Glenn's close friend, Michael LaBlanc, filled with hot-blooded Black Machismo with a childhood full of James Brown and Ray Charles. And next there’s Jennifer Campbell, a forward lady of the time and a disco-loving exotic dancer. And last, there's Lori Goldwater, a funky, rough and tumble street punk chick.

Most of the apes remained rowdy, gawking more at Yulaan in the downtime than anything else. Glenn’s eyes thinned as he scanned Raza, while Jennifer and Lori both pulled their hands in.

Jennifer trembled as she asked, “What on Earth do you think they’re going to do now? They’ve been fighting so much already. Do you think they’re going to call it a draw?”

Glenn scoffed and smacked his lips. “I don’t think so.”

Jocko leaned on the hood of the taxi and chewed on tobacco, bemused and focusing his eyes on the silvery glint in Raza’s belt.

That’s where the monkey-man’s hand went.

“Let’s settle this with a knife-edge deathmatch.”

From behind her long bangs, Yulaan blinked. “Knife-edge… deathmatch?”

From afar, Michael pressed his hand against his mouth, while Glenn bit his lip.

Lori said, “Knife-edge deathmatch? That doesn’t sound good…”

Nothing she said was wrong to Glenn’s ears. Whatever violence they had seen thus far, surely it would not compare to the bloody sport to follow.

Elf found the words through his befuddlement to say, “Hey, you think we should step in?” No response. “Hey.”

Jocko spat his tobacco and passed a heavy morose glance to his comrade. “We can’t get involved. Not here. Not now.”

“You’re going to leave that girl to die? She’ll get a knife right in her chest.”

They both turned as they heard frantic footsteps. Jennifer briskly walked over to say, “Why aren’t you two doing anything? They’re going to hurt each other.”

Some surreality struck Michael as he thought about how they hadn’t taken the fight so seriously thus far when it had been mystical kung fu shlock. The flying, the high kicks, the laser beams, all that looked so fun that it tickled his inner 10-year-old who just wanted to see the strong people punch each other through walls.

The mood grounded with the fighters, and now he felt as if he was about to watch two made-men square off in a back alley. Yulaan’s softer features triggered a response in him that heightened the discomfort. Every few seconds, a pulse of shock blinded him. This was the reptilian part of his brain, the basic reinforcement he had been taught his whole life overpowering the conscious mind that struggled against it: “She’s a bolloi,” versus, “She’s a girl.” He wanted to see what made bollois so different from human dames. Now that he was about to get his wish granted, the all-American chivalrous man in him wanted to stay ignorant.

Raza spoke: “I won’t lie, my foggy little brain’s spazzing in shock right now that the Butcher of Gorta has never heard of a knife-edge deathmatch before.”

Yulaan stood and thumbed her nose. “You’re forgetting I dropped out. I didn’t get a chance to get fully immersed in taurus culture, so spare me a doubt.”

He approached and then passed Yulaan and stabbed the ground behind her. Following this, he took a single pace back and set the second knife deep into the pavement there.

“Now what’s he doing…” asked Elf under his breath.

The whole crowd had gone silent. Most were thoughtless, but the faces on several were contorted as they struggled to make sense of the scene.

Honestly, Raza said, “Take off your shoes and put your foot at the edge of the knife.”

Yulaan nodded and kicked off her boots. Raza did the same. The angle at which she set her foot against the blade caused the edge to draw blood without effort— she didn’t wince. Though she was ignorant to the game, she knew well that this was a sharpened yutakoze dagger, the kind that could cut steel. She wouldn’t be walking well after all this was done.

Both raised their fists to the other.

“The edge of that knife is the edge of our world. Nothing’s beyond it. You stumble, you run… you die. Do you think you can handle it, vroda?”

A breeze swayed Yulaan’s bangs, revealing her eyes for a brief second. “I’d be a coward if I couldn’t.”

The crowd watched on in bloody anticipation of this mixed match, placing their bets on who would emerge stronger. Yulaan didn’t have to hear much to know that the odds were stacked heavily against her in their minds. But that made sense. These were humans. Why would they believe anything else? She was a short girl— Raza was taller than her. Both were fit and muscular, but he was much moreso. Yet even if they were of equal build, humans have different standards. Bollois were never a good comparison for women in terms of strength, but visually they were almost indistinguishable. Of course they were going to expect her to be weaker. If she saw herself from their vantage, she’d have expected the same thing.

And then she heard Jennifer talking from afar. She said, “This isn’t going to end well. This is getting too dangerous. Someone has to stop them!”

Jocko stood up and started towards them, with Elf close behind. Their approach unhinged something in the crowd and brought more men to step forward and call off the tournament.

