Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Discussion specifically regarding the "Dragon Ball Super" TV series premiering July 2015 in Japan, including individual threads for each episode.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Wrigglything » Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:31 am

I feel that the show is decent, not insanely great or anything but definitely not utterly unwatchable, despite some less than stellar parts towards the beginning especially.

The fact that we are still talking about the characters, forms and stories that start out from Super makes me feel I'm not alone. Just the fact that there are people still enthusiastically talking about Ultra Instinct with its potential variations and are compelled with Zamasu and Goku Black as villains (in spite of the ending) is probably the best example I could think on top of my head.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Hellspawn28 » Thu Nov 17, 2022 12:37 pm

Super was pretty good for what it was. It wans't perfect, but I like it more than GT. At least, I knew what I was getting myself into with Super. Also, Super still had Toriyama's finger prints on it with the story and characters. GT felt like it was written by someone else, and not the main man himelf.
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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Dragon Ball Ireland » Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:42 pm

I would say it was good, but not great.

It was clearly made for Dragon Ball Z fans that loved the spectacle, and having more comedy in honour of Toriyama's gag manga roots was a nice touch.

The lack of planning hurt it especially in the beginning when TOEI had to hastily adapt two recently released movies, one of which only being a few months old by the time of its corresponding arc, but over the run the writing, animation and score improved immensely. The Japanese cast were as great as always, Funimation's actors were the best they'd ever been and Bang Zoom did a decent enough job.

The stories aren't particularly original, aside from retellings Universe 6 was your typical tournament arc, Goku Black was more of the same, a apocalyptic threat from Trunks' future that needed to be stopped with some more time travel sprinkled in, the Universal Survival arc was a neat idea, it overstayed its welcome, but a different spin on the usual tournament format. GT had more creative ideas even if they were poorly executed.
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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by buutenks » Fri Nov 18, 2022 2:41 am

No it wasnt sadly. Low quality animation in the beginning, which only managed to become ok about mid way. That hurt it allot IMO.

Still it served its purpose in bringing interest in DB.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Skar » Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:10 am

It's similar to GT for me and I could rewatch my favorite scenes or episodes but maybe not a complete rewatch. I did enjoy it more than GT overall though. Some slice of life episodes, some episodes from the Champa and ToP arcs, and films aside from RoF. It's been over long enough that I moved on from the parts I didn't like and don't want to experience them again. I'm glad it improved in the end and that a sequel would likely have better production and planning.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Plague-Memories » Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:58 pm

It's pretty bad. Another soulless entry in this zombified franchise to keep the money machine going.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by supersaiyamangod » Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:38 pm

At least gt tried in the end to have the characters grow vegeta for example yeah they failed with pan but look what they did to vegeta in super and 18 in super now 18 is weaker in super than she was in z when she’s supposed to be stronger than future trunks cyborg 18. yeah super ruin characters worse than gt. what makes me hate it more Bruises and blood were completely removed making it a watered down version of dragon ball in my eyes.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Ronin » Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:31 am

I stopped watching several episodes in, so I dunno if I can give a fair opinion on it. But I didn't like the other stuff that I've seen and I still know what the story is. Had some interesting ideas, but it felt like wasted potential.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Gaffer Tape » Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:45 pm

Ultimately I don't think so. I've only seen each episode once, and that has now been several years ago. But given how little an impression it left on me, when it wasn't leaving a negative one, I think my faded memories are accurate.

For me, it lacked precisely what got me into Dragon Ball in the first place: progression, growth. It just felt like distilled Dragon Ball tropes being played on repeat for a few years. Same old battles to save the world, reheated transformations, re-learning the same lessons. What I always liked about classic Dragon Ball was that you could pick two random spots and usually find something completely different, be it aesthetics or age or characters or tone. Dragon Ball Super feels like Dragon Ball in bronze. It's immortalized, unchanging status quo.

There were certainly good individual episodes, usually the "slice of life" stuff I always longed for. But by the last year it was painfully boring, which is the worst thing any piece of entertainment can be. I was really only watching it to keep up with what everyone was talking about, vainly hoping it would get better. But honestly it got to the point that I dreaded Sunday mornings and felt a great sense of relief when it ended.
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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by anubisj » Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:54 am

It was a mediocre anime, but it was a terrible Dragon Ball anime. It is a perfect example of how not to revive a beloved franchise. Dragon Ball has a lot of potential for having sequels and reboots, you just have to glance at the fan made artworks and mangas to realize there's so many cool, potential ideas and designs just waiting to be featured somewhere.

