Herms' Guide Guide (Collection of Information Awesomeness)

Discussion, generally of an in-universe nature, regarding any aspect of the franchise (including movies, spin-offs, etc.) such as: techniques, character relationships, internal back-history, its universe, and more.

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Herms' Guide Guide (Collection of Information Awesomeness)

Post by Herms » Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:24 am

Now that this is a sticky, I guess I need a better explanation on what all this is and who the heck I am. First, originally this thing was just called the "Guide Guide"; it wasn't my idea to add the "Information Awesomeness" onto there. I'm not quite that arrogant, although I do walk around wearing a large crown, and pay random strangers to bow to me.

Anyway, my name is Herms, and I make guides about random aspects of Dragon Ball. I am also, supposedly, one of the administrators of "Kanzenshuu", whatever the hell that is. It's not really something I set out to do, it just sort of happened. I'm lucky enough to own all the Kanzenban, the entire Viz run of the manga in one form or another, pretty much all of the guidebooks, and various other neat stuff. And I know enough Japanese to translate stuff from these books into English. Admittedly I have nowhere near a native understanding of Japanese, and I'm not even the best non-native Japanese speaker on this forum, but I know enough to get by when it comes to translating a fairly simple kids' series like DB, and I have one advantage that sets me apart: insomnia. I have a pretty irregular sleep schedule, and tend to be up at 3:00 AM with not much to do. So the result is all the guides featured below. Eventually there got to be so many of them that Saiyan Professor suggested I make a thread linking to them all for easy access, and then by the grace of God (and Mike too, I suppose) it became a sticky.

I’ve finally gotten around to re-organizing by category, which I feel to be more helpful than the previous kinda-sorta chronological order they were in. A second “Guide Guide” in the old order is here. Because some guides fit into multiple categories there’s a bit of repetition, but I’ll only include the explanation for each guide once. Categories are listed in alphabetical order. I’ve also thrown in a category listing all the formal Kanzenshuu pages made from my guides, and my podcast appearances.

These guides are my personal favorites, or just particularly handy, so I figured I’d keep them up on top.

Toriyama's Intended Ending(s): A Guided Tour
Everyone knows that Toriyama originally planned to end the series after Freeza, right? Well everyone is dead wrong! Well, mostly wrong, anyway...it's kinda a long story. Bring popcorn and a drink to this one; you can get refills during the intermission. I'm pleased to announce that this post is now a section on Kanzenshuu as well as two podcast episodes (part one and part two).

The History of Ever
All of time and space. Everything that ever happened or ever will…would have been nice, but instead I’ve got this really big-ass timeline. Essentially the culmination of all the other timeline threads I’ve done, this combines all the entries from the official timelines in the daizenshuu, the GT Perfect Files, and DB Online, plus all sorts of other time-related stuff mentioned here and there in the series. For each entry I explain the sources and/or reasoning behind it, even going into contradictory statements when applicable, note which chapters/episodes/movies/etc stuff is from, say which manga chapters are set on which days, and various other stuff.

Name Pun Round-Up
An attempt to gather together all officially confirmed, or at least considerably likely, character name puns.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the DB Galaxy
A thread explaining in depth things like the layout of the DB cosmos and the god hierarchy. I was supposed to cover the DB Earth too, but I never got around to it…

Strength Checker
Who's stronger, X or Y? I...actually don't know, but hopefully this thing will help. It's a collection of just about every single strength-related quote from the entire manga, as collected by me and a multitude of helper elves. It's set up so that you can use your internet browser's search engine to quickly locate the quotes concerning specific characters at particular points in the series, and even their specific forms where applicable. So if you want to find everything said about Super Saiyan 3 Goku in the Boo arc, or Kame-sennin at the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai, you'll be able to zip straight to them (hopefully).


Daizenshuu 7 Geographical Dictionary
A translation of Daizenshuu 7’s guide to the various places in the DB world, both on Earth, in outer space, and the afterlife.

Daizenshuu 7-Special Attack Dictionary
Translation of the technique dictionary from Daizenshuu 7. It's kind of long.

Special Attack Index
Translated from Daizenshuu 7, it’s a list of each technique from the series (with some omissions), listed by each character who uses them (again with some omissions). So basically it’s a guide to what techniques each character uses.

Daizenshuu 7: Item Dictionary
A translation of the item dictionary from Daizenshuu 7, which covers everything from handheld tools to vehicles.