“By the way!” They all stopped. The crowd quieted. Yulaan’s ears twitch as she went onto them, “I understand.” She turned her head to meet them halfway. “You lot are humans. You don’t like seeing chicks get beaten up for fighting blokes. And that’s fine. I wouldn’t let a man and a woman fight either if the odds were this one-sided. But let me be clear here.” She spoke like thunder, each word booming: “I am not a woman. He is not a man. We’re bolloi and nagoi. This is what we do. So if any of you dare interfere in our fight, I will kill you.”

The murmuring returned as everyone got all puzzled, bewildered by the declaration. Jocko swallowed and stepped back.

“That’s right,” said Raza. “This doesn’t concern any ‘a you apes. Right now, the world ends here.”

Then Yulaan spoke again: “Somebody make the ladies scarce. They shouldn’t have to see this.”

This brought Glenn and Michael to move, assisting Jennifer and Lori away from the scene. Lori struggled, desperate to see the fight unfold, but Jennifer wept.

Thunder cracked across the sky, lightning in the distance. Yulaan looked into Raza’s eyes. He looked back. Blood dropped off their chins and chests.

A songbird flapped its wings.

He swung first, striking her chest. She returned to crash her elbow against his cheek. He returned with a heavy uppercut to her midsection, thrusting her back and cutting the heel of her foot against her knife.

She spat blood and recoiled, and used the momentum back to push herself forward for another heavy blow, dodging a hard right hook and unleashing a delirious flurry of blows against Raza’s chest.

This became the deathmatch as it deteriorated into pure raw physical brutality. Raza’s fist exploded across Yulaan’s face, sending her stumbling. She ducked and drove her fist into his chest, pushing him back and earning his foot a nasty and blood-gushing gash. They exchanged and returned light blows, throwing fists with fierceness and ferocity.

Yulaan’s heel dug into the dagger’s blade and spewed her blackened-red blood against the ground. Raza’s heel opened further as well.

A right hook shocked Raza’s face, forcing him to stumble. But he did not walk away. With less than a second to move, he reset his position, reset his foot, and elbowed Yulaan in the face.

Jennifer watched from behind a stone stairwell as Lori held her. They watched, one in horror, the other in bile and curious fascination. Some other women who had been a part of the group slowly snuck back in, behind the men’s backs at first before pushing their way to the front without resistance. No one cared to stop them. Everyone was too shaken by the brutality to bother.

Michael’s eyes boggled. In him something broke. Though he had watched the two fight in the sky just minutes prior, the paranormal distance of their abilities beguiled and amused him as if he had simply been watching a stage play. This, on the other hand, was even worse than the Sicilian alley-fight he feared it’d be. The savagery was so intense that it wrapped around into becoming surreal again to him, and he froze.

Raza backpedaled as far as he could to dodge a swing, then dislocated Yulaan’s nose and spewed blood on them both with a heavy left blow. She staggered and had her foot eviscerated further. Another fist screamed for her bloody face, threatening to knock her out. She caught the fist with her forearm, ducked under his arm, and drove her own fist into his gut. Impact! So fiercely had she struck that the entire crowd went “Oooh!!” in horror. A burst of spit erupted from the pirate’s mouth as his irises temporarily faded. Panicked, he clutched his flattened stomach. Numbness invaded his legs. Blood and saliva seeped through his teeth and dripped off his chin as he fought to catch a single breath, gasping and coughing, spraying the street.

Yulaan took the moment to pant and catch her breath.

Snarling, he gritted his teeth, bore his fangs, and tried to bear hug Yulaan to throw her onto the knife— she uppercut his chin and struck him thrice against his tendered stomach, forcing him to spit copious blood. He desperately beat her fists away and bashed his blunted hands against her face and arm, wildly flailing.

Yulaan paused. “Need a minute?”

She received a haymaker to the mouth and had her heel sliced nearly in two.

Raza chuckled darkly and said, “No mercy. This is a deathmatch.” He dropped his elbow against the back of her neck as she was stooped over, sending her nearly to the ground.

Jennifer looked up, then shoved her face back in Lori’s arms. “But why? She’s… she’s so pretty… she’s beautiful! Why is she throwing that away?”

More hits stunned Yulaan. Her face was puffy and stained with her blood as Raza’s bare knuckles crashed against her cheeks and chin.

Jocko struggled to speak as he watched the pirate take a hard left to the skull that dazed him and knocked out one of his teeth.

Both of the fighters growled and laughed, blood pooling out of their mouths, their eyes blackened and noses off-center.

Elf’s mouth was agape. “Whoa…!”

“What’s wrong?” asked Jocko.

“Are you kidding me? Look at this! This fight! Right now, nothing exists beyond those knives. The world, us, we mean nothing to them. Right now, Yulaan’s not a lady; she’s a warrior doing battle with another warrior. It’s a clash of iron wills.”