What we got, instead, was a complete disaster; zero creativity, rehashing old characters, awful designs, some lazy plots intertwined with some good premises, and a complete abuse of certain characters without advancing nor changing their status quo. For me, Super is way worse than the Dragon Ball anime, complete dogshit compared to GT, and basically a satirical parody of DBZ when you compare both, and a mediocre one at that. It lost the soul of the franchise.

Beerus saga (best saga):

-Just a couple of new characters.

-Retcon of previous lore for no reason (King Vegeta also being a slave for Beerus, aside from Frieza?? And Beerus telling Frieza to kill the saiyans???)

+Nice new form SSJG

+Interesting concept of the Gods of Destruction and Angels

+I liked the idea that Goku can't really win this time

Resurrection F saga (worst saga):

-Rehashing Frieza, making him the big bad again, just with a new form, which is a recolor of his Final form (a recurrent theme of the whole series).

-The ssjgssj is just a hair recolor.

-Yamcha not even participating, while Master Roshi does.

-Ginyu appearing again and removing the spotlight from original villains.

-Gohan being mediocre.

-Piccolo dying in the same way as the saiyan saga, only to be revived by DBs later (zero tension, boring and tedious scene, not at all necessary to repeat that).

-Truthfully there's not many new characters.

+The galactic patrol is a cool concept, and I kinda like Jaco (but I realize it wasn't really created for this saga).

+This saga introduces the Super gi for Goku and Vegeta.

+Nice idea of the Z warriors banding together to fight hordes of minions, everyone getting the spotlight eventually.

Tournament of Universe 6 saga:

-Magetta and especially Botamo have godawful designs, especially for characters that are supposed to be some of the most powerful of their whole universes.

-Cabba is a disappointment as the new saiyan character, that isn't a saiyan to me. He is more like Goten and Trunks (kids) than a saiyan from planet Vegeta, and yeah, I realize they wanted to make alternative, "good, politically-correct" saiyans, but that is just a bad idea to begin with, and don't get me started on removing their tails (the tails form a lot of the core flavour of the saiyan race! Removing them only makes them more similar to "super-earthlings"). Also, his design leaves a lot to be desired, just check on the internet, new fan made saiyan character, I bet it will be hard to find a worse design than Cabba, they could've done so much with the whole idea of saiyans from another universe, but nah, let's make them skinny, smiling kids that want to become stronger, so that japanese kids can identify with them! Because who wouldn't want to be Cabba? Oh, and, getting ssj just like that? Really?

-Frost's poison can defeat a god-level Goku? They didn't even bother to specify what the hell kind of a poison he had, as far as I recall. He just had some tiny stings that made a powerful character like Goku, one of the most powerful characters of the multiverse, become unconscious with just a slight little pinch. Where the hell did he get those??

+Nice ideas like other universes, Super Dragon Balls. It added a few nice concepts, with a lot of potential (but they were for the most part not exploited further, like planet Sadala).

+Hit (one of the few good additions of the anime, I think he has a lot of potential, like for example, someone might hunt him, or he might get a difficult contract). I'm talking about the concept, personality, and design too.

+Piccolo did something (many people didn't like that he got defeated that fast, but hey, at least he was present and fought a bit).


Zamasu saga:

-Vegetto getting defused in an hour (now suddenly potaras are like the metamorian fusion, which seems a horrible and unnecessary retcon).

-Vegetto Super has exactly the same gi as z Vegetto.

-Goku and Vegeta return to their old gis, and they are basically the only ones participating in this (aside from future trunks).

-Too few new characters.

-Rehash of Future Trunks (his story was over, make something new).

-Mai being the girlfriend of Future Trunks (look, I get it, Mai always had a cool design, and it's nice to see her in action, but, really? This Pilaf lackey, whose main merit was her hot design, who was basically a gooney... She became good and smart and interesting all of a sudden, and got engaged with....Future Trunks? Toriyama, are you ok? Jesus Christ).

-Black Goku could have had a cooler costume, it looks nice, but it could have been wayyyy better (we are talking about an evil version of Goku that thinks himself a god, and he just has a black ordinary gi...but I don't think it is a disaster either).

-Apparently, people have strong plot shields in this saga, which is a pity, because it seemed at first as if DB was getting kinda serious for once.