Item Index
Taken from Daizenshuu 7. It’s a list of all the items used in the manga, filler, and movies, divided up by who uses them.

Tales from the Daizenshuu
The first guide-type thing I ever did! I go through each Daizenshuu and list interesting information from them. I’ve said before that vast majority of information in the Daizenshuu is just stuff taken from the series, but this is a guide to some of that unique stuff. Towards the end I also have a complete listing of every section in each Daizenshuu, a sort of master table of contents.

Bouken Special Character Profiles
A translation of the “Men’s Personal History” character profiles from the DB Bouken (“Adventure”) Special, published in 1987.

GT Perfect Files on Stuff (now with Saiya/Tsufru history!)
A translation of several sections from volume 1 of the GT Perfect Files, including the pages on the different kinds of Super Saiyans, Baby's different forms, and Saiyan/Tsufruian history.

Random Landmark/Forever Stuff
As the title says, this is random things I extracted from the guidebooks DragonBall Landmark and DragonBall Forever.

Super Exciting Guide: Story Volume
A thread started by omae no kaasan on the contents of this recent guide. On page 5 I posted a summary of the book’s RPG-like training guide, which details how Goku’s various training methods throughout the series increased his different stats, and at the end gives figures for how much stronger each form of Super Saiyan is than the one before. The book says that this information is based on data that was supervised by Toriyama, though just what this means is unclear.

Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume
A thread I made pointing out new and interesting information from this recent guide. This volume contained much more interesting tidbits than the previous one, including Mister Satan’s real name, the process by which Kaio and Kaioshin are born and assigned to their posts, and more information on Dabra’s Demon Realm, all straight from Toriyama himself. In addition, there’s a list of heights, weights, birth years, hobbies, favorite foods, and favorite vehicles for the main characters.

Viz Translation Review (up to volume 5)
An incomplete guide. The idea was that I would go through the entire Viz manga, comparing it directly to the original Japanese, and make notes on absolutely every change I noticed. I got as far as DB volume 5 before calling it quits. I actually did go through the entire manga, making shorthand notes on all the changes I saw. But the task of converting these notes into coherent posts that could be understood by other people proved too tedious. However, these shorthand notes are what I use when writing about the "Viz-isms" of the later Z volumes for the Manga Review of Awesomeness, so I guess they weren't a complete waste. For a list of these podcast episodes, see the “Podcast” section down below.

Bardock dub analysis
An attempt to thoroughly compare the original Japanese version of the Bardock special to its Funimation dub, which is notorious for its wild inaccuracy. Unfortunately (?) I gave up midway through, leading to…

Bardock dub/sub scripts
My attempt at salvaging my Bardock sub/dub comparison. It’s a complete transcript of both the sub and dub scripts. First the two scripts are broken up and compared on a scene-by-scene basis, then they are re-printed on their own in their entirety. Do your own analysis of their differences and similarities.

Fan and Dub Races
A list of names for races/species that come from the Funi dub or where invented by fans.

GT Chronology
Starts with me listing all the known facts of when GT is set, how long each event takes, and the space between events. Then I use this and some creative liberties to create a fan-made timeline of GT.

GT Techniques
Part 2 of my planned complete guide to GT, it’s a list of all the techniques used in the series, divided by each character that uses them, as well as explanations for some of the techniques. Right now it’s incomplete, since I want to go back eventually and make a complete technique dictionary explaining them all.

GT Perfect Files on Stuff (now with Saiya/Tsufru history!)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the DB Galaxy

On the 4 Galaxies
Basically an offshoot of the above guide, in this I look into the question of just how many galaxies there are in the DB universe (short answer: 4).

Demon Guide
A guide to the various types of demons throughout the series, what they are, how they differ, what their Japanese names are, and how they’re translated. Now a page on Kanzenshuu!.

Son Goku’s Clothes
A post I made detailing the various outfits Goku wears throughout the manga storyline (so excluding the random outfits he’s shown wearing on title pages). Pictures kindly provided by Hujio.

Background Information on Coola and Tullece’s Henchmen
Background information for these characters which wasn’t given in their movies. The stuff for Coola’s henchmen (with the exception of their battle powers) is all completely verified as official by the DBZ: Son Goku Densetsu guide, and the Tullece and co. information is found in the Akira Toriyama-The World anime special book.

Obscure Races
A guide to minor races, many of whose names weren’t even given in the series itself, but only as background information in guidebooks.