Raza and Yulaan struck each other’s fists. Raza’s pulled his back and cringed, feeling out the pain. Yulaan retracted and followed up with a strike against his face, and she earned the same back in response. The blows came heavy and deadly, and their feet ripped and squelched against the blood-soaked knives.

Elf went on, “I’m not saying I’d fight a woman. But I’d not mind a round with Yulaan. Just to see if I matched up at all.”

Jocko looked back to the fight and watched as both warriors struggled against each other’s electric aura, no longer throwing punches but instead clashing with raw physicalized will. Lightning danced in a sphere around the two, and a weak gale brushed away any debris.

“Tell me when they stop. Please. I can’t watch,” wept Jennifer.

The amazed Lori said, “Well, I’ll say this: they can’t possibly keep going on forever. One of them’s going to have to fall sooner or later. And if I had to guess…”

All the hairs on Yulaan’s tail stood on end as Raza came in with an ax-handle. She dodged and beat him back with a headbutt.

Raza’s skull cracked. His eyes glossed over. He slumped and fell. Yulaan caught him.

“U-unbelievable!!” shouted one man in the background.

“She beat him! She beat his ass!”

The crowd whooped and shouted as the watchers cheered and jeered, some celebrating, some freaking out over the possible death before them.

Yulaan kept Raza steady.

He groaned through bloody teeth. “What are you doing? This was a deathmatch. Finish me off.”

They shared a cold stare. She pulled him back to standing and let him rest.

“I’d be a grahzny bratchny if I did. How about we settle for a rematch instead? Somewhere we can both go all out.”

Raza smirked. They slapped bloody palms, spraying blood through the air.

Both limped off away from the crowd, struggling to walk on eviscerated feet.
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 10:43 pm

Alright now it's time to get serious.

Unless specifically stated and tagged with credit, every image from here on out will be AI generated

And this isn't JUST for convenience and cost. In fact, I've been heralding synthetic media since 2017, and the Yabanverse was intended from the start to be a heavily AI driven project. But at the time, AI generated tools were deeply lacking in capability.

Things have changed and will continue to change. The dreams I had since 2017 are coming true, and the Yabanverse will profit from it!
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 10:54 pm

The inaugural AI post, however, requires credit from a human artist.


Doki Doki Monkey

Drawn by Red.

Young Yulaan pulling a radish out of the ground, either to eat or throw at someone

No, not Monika. Think Mario.

Now for the AI part


Animated with CogVideo, an AI video/gif generator

And what's insane is that this wasn't even state of the art when I made it. There's vastly better video synthesis AI models out there. Can't wait until I get my hands on them!
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:22 pm

Yoshua/Yoshiya the Mazoku Warrior

Generated with Stable Diffusion

Finally managed to get it really working so that it can generate these characters a bit more accurately. I have loads of images of Yoshua, so prepare to see a bunch more.

Yoshua, could also be rendered as Yoshiya, is Yulaan's mazoku rival/friend. They're not particularly chummy, but they aren't enemies, so they're practically dating by Yaban and mazoku standards.

Yoshua first met Yulaan when the latter was 10 years old, at a Makai Budōkai held under Planet Naraka, but little came of their meeting. They meet again when Yoshua encounters her on Planet Gorta, as he's nominally working for Demon Supreme Ozzy at the time, but he finds Yulaan more interesting to work with. So he follows her back to Earth— his home planet.
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:28 pm


Jaganshi Yoshua

Going full Hiei, this is Yoshua/Yoshiya with his third eye open. The Jagan (邪眼, literally "Evil Eye") is a demonic eye rooted in the third-eye Chakra, giving Yoshua even more preternatural abilities like foresight, telepathy, psychokinesis, and mind control, as well as 360° sight.

It's not as busted as the Satvyan Eye, but it's still cool!

It was damn hard to get Stable Diffusion to understand what a third eye is, but I brute forced it. Though it gave him bloody nipples for some reason each time it worked.
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:39 pm



An onryō turned mazoku, she is quite the powerful fighter. Like Yoshua, she's a shadow demon, though unlike Yoshua, she didn't start out as one. I've yet to come up with a good backstory for her.
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:47 pm


Todora and fellow demon girls

Generated with Stable Diffusion

A mazoku among yōkai, here's an image of Todora with her brethren in Makai.

Despite how Japanese influenced Todora and Yoshua/Yoshiya's side of the story is, it remains rooted in Chinese shenmo/wuxia/xuanhuan fantasy. Yōkai training under xian to specialize in wushu and qigong, and whatnot.
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:52 pm

On Demons and Monsters
Being that the Yabanverse is so rooted in shenmo and xuanhuan, (specifically a very famous xuanhuan shōnen manga you may or may not have heard of), that inevitably means demons.