+Clearly one of the highs of this saga is the villain/s. Zamasu is great, both in personality (a psycho godly, smart guy is new in db) and in design, I enjoyed Goku Black Rose, Zamasu being immortal (though we saw something similar with Garlic Jr, but it was a less powerful wish, and besides, they didn't exploit it enough with Garlic, imo), and Fused Zamasu has a brilliant design, period.

Tournament of power saga:

-Oh boy, I don't even know where to start with this one.

-They made a good premise, a tournament between universes, a battle royal with teams...and then made it so universe 7 defeated everyone, in a period of 10 million episodes, people just getting in line to fight Goku. I think they bit more than they could chew.

-You are telling me those were the most (or some of the most) powerful characters of their universes? Come on, I'm not just talking about 90 percent of them being just fodder for even Gohan, but about their godawful designs too. We had a fat girl that could swirl like a giant ball, a walle robot, a sumo wrestler with a pig nose, a pokemon, a boar with a coat that didn't do sht, I mean come on. If this was an intergalactic tournament in Universe 7, I would be more ok with it, but we are talking about a Multiverse fight, there should be more tension, more vibrant fights, more fights between teams and not just everyone vs Goku and Vegeta, more interesting designs...I'm not saying they have to come up with a Cell - quality level desing for every fighter, but the average was really low for a tournament of this calibre. You can't expect me to believe that this are the top of the multiverse (the only redeeming thing is that they did organize the tournament by surprise, in just 48 hours, so maybe they couldn't organize some quality team in certain universes, plus there would be villains and evil characters who simply wouldn't want to participate, so we haven't seen the creme of the creme of the universes).

-Jiren and Toppo have boring desings, especially the latter.

-Ribrianne is the worst addition to the franchise since basically ever, I can't think of anything off the top of my head so puke-inducing and clearly agenda driven, not to mention she is the top player of her universe, and she is ... a teletubbi.

-Piccolo lost both his arms, of course. (He was the ONLY one who lost a limb in the entire tournament, coincidentally the only one who could regenerate :lol: It's just too much mediocrity)

-Caulifla and Kale were disappointing, basically the same as Cabba (so much potential for new, saiyan female characters, but in the end, meh).

-Frieza again (piss off, you white lipstick alien, I see you everywhere).

-Android 17 and master roshi being on par with ssjgssj for some reason, Yamcha again in the sidelines.

-Neither Goku nor Vegeta got exhausted, it was not a realistic battle royale.

+Ultra instinct was a nice addition to the lore and a neat transformation.

+I like Jiren, I may not be a fan of his design overall, but I enjoy his personality and style (he is not evil, which is a first for a db villain, if we dont count oozaru goku in pilaf saga).

+Some designs were ok, and some had a certain spark and were cool. For example, I like the universe 9 team a lot, and certain characters from other teams too.

+They tried to add variety to the fights and the villains powers, not just brute force. I think it was handled poorly on some occasions, but they are going the right way if they want to insufflate life to the franchise.

+As said before, the whole idea was great to begin with.

Broly Super saga:

-Rehashing and rebooting an old character instead of creating a new one, for me is a horrible mistake, a very japanese mistake too. Toriyama, get yourself a new brainstorming team.

-More Frieza.

-Nobody doing shit except Goku and Vegeta.

-Overall, it felt void to me, like it needed something extra.

+As everyone says, nice drawings, nice animation, nice aesthetics.

+Nice final confrontation.

Super Hero saga:

-Toriyama didnt even realize that it would be named Db SUPER: SUPER HERO, and nobody dared correct him.

-Red Ribbon again, Cell recolored again, yo Tori, care to leave Dragon Ball in other, more creative hands? Pretty please, thank you.

-Not many new good designs, in fact barely any.

-Bulma wishing to have a better butt...do you understand now when I said super seems like a parody of the original, beloved franchise?

+Gohan Beast was nice, not the best transformation ever (you can check, as I said before, the fan made artworks to see the potential of new Gohans transformations), but it's cool.

+"Orange Piccolo", mmm, ok, again a recolor, and I really thought it was gonna be just that...but it's true that at least they changed his face and stuff, so it's not just a simple recolor...plus it is a boost to Piccolo. Again, the fan made Piccolo transformations are way cooler most of the time, I'm sure Toei or good old Tori could've done way better (besides, he is namekian, they could've done something strange and alien to his body, we haven't really seen much of namekian transformations before), buut, jeez, I guess it's something. But, why obtain that form with the Dragon balls? Couldnt they have come up with something else?