Fan and Dub Races

Color Chapter Guide
Lists all the color chapters from the manga, what volumes they are included in for the various releases of the manga, and what goes on in them. Now also a page on Kanzenshuu!

Various Jump Pictures
Pictures taken from some of the old Jump issues I own. Includes a picture of Toriyama in an American football uniform, the Piccolo-Kuririn fusion, screenshots of the Toriyama anime Kosuke-sama, and more.

Name Pun Round-Up

Full List of Name Puns?
A thread made by Acid_Reign where I gave lots of information on character name puns, including a translation of Toriyama’s name pun guide from DragonBall Forever. I suppose this one's largely obsolete now that I've got the Name Pun Round-Up (see above).

The Many Names of Majin Boo
Boo may have an absurd number of different forms, but he also has an even more absurd number of different names for each of those forms. This tracks all (or a lot, anyway) of those various names, from things said in the manga, to those given in guidebooks or video games, all the way to the multitude of fan-made names.

Return of the Many Names
As a sequel to “The Many Names of Majin Boo”, I started out chronicling other transformations and whatnot with confusing and conflicted naming schemes. Learn all about the bewildering variety of names for Super Saiyan Grade II, Grade III, and…uh, that’s it. I never got to anything else. Maybe someday I’ll though…

Here’s all the links to the Kanzentai versions of the lucky few guides to be so honored, which will eventually make their way over to Kanzenshuu.

Akira Toriyama Exhibition Essays
Color Chapter Guide
Demon Guide
Kanzentai Battle Power Guide
Personal Pronoun Guide
Toriyama’s Contributions to the Anime
Toriyama’s Intended Ending(s): A Guided Tour

This is a list of podcast episodes featuring me, where I go in-depth into a certain subject. I’ve also listed Manga Review of Awesomeness episodes which feature my notes on “Viz-isms”, things changed in the Viz version (a quasi-resurrection of my “Viz Translation Review” thread). You can download all these episodes over on the Kanzenshuu podcast page.

Podcast episodes based on my guides
#0176: Super Exciting Guides Review
#0249: Journey to the Rest: a look at those other JttW references
#0253: Toriyama’s Intended Ending(s) Part I
#0254: Toriyama’s Intended Ending(s) Part II
#0272: Saiyan History 101
#0276: Demon Guide

Other podcast episodes that are vaguely educational
#0139: DBZ “Side Stories”
#0188: Battle Power
#0239: Obscure Video Game Characters
#0265: Daizenshuu Mistakes
#0288: Dr. Slump Primer

Manga Reviews of Awesomeness episodes featuring my “Viz-ism” notes
#0182: Volume 28
#0185: Volume 29
#0193: Volume 30
#0196: Volume 31
#0204: Volume 32
#0211: Volume 33
#0217: Volume 34
#0230: Volume 35
#0240: Volume 36
#0246: Volume 37
#0251: Volume 38
#0257: Volume 39
#0263: Volume 40
#0269: Volume 41
#0274: Volume 42

Journey to the Rest: a look at those other JttW references
A Kanzenshuu combo special where Mike and I look at some lesser known Journey to the West references in DB filler: Annin and her furnace, plus Ginkaku and Kinkaku. The original story behind the award-winning podcast episode! Or not.

Dr. Slump Primer
A crash course on Toriyama's first big hit, Dr. Slump, and the various characters from it who appear in DB. Made after podcast episode #0288, it's essentially that episode in thread form.

Origin of Babidi’s Chant
Interesting tidbit I found.

Saiyan History 101
An attempt to compile the often contradictory history of the Saiyan race, as explained in Toriyama's anime staff memos, filler, GT, the OVA, the guidebooks, etc.

Legend of the Legendary Super Saiyan of Legend
Who is the legendary Super Saiyan? Could it be Goku, or Broli, or…Bardock?! For that matter, just what the heck is the “legend” of the Super Saiyan anyway? I try and sort through this and some other related matters once and for, or at least until the latest tie-in muddles things further. See how many times I can type the words “legend” and “legendary” before I finally go completely and irrevocably insane!

Strength Checker

Battle Power Guide
OK, so this is basically just me plugging a section on Kanzenshuu. Two earlier threads of mine contained information latter incorporated into the BP guide: Weekly Jump Battle Powers and whatnot and V-Jump Battle Powers

Battle Records
A list of all the battles the main characters fight in the manga, and what percentage they win or lose.