I decided to fall back on full weeb terminology for the most part, just to make it easier on myself because I can't be arsed to be creative before I've had my morning caffeine.

Akuma 悪魔 (Devils)

Mazoku 魔族 (Demon clansmen and general demonic entities)

Majin 魔人 (Mystical entities, especially djinns)

Yokai 妖怪 (Ghosts, monsters, and creatures)

Onii 鬼 (Ogre/trolls style demons)

Not all of these live in Demon World. The Vedars are a race of alien mazoku, for example.

And there are different species and phylums. Like the Svlic mazoku, which Yoshua and Todora belong to, is its own phylum.

Furthermore, in some cases, a mortal can become a demon through possession and transmogrification. Think of Demon Supreme Ozzy and his Demon Warp powers, able to draw upon Getavara's Laughter to bring millions of men to nexcidious blood-crazed warlust by turning them into demons.

Taking up from Warhammer, you do have demonic Chaos God-like entities as well, one of which being Getavara Himself, but I have yet to really flesh them out.

It feels weird to my American sensibilities to delve so deeply into Eastern mythology and storytelling traps, like with delving into the wild and wacky world of animism. Hell, the kishōtenketsu story structure is one I've been playing with to tell some of these stories, so even on a mechanical level, it's very "Eastern." But it's also clearly Western, and it's hard to shed Western ideas on how things "should" work, so I don't. Why should I? Let's blend it all together and see what comes out of it.

The Yabanverse can almost be considered a fusion of Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho. It's essentially a big fanfic about what if Saiyans and Demons, Saiyajin and Yōkai, occupied the same story (which technically is also the case in Dragon Ball, but I'm making a point!)
I love the idea of races for whom aggression and violence comes instinctually (in fiction, of course). And when I was a kid, I definitely noticed similarities in how Saiyans acted versus how Demons were supposed to behave. Son Goku and Yusuke Urameshi were both driven to fight because of blood within them that made them seek a greater challenge and push themselves to their limits. They faced off against opponents who lived for the thrill of battle, whose blood boiled for the joys of carnage and the ecstasy of destruction.

Likewise, you have the likes of Yulaan and Gungarus countering Yoshua and Todora, Yaban vs. Mazoku, Demonoid vs. Demon.

Both Yoshua and Todora started out as yōkai before becoming mazoku. How that works, I'm still figuring out.
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:49 pm

Let me introduce to you Planet Suiza. It has a pretty small amount of fictional history (because again, this is pretty much a small indie worldbuilding project I do in my spare time), but I like the tragedy of its civilization.

Open to a field of grain stalks. Males are working with scythes, hoes, and plows. The scene is similar to what you'd find in an Amish community.

This group of Homo sapiens call themselves the Shaeshens, and the Shaeshens are pitifully weak, even by human standards. Their military is small and shrinking. Their capacity for war is, itself, being warred upon. The leaders of this society speak of peace, harmony, pacifism, and total unity with God with all creatures.

Context: This is Planet Suiza, in a country called Zanzhi that's undergoing social upheaval, led by the Hesxkin (pronounced "Hesex-kin") which is an ultrafundamentalist, neo-medievalist, hyper-reactionary wave of people who believe society as it was over a thousand years ago was the only way it should be. Essentially the Amish and Mennonites if they were terrorists meets the Taliban.

But how did this happen?

Zanzhi society, Year 2550

A relatively high-tech and magical world in Universe 23, roughly on par with mid-20th century Earth Prime.
Zanzhi was not the premier superpower of Planet Suiza, instead being in second place not unlike China. Still, it was a relatively open constitutional monarchy and a world with much diversity of thought, seasonal trends, and modernization leading to the world preparing to enter into the space age and join the intergalactic community of worlds. Zanzhi would undoubtedly have benefited tremendously from this new dawning age.


In the middle of this century, Zanzhi was a country undergoing great changes, hurdling towards the future while longing for a Romanticized past. While it wasn't the strongest country out there, it was still in a very economically and socially fertile location that its nobles and merchants exploited to grow very wealthy and worldly, giving this industrialized society its marching orders for tomorrow.

Not all were fans of this industrial progress. One man— a deeply devout man of God, alchemist, and dragon lover named Alan Hesx— saw the modernization as savage, unholy, and despicable, and instead dreamed of forcing Suiza to return to a preindustrial, humble, and medieval state of being— by any means necessary.

To him, Suiza in the early 1000s was the ideal state of being. Pious, agrarian, and feudalistic, with religious scripture and the church of their dominant God central to all life and thought, where gender roles were very rigidly defined and a great general 500-year peace allowed for spiritual prosperity.