Overall, Super has some highs, but plenty more lows, and it did a lot of damage to the franchise since:

1- It was commercially succesful

2- It was THE revival. To have another revival, we would have to wait until Super dies out, and then a reboot or sequel a bunch of years later...so yeah, we are stuck with this for now.

3-Toriyama is now a god in the creative process of the franchise. If he wants a silver Cooler as the next big villain, we will have it. If he wants a new form called Super saiyan green, just another hair recolor, we will have it. If he wants frieza to appear as the main villain again, or the red ribbon, or an old movie character, or cell again, or buu again, or rehash gt...we will have that. Right now he is the main voice behind it, and it is a lazy and accomodated voice, not the Toriyama we once knew. We need fresh minds asap, fresh ideas, and maybe I'd dare say a reboot, or at least a big sequel (plenty of years apart). Hell, even Heroes and the videogames have better designs and premises and ideas. I'm liking a lot what they are doing with Heroes. And I still maintain that Dragon Ball has a LOT of potential to grow and beomce something awe-inspiring and high quality entertainment. It just needs the right hands to make them.

PD: It also needs to focus less on a children audience.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Grimlock » Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:28 am

I often see "reboot" being thrown in. May someone care to explain what do people want exactly out of a "reboot"? Is it for the manga to be animated all over again?

If that is the case, Dragon Ball would have to present way, way much more than just "better animation" (which I'm sure is what people will be most looking forward to...) to justify such an action.
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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by anubisj » Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:52 am

Grimlock wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:28 am I often see "reboot" being thrown in. May someone care to explain what do people want exactly out of a "reboot"? Is it for the manga to be animated all over again?

If that is the case, Dragon Ball would have to present way, way much more than just "better animation" (which I'm sure is what people will be most looking forward to...) to justify such an action.
In my case, I'm completely against a manga remake. In fact, it's quite the opposite of what I ask of Toei, and I think it would be a catastrophic idea. The anime we have is already high quality, remaking it would just render it obsolete and it would be difficult to improve. Also, it goes against the idea of creativity , as in, stop making rehashes and using the same ideas over and over, and make. Something. New.

When I say a reboot, I mean like a soft reboot, like a sequel to the GT special with the main characters out of the way, and a new roster and setting preferably. It could also mean less focus on chidlish antics and more focus on seriousness, hardcore bloody fights, and more mature themes. Just a "restart" of the franchise, without necessarily disregarding all that came before.

I'm also not against the idea to make a Super sequel (though I very much like GT, but I guess they wont make a GT continuation at this point), but I definitely think Dragon Ball needs a fresh new start, somehow. They need to shake things up.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Desassina » Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:58 am

In terms of plot structure and narrative, the Universe Survival arc and Tournament of Power were very dissonant with the rest of the series, being very episodic in nature with a story to tell in every focused group battle. Far too many unimportant characters were given a spotlight and most concepts and their presumed original premise were more disjointed from Toyotaro's depiction of the same ones. The latter is not to blame on any of them since Toriyama could have given them very little to work with, although they should have planned the same arc across both media.

It took some time to get from worse movie adaptations to the original content, but when Hit entered the scene against Vegeta and then Goku, suddendly we got a new concept that animation did more justice to than a few words on a panel, whose fewer resources and lack of talent benefitted from, because it was all about making Hit and Goku skip from one place to another. Future Trunks and Goku Black's arc glued people with its build up to the revelation of its mystery and was surprisingly good at keeping time travel on point with the former. I'm merely speaking from a casual, television or streaming sit through the episodes, without upholding years of fan theories against the latter.

I'm not going to mention DBS's obvious flaws in drawings and animation, since I'm not weighting its score with Sumitomo's soundtrack in an attempt to cancel each other out, and because voice acting brings it down in my country at least. However, I'm going to say that I'm more tolerant the more I understand how studios and publishing companies work, specially due to Dragon Ball not being prime time anime anymore and still leading up to DBS: Super Hero.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by SupremeKai25 » Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:35 pm

anubisj wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:54 am -Black Goku could have had a cooler costume, it looks nice, but it could have been wayyyy better (we are talking about an evil version of Goku that thinks himself a god, and he just has a black ordinary gi...but I don't think it is a disaster either).
I love his outfit, I think that, in its simplicity (as you said, it's pretty ordinary clothing), it manages to look very elegant and stylish:

He probably could have worn a style of clothing similar to the Supreme Kais' (like his previous clothing, which he did wore when he stole Goku's body), but then it would completely spoil his identity as the Supreme Kai Zamasu.