The History of Ever

A Stronger Loving Time-Line
A suped-up version of the Daizenshuu 7 timeline, with fixed mistakes, and more dates added from other parts of Daizenshuu 7, the anime, DB Online, and the GT timeline I made. The DB Online information is hopelessly out of date, but "The History of Ever" and "DB Online Timeline Redux" have better info. In fact, this is essentially the older, crappier version of "The History of Ever", but it is a much quicker read.

Age Guide
A list of how old characters are at different points in the series, using all the official birth years that have been given in guidebooks, as well as guesses and estimations for some other characters who have vague things said about how old they are. A little later in the thread I also list all these birth years by chronological order. When calculating ages, I take the approach of raising ever character’s age by 1 for each new year. This means the listed ages for some years may be a year higher than ages given for a character at that point in the series; this is presumably because the character’s birthdays were later in the year. For instance Gohan is said to be 16 at the start of the Buu arc (in 774), but since he was born in 757, he should turn 17 at some point during that year.

Timeline Evaluation
An evaluation of the timeline from Daizenshuu 7, where I attempt to explain where each date comes from. I sort out things that are taken from the anime, things that work with the manga but not the anime, mistakes, and entries that have been commonly mistranslated.

DB Online Timeline redux
This is the timeline that makes up the backstory for DragonBall Online. It’s based on a Google translation of the Korean timeline to Japanese, which I then translated into English. So obviously it’s shakier than my other translations, but I’ve checked it against the other sources we have for this backstory, so it should still hopefully be pretty reliable.

GT Chronology

The Longest Days
A look at which days in DB's storyline last the longest in terms of manga chapters, followed that is a breakdown of the entire DB story by day (using the Daizenshuu 7 timeline dates, more or less) with notes on how many chapters each day lasts. Now we finally have scientific proof of which day (and minutes) dragged on the longest!

The Awkward Age
A follow-up to the timeline evaluation thread that goes over the tricky business of working out the specific years in which the series’ events take place. It involves a lot of mucking about with the gaps between Trunks’ various trips to the past and how long Cell may or may not have spent in development. I also go over Trunks’ age a good deal. If you can read through all this without getting a headache then you’re a better man than I am, Gunga Dinn.

Toriyama's Intended Ending(s): A Guided Tour

Toriyama’s Contributions to the Anime
A guide to all the officially confirmed contributions Toriyama made to the DB anime, from selecting voice actors/actresses, to submitting brief ideas for filler, to designing movie characters. Now a page on Kanzenshuu!

Akira Toriyama Exhibition Essays
Taken from the Akira Toriyama Exhibition book, these are several essays by various people on Toriyama’s work. Now a page on Kanzenshuu!

Toriyama One-Shot: Tokimecha
A brief summary of one of Toriyama’s post-DB short works, with pictures.

Personal Pronoun Guide
A guide to which form of “I” the characters use in Japanese, which is a subtle characterization tool that gets lost in translation. Now a page on Kanzenshuu!

The Human Condition
Fans are always debating over who's the strongest human character. Well, they can stop, because the answer is Vegetto! The thing is, in DB "human" refers to Saiyans and other humanoid aliens just as much as it does to those odd being who happened to be born on the strange alien world which passes for Earth in the DB universe...it's just that this tends to get left out or glossed over in translations. This guide documents the ways in which "human" is used throughout the series, to try and determine exactly what (and who) does and doesn't count as human in DB terms.

Viz Translation Review (up to volume 5)

Bardock dub analysis

Return of the Many Names

Kurilien, the Alien Kuririn!
A look at one of the weirdest and most obscure characters within the whole of the DB franchise: Kurilien, the alien assassin who for no apparent reason is based off Kuririn. Learn all about this four-armed badass (?) before he (?!) makes a glorious return in Ultimate Raging Sparking Blast Meteor Tenkaichi 7.

Japanese Wikipedia page for “Buu’s Fury” is crazy
This one’s kind of silly, but it’s a description of the pages that Japanese Wikipedia has for the various Legacy of Goku games, which are all totally wrong and completely bizarre (Goku fuses with Videl!). Thanks to Olivier Hague these "facts" now seem to be entirely removed, but they're so hilariously weird that they're still interesting to read about. Reminds you that English-speaking DB fans aren't the only ones to spread absurd misinformation.

Guide Guide
A guide to all the guides I’ve made. If you click on this link, the universe will explode.
Last edited by Herms on Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:16 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Post by jda95 » Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:33 am

That's a lot of guides. :lol:

Thanks for all the hard work you and Hujio have done!