He developed and espoused deeply reactionary, ultra-conservative, and ultra-chauvinistic beliefs rooted in a blood and soil ideology that stated that all of modernity's evils stemmed back to industry, greed, war, and women. He offered hyper-agrarianism and masculinist-primitivism as the only way to live, unbesmirched by modernity's evils. As his popularity began to grow, he raised his two children, a son and a daughter, in believing wholeheartedly in his new ideology.

The followers of Hesx became known as the Hesxkin, and were increasingly radicalized and devoted to forcing the man's ways upon the world. However, they were long at a disadvantage: due to their disdain for modern technology, the government was always well ahead of them and their capabilities. Plus, their ultra-agrarian ideology coveted poverty and closeness to God over decadence and material comforts, which also proved unpopular with wider society.

Still, they never quit, and the only thing that could conceivably destroy the Hesxkin movement would be the simple, quiet passage of time. Alan Hesx himself was growing old, and doubts festered as to whether his son was truly capable of living up to his dream standard of a societal patriarch. Movements not unlike the Hesxkin had come and gone before, including the equivalent to Marxism which had been almost totally crushed two generations in Zanzhi but had taken over a smaller, but still powerful regional rival nation and yet proved unable to spread further.

It seemed as if the Hesxkin were doomed to become a historical footnote, a curio of the 2500s counterculture.

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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:55 pm


Until the Final World War began. Multiple nations ganged up on the sole communist country, which began forming relationships with other nations in a desperate bid to survive. High tech airplanes and magickal dragons alike were used in this brutal war which killed tens of millions in only a few years and led to such total and widespread international devastation that all other major world powers were left completely defunct, their governments collapsed.

The war lasted for 9 years, and Zanzhi made the blunder of getting involved when it was not needed, losing five million men and women in only a few years. But the militarization proved to be fateful, as now Zanzhi developed incredibly powerful force projection across the globe. With advanced airplanes and very well-tamed dragons to dominate the skies, the aerial war was quickly won, leaving only a ground war that was Zanzhi's to win. But rival powers, weakened as they were, still proved capable of striking Zanzhi directly, inflicting wartime horrors unto a pacified and spoiled population unused to such frights.

The Final World War left only pure destruction, despair, and anger in its wake. How had society gone so wrong? Who was to blame? Who could help them? Zanzhi emerged healthy, but not unscathed. A whole generation had been slaughtered, and the world that the people knew was left a pile of rubble.

The Zanzhi elite did not care. Instead, they plotted to reorganize the world to fit their own desires, expand their hegemony, and achieve total world domination. Who could possibly stop them?


Of course, their own people.

The Hesxkin seized the opportunity, exploiting widespread discontent and malaise to boost their numbers to extraordinary proportions, spreading the comforting belief that a return to traditional values of the land would prevent any future wars from erupting. But the Hesxkin were particularly violent at this point in time, declaring that history itself had led to the mindless slaughter of the present and that only through shedding history would they cleanse themselves of the sins of modernity. If they were unable to go through with this great cleansing, the future generations would only be imprinted upon by the past and all the same mistakes would be made. Thus, history itself had to be erased in fire and madness.

The Hesxkin Revolution and the Great Cleansing coalesced into one explosive overthrow of Zanzhi, the government and existing elites left running in fear. The Hesxkin did not seek to undo the monarchy— if anything, their desire was to strengthen it to the realm of absolutism and restore traditionalist, noble order to the world. Their only quarrel was with how modernity unfolded and the corruption of the present. The wealth, art, greed, and pleasantries of the existing powers had to be destroyed to make way for a renewed aristocracy of proper Godly values and true spiritual nobility.

As for the arts and history, there was nothing to be salvaged. Literature had to be burned. Textbooks had to be erased. Any cultural memories of anything besides the glory of the distant, Romantic past was worthless. Worse: it was Satanic and evil.


All society was uprooted. All traditions that went against the masculinist-primitivist return to rustic agrarianism were destroyed. If you were not with the Hesxkin, you were of Satan and to be destroyed. At its most radical point, even wearing glasses could mark you as educated and, thus, a potential enemy (only the elderly and genuinely disabled could offer a worthy excuse to escape persecution).


Finally, in 2560, the Zanzhi government surrendered even in exile and handed over all power, authority, and ownership to Alan Hesx and his men.

The Hesxkin had won.
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:04 pm

The movement that started on disparate farmlands and composed of peasants and clergymen had suddenly swept to absolute power over the last superpower on Suiza, and celebrations came quick and were extremely festive. Hearing of their victory, the Hesxkin and their supporters erupted into spontaneous cheering.

All across Zanzhi and, indeed, much of the wartorn world, there were cheering crowds and celebrations as Hesx was treated as a great modern revolutionary who offered a genuine alternative way compared to the bloodsoaked existing hierarchy.