How would you have improved his outfit to give him a better design? :think:

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Geraldo » Fri Dec 09, 2022 4:09 am

Considering the amount of threads/posts with criticism of it I had posted here by my own, I will openly say: No, Dragon Ball Super was not a good product, anime nor manga wise. It was a subpar story and I wish it wasn't even green lit back in 2014.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Jord » Fri Dec 09, 2022 6:38 am

It was bad, for the most part due to the writing and the placement in the time line. Due to knowing how everything ends (just look at the final Z episodes) you need a thrilling story to invoke a sense of danger and tension. Toriyama basically had not enough fresh ideas and rehashed what he knew. What we got was

Rehashing past characters and just recoloring them or changing their appearance slightly.
-The SSGSS transformation
-Rehashes of Broly, Cell and Frieza

Even less sense of a power scale and difference between characters:
-Roshi, who admitted he was outgunned at the start of Z, fighting against the strongest warriors in the universe? Sure.
-Android 17 suddenly being immensely strong after uhhm stopping poachers for a few years
-Frieza getting a bizarre power boost after just training for a while.

Just bad and boring writing.
-The TOP in which all of our heroes could get erased? Oh no! Except we already know everyone survives due to Z. Dragging it on for more than a year with tons of filler doesn't help either.
-Guess what? Gohan lost his powers again. Let's watch him regain focus...again.
-Oh no, we have the strongest enemy thus far? How will we get out of it? Just let Goku press a button on his magic remote and call someone that can just erase the bad guy. How convenient. That ending makes the Super 17 saga look like Shakespeare
-Recapping the movies felt like a drag, especially the length it took to recap the first one
-Featuring a pedohilic story line that's presented as being a good thing is never a good idea in media. I wonder how people would react when a 40-50 year old male gets a young boy's body and starts flirting with an 11 year old girl? Yikes!

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by anubisj » Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:33 am

SupremeKai25 wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:35 pm
anubisj wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:54 am -Black Goku could have had a cooler costume, it looks nice, but it could have been wayyyy better (we are talking about an evil version of Goku that thinks himself a god, and he just has a black ordinary gi...but I don't think it is a disaster either).
I love his outfit, I think that, in its simplicity (as you said, it's pretty ordinary clothing), it manages to look very elegant and stylish:

He probably could have worn a style of clothing similar to the Supreme Kais' (like his previous clothing, which he did wore when he stole Goku's body), but then it would completely spoil his identity as the Supreme Kai Zamasu.

How would you have improved his outfit to give him a better design? :think:

I mean, it's not a horrible design per se, it's just a bit lacklustre. Like, too plain. When I think of an evil goku, I think of darkness, of black armors, of spikes, of cool bracelets and metal and whatnot. Maybe something a bit more intimidating, a bit more memorable. I'll give you an example:

When I first saw Raditz in DBZ, I got blown away. Not just because of the character himself, and his long hair and stuff, which was pretty cool in itself...but notice his armor. The shoulderpads, the breastplate, the tail acting as belt, the boots...I don't know, it just feels unique and creative and cool. Nowadays we are used to seeing that armor in everyone, because everyone has it, but that just goes to show that the design was amazing, so they use it a lot, Toriyama hit the jackpot there. Back in the day, it felt amazing watching that. In Goku Black, I don't feel that way, it's just an ordinary black gi with a red belt and white boots. That's it. You know what I mean?

Is it an ok design? Yes. Can it be improved? Definitely yes.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Jord » Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:12 am

anubisj wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:33 am
SupremeKai25 wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:35 pm
anubisj wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:54 am -Black Goku could have had a cooler costume, it looks nice, but it could have been wayyyy better (we are talking about an evil version of Goku that thinks himself a god, and he just has a black ordinary gi...but I don't think it is a disaster either).
I love his outfit, I think that, in its simplicity (as you said, it's pretty ordinary clothing), it manages to look very elegant and stylish:

He probably could have worn a style of clothing similar to the Supreme Kais' (like his previous clothing, which he did wore when he stole Goku's body), but then it would completely spoil his identity as the Supreme Kai Zamasu.