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Post by Bussani » Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:12 am

Now that's convenient. Thanks Herms.

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Post by shotkeeper » Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:38 am

Herms, I love you :D. Thanks.

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Re: Guide Guide

Post by Olivier Hague » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:18 am

Herms wrote:Japanese Wikipedia page for “Buu’s Fury” is crazy
This one’s kind of silly, but it’s a description of the pages that Japanese Wikipedia has for the various Legacy of Goku games, which are all totally wrong and completely bizarre (Goku fuses with Videl!). They still haven’t fixed them either
I fixed them last week, actually.
and they’ll even sometimes list these “facts” about these games in the other pages for DragonBall stuff as trivia, like mentioning on the page for Tao Pai Pai how he’s portrayed Android No.9 in Legacy of Goku II.
Yeah, I haven't touched that. Too much work. But hopefully, other people will come to their senses, now that "the source" is gone.

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Re: Guide Guide

Post by Herms » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:49 am

Olivier Hague wrote:I fixed them last week, actually.
Ah, well thank you. (though now that thread I made is pointless...well, I guess it's a time capsule)
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Re: Guide Guide

Post by Olivier Hague » Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:16 am

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Post by Son Sebbe » Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:10 am

Herms, The day you'll get a girlfreind and quit writing this for us will be they day I die...

I love what your doing´.

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Post by Snail » Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:32 pm

Your contributions have been so, so awesome Herms. Thanks for keeping the lot of us informed.

This thread really should be stickied for convenience' sake.

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Post by NeptuneKai » Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:37 pm

I wish this would get stickied or else we're going to lose it on page 20.
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Post by Raki » Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:04 pm

NeptuneKai wrote:I wish this would get stickied or else we're going to lose it on page 20.
Sounds like a great idea.
The series doesn't start with the arrival of Raditz. Stop being lazy and watch Dragonball.

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Post by SSj_Rambo » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:09 pm

Thank you very much Herms, this is a huge help! You even answered my request that I guess Saiyan Professor asked for me:
SSj_Rambo ([url=http://db.schuby.org/daizex/viewtopic.php?p=230068&highlight=#230068]yesterday[/url]) wrote:You should keep links to all of the lists and guides you've posted here; I've been trying to keep up, but it's been hard with you and Hujio doing so much so fast and my own projects here and there.
Great work, man!

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Post by Innagadadavida » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:28 pm

Chibi Mystic Gohan wrote:This ought to be stickied anyway.
I know. This should either get stickied, or Herms should get his own section to put his guides.

EDIT: Oh, you erased your post...

EDIT 2: Jesus, now I necroposted.

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Post by bkev » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:33 pm

Don't worry Inna, we can necropost together. Just noticed that this got revived and didn't the first time; maybe the easy solution would be to archive the threads on kanzentai?
[quote="Brakus"]For all the flack that FUNimation gets on this forum for their quote about DBZ, there's some modicum of truth to it: a 9-year-old is born every day. Or in some cases, "reborn". DBZ may be a kids' show, but it's been so close to so many hearts all over Japan, America, and quite possibly, even the world.[/quote]

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Post by Herms » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:06 am

Well at any rate, I've now updated it with the age guide timeline evaluation, and the SEG threads.
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Post by SSj_Rambo » Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:21 am

Hey, great job with all of these! Each one is utterly amazing!! By the way, how's your Viz translation review coming?

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Post by DragonBalllKaiHD » Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:36 am

Arghh! Darn it! I wish I have the super computer chip inserted in my brain so I could memorized all the information posted by the one and only Herm. Anyhow, great stuff! Thanks Herm. It appears that you have a great photographic memory.
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Post by Herms » Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:50 am

SSj_Rambo wrote: By the way, how's your Viz translation review coming?
I took notes on all the volumes during my break, so I just need to eventually go and start expanding those notes into coherent posts (they're written mostly in shorthand). I intend to get back to them eventually, but things just keep coming up...
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Post by Acid_Reign » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:29 pm

Think you could add the link to the translation review thread to the OP? Searching stinks.

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Post by Saiyan-Professor » Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:40 pm

bkev wrote:Don't worry Inna, we can necropost together. Just noticed that this got revived and didn't the first time; maybe the easy solution would be to archive the threads on kanzentai?
Some of us have been hinting in Mike’s direction to make the “Guide Guide” into a sticky thread.
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