Within days, the true face of the Hesxkin movement unveiled itself, instead veiling that of girls and women. The Hesxkin were chauvinists and reactionaries who had long made their intentions known but, in the lead up to the Hesxkin Revolution, softened their language to make themselves seem more inclusive so as to not erase the contributions of half the population.


But the cold fact is that the female half of Suizan humanity was doomed. If you want a vision of Suiza's future, imagine a boot stamping on a woman's covered face— forever.

Girls and women who refused to submit to the new draconian laws and restrictions put in place against them quickly found themselves repressed and humiliated and, increasingly often, dead. Even little girls would be tortured or shot in the head for resisting men's orders or even be seen walking the streets without a chaperone, uncovered, or bringing attention to themselves.


The elderly Alan Hesx, now the new totalitarian absolutist emperor of Zanzhi, imposed his country's forces on the rest of the world and on Zanzhi itself. In contrast to the quaint Romantic primitivism of Hesxkin ideology, Hesx himself established something of a modern fascist state for many years in order to push his beliefs to their limits and achieve his aims. For a few years after the Revolution, some former Hesxkin believers became disillusioned, seeing that they had only overthrown their corrupt aristocracy with one that was ironically more modern and more corrupt.

In his advanced age, Hesx also faced another dilemma: that of the lineage of power. He offered his only son as the new prince to rule, but the Hesxkin rumors were soon proven true when his son came out as gay and fled the country.

Hesx, an ardent believer in the divine right of kings and of the necessity of hereditary rule, faced an impossible choice: either hand over his power to a new man, or hand over his power to his daughter, a woman.

Due to his megalomaniacal beliefs in his historical importance and understanding that his new government could not achieve full neo-medieval theocracy overnight without exploiting modernity, Hesx bent his own rules again and relented, letting his daughter take control. Once more, the Hesxkin were left disillusioned, feeling as if they had been conned by a populist strongman.


This did not stop the Hesxkin from carrying out what they had long set to do: destroy modernity. This included deconstructing industrial centers, razing industrial parks to the ground to be replaced with farmland, and destroying all evidence of modern technology, no matter how useful or beneficial to life and health. Like Luddites on steroids and with totalitarian power, the Hesxkin smashed every industrial center they could find, in Zanzhi and elsewhere.

Shocked countries that somehow did not see the writing on the wall and who refused to let themselves be forced into poverty attempted to fight back, only to be bltizkrieged or steamrolled by the vastly superior Zanzhi army, not helped by deeply war weary populations who simply wanted the fighting to stop. All people wanted was a world of peace. Whether that world was high tech or low did not matter, so long as the bombs stopped falling, the dragons stopped spewing fire, and the tanks stopped rumbling through their neighborhoods.


In the Suiza world war, the other nations had wiped each other out to the same extent the USSR did to Nazi Germany, leaving only scattered and confused fighting left. The nations that could stop Zanzhi were obliterated, and the nations that could still fight back were too puny to matter. Unlike the USA or USSR, Zanzhi under the Hesxkin had absolutely no desire to reconstruct the world. When they occupied these countries, they immediately got to work tearing down industrial centers, destroying television and radio broadcasts, destroying evidence of lasers and magnetic storage, destroying atomic technology, destroying telegraphs, destroying shipyards, destroying music studios, destroying primitive video game research, destroying all records of physics and mathematics, destroying other religious iconography, destroying thousands of years worth of literature and art, and altogether forcing the entire planet back a thousand years. A few stalwarts held out, just to defend their own homeland and prevent their citizens from being thrust into enforced poverty.

One patriarch remembers when he was a child who would play some electronic card game and dream of these e-card games becoming something even better (what we'd recognize as video games), and he'd cry furiously when the police came into their house and destroyed it all in front of him while calling him evil for playing them. Or watching TV/listening to the radio. He wasn't a little kid, so he was able to understand some of what was going on. He used to dream of a great futuristic age for Suiza and was direly mournful to watch it all go up in smoke. He'd have to start wearing real old-timey clothes, pray at virtually all hours of the day, and basically pretend that old technological hedonism of his earlier life didn't happen. He also had to watch as his beloved sisters became walking shadows, hidden behind burqa-like veils.


Boys were the beneficiaries of this new world, but this did not mean they were not also victims. They, too, now had to live up to new standards and gender roles that were extraordinarily restrictive and left them without much room to enjoy life. Men were to be the providers and laborers, forever living in silent struggle with the land. Boys, grown up spoiled and excited over a prospective future age in space, could not stop crying at the thought that it was all gone. Boys and men instead were now to be raised told that they were the shepherds and masters of all society, subservient only unto God.