How would you have improved his outfit to give him a better design? :think:

I mean, it's not a horrible design per se, it's just a bit lacklustre. Like, too plain. When I think of an evil goku, I think of darkness, of black armors, of spikes, of cool bracelets and metal and whatnot. Maybe something a bit more intimidating, a bit more memorable. I'll give you an example:

When I first saw Raditz in DBZ, I got blown away. Not just because of the character himself, and his long hair and stuff, which was pretty cool in itself...but notice his armor. The shoulderpads, the breastplate, the tail acting as belt, the boots...I don't know, it just feels unique and creative and cool. Nowadays we are used to seeing that armor in everyone, because everyone has it, but that just goes to show that the design was amazing, so they use it a lot, Toriyama hit the jackpot there. Back in the day, it felt amazing watching that. In Goku Black, I don't feel that way, it's just an ordinary black gi with a red belt and white boots. That's it. You know what I mean?

Is it an ok design? Yes. Can it be improved? Definitely yes.
I think the colors helped a lot. Raditz's armor looked drab with the brown and black, especially compared to the bright outfits Goku and co. wear. Hell, even Piccolo Daimao wore a brighter outfit.
Goku Black's grey and black colored outfit just looks...neutral with the red only giving a slight accent. It's actually quite boring and doesn't mesh well with his hair color when transformed. It makes him look generic. Like a palette swap or something. It's lazy and uninspired design. Just by looking at the outfit/body a reader should be able to get what the character is like. In this case, it doesn't work.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by SupremeKai25 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:43 am

anubisj wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:33 am
SupremeKai25 wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:35 pm
anubisj wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:54 am -Black Goku could have had a cooler costume, it looks nice, but it could have been wayyyy better (we are talking about an evil version of Goku that thinks himself a god, and he just has a black ordinary gi...but I don't think it is a disaster either).
I love his outfit, I think that, in its simplicity (as you said, it's pretty ordinary clothing), it manages to look very elegant and stylish:

He probably could have worn a style of clothing similar to the Supreme Kais' (like his previous clothing, which he did wore when he stole Goku's body), but then it would completely spoil his identity as the Supreme Kai Zamasu.

How would you have improved his outfit to give him a better design? :think:

I mean, it's not a horrible design per se, it's just a bit lacklustre. Like, too plain. When I think of an evil goku, I think of darkness, of black armors, of spikes, of cool bracelets and metal and whatnot. Maybe something a bit more intimidating, a bit more memorable. I'll give you an example:

When I first saw Raditz in DBZ, I got blown away. Not just because of the character himself, and his long hair and stuff, which was pretty cool in itself...but notice his armor. The shoulderpads, the breastplate, the tail acting as belt, the boots...I don't know, it just feels unique and creative and cool. Nowadays we are used to seeing that armor in everyone, because everyone has it, but that just goes to show that the design was amazing, so they use it a lot, Toriyama hit the jackpot there. Back in the day, it felt amazing watching that. In Goku Black, I don't feel that way, it's just an ordinary black gi with a red belt and white boots. That's it. You know what I mean?

Is it an ok design? Yes. Can it be improved? Definitely yes.
Goku Black is not an evil Goku and not even an evil Saiyan. This is the flaw in your reasoning. He's an evil Supreme Kai. Supreme Kais (Gods, in general) don't wear armour, like saiyans do. Especially since Kais are a scholarly race, not a warrior race, you wouldn't expect them to wear armour.

Black wearing armour would feel out of place, since there's a Supreme Kai in there. There's never been a Kai who wore armour. Even when they were attacked by Majin Buu, the Kais still went into battle in their light clothing.

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Re: Was Dragon Ball Super a good anime?

Post by Trouser » Sun Dec 11, 2022 6:17 am

anubisj wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:33 am I mean, it's not a horrible design per se, it's just a bit lacklustre. Like, too plain. When I think of an evil goku, I think of darkness, of black armors, of spikes, of cool bracelets and metal and whatnot. Maybe something a bit more intimidating, a bit more memorable.
No offence, but "darkness, black armor, spikes, bracelets and metal" feels out of place here and just screams "edgy". Goku Black design is fine and isn't overdesigned like 90% of designs created by Dragon Ball fans.
But to each their own, I guess.

The only thing I'd change in the original Goku Black design are muscles. He looks way too skinny compared to Son Goku.
"If it means having to live under your control, I'd rather be dead!" - Trunks
English is not my first language, if I've made a mistake, please, feel free to correct me. It will help, thanks.

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