As for their mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, and lovers? Never speak of them again!
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:11 pm


And so as the troubles quieted and the Hesxkin rulers finally began living up to old promises, society began becoming more and more like a living Rockwell painting, a rural folk utopia where well-dressed, honest, and simple men living earnest and religious lives in a theocratic, humble, and traditional world.

This was to be a society of toilers, working with struggle and hard labor, living true, Godly lives cultivating the soil. Only what your own hands could make, you could take pride in.

The nature of Zanzhian masculinist-primitivism was different from that of the Earthling equivalent. Whereas Earthling primitivists and traditionalists exalted war and conflict as the height of masculinity, Zanzhians led by the Hesxkins came to view war as an evil caused by a dominance of femininity. True masculinity was strong, but pacifistic and stringently opposed war and large-scale conflict.

Men would rather use their muscles and minds towards the Four Divine Professions: Farmer, Fisherman, Merchant, and Clergyman. Though other Professions may exist, including that of warrior, only these were to be heralded as true and Godly.


For males, life was innocent and relatively free. Boys would grow up in small, close-knit communities, catching frogs in streams, rough housing and exploring with their friends, learning how to become men and patriarchs, and learning to love God and appreciate all He had created. For males, especially those born and raised after the Revolution and Great Cleansing, life was good. They knew their place and role in society as those chosen by God to lead and to master, the light and good of the world, those destined to be and to become.


For females, however, life was one of constant suffering and repression. Early on in the post-revolutionary world, those women who understood the threat of the Hesxkin despaired and often took their lives, understanding the sheer impossibility of lives lived ahead of them.

The traditional women bowed their heads and accepted their coming inferiority and subjugation. But for those women who dreamed of anything better, all that was left was ashes mixed with broken gadgets and a future predetermined to hate them and their very existence.

Women who believed that the Hesxkin might prove moderate or not so bad quickly faced reality. There was no slow burn or gradual deterioration— as soon as the Hesxkin was able to express authority, women lost all rights and freedoms. They were physically removed from all workplaces. They were barred from being able to carry money, buy or sell goods and services, owning any object or property, and soon worse— much worse.


Boys needn't worry about these restrictions. Many from before the Great Cleansing resisted the destruction of their loved ones and female strangers alike, and for their efforts they suffered the worst abuses, treated as traitors to their sex, and cast as wicked and lost. For those born after or in full agreement of the Cleansing, there was no need to worry about anything but what each new day brought.

In boys, you found innocence and curiosity fostered and exalted. Boys could be anything, so long as God willed it.

The fun, wholesome experienced found in boyhood were yours to enjoy.


But as for the Other Kinds of People, there was nothing.

The Other Kinds of People, formerly known as women, were no longer free to exist. By 2570, the Hesxkin made it illegal to even depict female characters in fiction. This world was to be completely devoid of any female impact.

The Other Kinds of People were hidden away in homes, unable to walk without male chaperones— and subject to constant humiliation and abuse even when they dared. There were no longer any references to their existence in society beyond fleeting mentions of the King Mother and the Virgin Mother. Those who dared to hint their existence would be taken to the Rooms for forgiveness, a terrifically painful punishment.


The Other Kinds of People eke out a miserable life, their only hope for any sort of pleasure being to give into what society expects of them: a pious, invisible domesticity living only as slaves and maids for their male relatives. To those who excel at modesty, cooking, cleaning, and making babies, as well as reacting to your male relative's harshness and strictness with feminine submission and humble acceptance of your worthlessness, life is about as good as it will ever be for you.

Any who attempt to resist this way of life will be sent to Judgment. Any man who pities the Other Kinds of People will be sent to the Rooms, or to Judgment himself. Kindness towards the Other Kinds of People can make you suspect, and if a fellow brother in God sees you acting with too much mercy and sympathy towards one, he may declare you a heretic, taken by Satanic seduction. So the Other Kinds of People cannot rely on boys and men to care for them except in the darkest, most closed-off parts of their own homes. And sure, once it reaches that point, the societal imprinting has become so extreme that it's unlikely those men truly care.


The Other Kinds of People may beg and plead for a better lot in life when they are pushed too far into despair, but there is no hope for them. Even making themselves known to the public will bring violent retribution unto them.

To be a girl or woman on Suiza after the Cleansing is to be a being damned. And because of the total erasure of history the world over, because of the wide decline into religious fervor and absolution, there is no hope for a thousand years more. Surely the Hesxkin will fall, for they have spread themselves far too wide and thin with a regime that cannot possibly stand world domination. But there is nowhere that can act as the foundation for modernity to return. When the religiosity fades, it will be into a world that is essentially unchanged from a thousand years prior.
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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Yuli Ban
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Re: "Yabanverse" | A worldbuilding project that's like DBZ meets Warhammer 40k

Post by Yuli Ban » Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:23 pm

As the Hesxkin spread their fervor across the globe, all things native to Zanzhi will become native to other nations as well. There is no possibility of escape. The planet had not developed any means of jumping across space or dimensions, and they war against the Demon World that sometimes makes attempts to harass them and their desire to raise glory to God.

In 2566, only six years after the success of the Great Cleansing, Alan Hesx passed away and gave over control of the world to his daughter, who became known as the King Mother. She would rule for the better part of a century more over Zanzhi and their vassals.
The few women who hoped that she might prove to be sympathetic to them were soon let down and betrayed, for the King Mother was a true believer in her father's ideology. She did not believe in her own right to rule, instead casting it as a bizarre act as mercy and transition by God. She would be the last female to ever rule Zanzhi, surely, until Final Judgment. And what's more, she felt herself to be a proper role model for the Other Kinds of People, one whose devotion to God and her submissive place in society would shine a holy light to guide the world into an even more moral state.
Her brother, the gay man who rejected his divine right to rule as a man and rejected the heteronormative ways of Zanzhi, was soon crucified as an agent of Satan and treated as the Cain of the new world.

The King Mother refused to make the same mistakes the decadent noble women of old had done. She vowed that she would provide a true maypole of female morality to be followed for time immemorial.


As time passed, the quaint 1950s Americana that blossomed in the immediate aftermath of the Great Cleansing was soon replaced by something far more traditional, a sort of return to truly Biblical and medieval times even in dressing and action.


All liberalism dead, Shaeshen humans were now to be considered flawed and insignificant sinners in the hands of an angry God, whose only hope for salvation was constant penance and prayer.


This neo-Biblical world was everything Alan Hesx wanted to see, a world of shepheds and farmhands toiling, cultivating the land, living solely for the glory of God. And despite a few continuing pockets of resistance across the world, there was no one able to stop or reverse this reaction into the past.

Inevitably, a few cults arose following different splintering religious factions, but there was no chance of any sort of secularism spreading again. The world of the 2590s onwards would be hard to distinguish from one found in pseudo-medieval fantasy, or perhaps even pseudo-Antiquity fantasy. Jeans and Church clothes were soon replaced by robes and head dresses, and as the next generation came of age, even more radicalized and religious men realized that they could go even further, casting off as much organized society as they possibly could and living a truly primitivistic lifestyle.


Masculinist-primitivism on Suiza and in Zanzhi reached its apex in the early 2600s, when horticulturalism and even some forms of hunter-gather lifestyles were popular and dominant. But as these things do, the trends turned, and men began once again looking for some sort of change to their lifestyles. This is not to say they once again became obsessed with modernity— by this point in time, it was well known that modernity was a false, seductive mistress misleading Shaeshen humanity. For all its progress and wealth, it was a godless and hopeless world far from what the Shaeshen humans truly needed. Though people now lived in want and some form of material squalor, was this new society not a better one? Now we had hard-handed men whose attachment to the soil brought them unto closeness with God and nature.

Even the dragons seemed happier, no longer chained and tamed against their better nature, exploited for purposes of war. The mystical and magical aspects of Suiza were hidden away now, largely seen as mysterious breaths of God Himself, things that were better suited to remain in the realm of magicke and the preternatural.

As the 2600s turned into the 2610s and 2620s, society again seemed to move towards seeking prosperity and pleasure, but it was understood that never again was Zanzhi ever going to reach the heights of decadence it had a century prior.



A few men continued to resist, such as this one who did not agree that his 4-year-old daughter deserved to be whipped just because she stepped outside into the public eye to pet a stray cat. No matter his protests and concerns, he would be forced to stay in the Rooms for extended forgiveness, told for days that he had been seduced by his own daughter's Satanic nature, and that he was a failure of a man.

All this for a man who, himself, was perfectly fine with the ways of the world and would have had no qualms about telling the morality police of another man's daughter doing what his had done.

Such logical thought had no place on Suiza. This was to be a world ruled by God and thoughtless devotion, and nothing else.


And it would remain this way for hundreds of years. Surely.

This was Planet Suiza. Now a world of pious agrarian peasants, females turned into walking objects, in societies that are now and forever will be medieval & quaint. The only future allowed is the inevitable armageddon and final judgment. Any hope for a sci-fi or democratic future are forever gone, wiped out by dogma. History has been destroyed. Beliefs and philosophies that could have allowed for a great restarting of society after the most extreme dogma have passed have been systematically exterminated. When rationality returns, it will be to a world that might as well have been unchanged and continuous from a time a thousand years prior.

All society is now reverent and masochistic, desperate to be worthless and powerless before an almighty god.

Until one day, in 2650, when a mysterious object streaked across the Zanzhi sky...
The Yabanverse
My own take on Saiyajins in a fanverse.

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