"Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Discussion specifically regarding the "Dragon Ball Super" TV series premiering July 2015 in Japan, including individual threads for each episode.

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by Nickolaidas » Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:54 am

I trust AnimeJay - and seriously, no one should deny that Dragon Ball is coming back. They said it on ep 131: For now, a brief parting.

Cool your tits, you doubters. We're getting a new series in 2019.

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by Michsi » Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:52 am

SaiyanGod117 wrote:
Michsi wrote:
SaiyanGod117 wrote: DBS started in July and I think the international release wasn't until August.
If memory serves, it was announced just a couple of weeks before it aired. In June? Anyway, the international release only happened when Daisuki.net added DBS to their list, and by that time it was already done with the Future Trunks arc. This is actually one of my main concerns when it comes to a new DB series. Who is going to stream it? Does Crunchyroll have to renegotiate? I know the U.S. has Funimation, but for the rest of us....
Nah, it was late April or early May and it will probably be on Hulu this time around. Although I just hope Toei doesn't take all year like last time.
Hulu is only available in the U.S. I think Crunchyroll stated that they will continue to feature titles they have co-streamed with Funimation so here's to hoping this alleged new series will be among those.

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by TheRed259 » Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:30 am

I have a question regarding episode 1.
For his purported role in saving Earth from Majin Buu, Mr. Satan has been awarded with 100 million Zeni that he does not want. He decides to give the money to one of the fighters.
How are they giving him 100 million Zeni for saving the Earth from Majin Buu if Buu is erased from their memories by Shenron?

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by MaGyunia » Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:00 am

Well, let's start. I was afraid this thread had long been stale and I was going to apologize for "resurrecting" it, but apparently it's still active.

As a sequence of my coming back to Kanzenshuu and respective announcement, I'm going to proceed with a review of the second half of the Zamasu/Black/Future Trunks arc (more or less) and the Chikara no Taikai. I'll start there because that's where I "left off" in terms of discussing on an ongoing basis the episodes with you here, two years ago (more or less in the middle of the Zamasu/Black arc).

These will be relatively small-sized, compact reviews to catch up in terms of discussing and letting you know, in here, my position on numerous aspects accumulated in the uncovered (by me) arcs, they won't be ultra in-depth analysis in detail. Basically, picking up from where I "left off" two years ago.

Here we go.

Zamasu/Black/Future Trunks arc:

This was an ominous, complex, dramatic arc from beginning to end. Touching only on material and content I haven't covered before when I was active, I still retain Black as easily one of my all-time favorite Dragon Ball characters (I love Masako Nozawa's serious/evil voice, such as the one used for Tullece, Bardock and some instances for Goku) and I welcomed the Super Saiya-jin Rosé transformation. It was a good idea by the producers to let Trunks give the final blow to Gattai Zamasu with his trademark sword, made up and created in a similar way as a Genkidama (Goku himself refers to this), despite Trunks being leagues below Goku and Vegeta's power. Gattai Zamasu's complexity and power is/was such that he threatened the stability of the entire multiverse (not just Universe 7, both timelines) and time itself, even surviving a physical death. In the end, they had to resort to the all-powerful Zen-ou to wipe him out from existence, along with the entire timeline. It was about time Trunks had a definitive happy ending, after growing up scarred and traumatized due to the Jinzouningen rampage and many years later Black. Because, unlike the end of the Jinzouningen/Cell arc, he didn't just wipe out #18, #17 and Cell from his timeline and allow Earth to return to peace, this time he even got a... sort of... girlfriend. Too bad about even Bulma dying, to add to the previous losses at the hands of the Jinzouningen (every Z fighter except Goku, who didn't even live long enough to fight). It was also a nice global way to give him screen time and a protagonist role in DBSuper, since he's surely among the top ten of fan favorites.

Note: Apparently almost everyone "normal" is getting a girlfriend of sorts. In Battle of Gods they created a chemistry between Chibi Trunks and Mai, and the future versions of these two also have what appears to have a very close relationship. If it's a loving relationship or not is irrelevante. Boy + girl + extremely close relationship and care. (Even Broly, now, might have developed a relationship with a newly introduced character, but that remains to be seen and it's not a fundamental part of the franchise, I put it in the context of being part of his gradual process of socialization - but let's not touch on Broly here, there's a right place for it).

Note: It's interesting to see that they kept revisiting and incorporating old stuff such as the Mafuuba into DBSuper. I see it as a way of letting the younger generation who wasn't even born when Piccolo Daimao-related stuff took place and was used know what it meant and was back then.
Just one question, though: why din't Piccolo, or anyone else, for that matter, suggest it to contain the Saiya-jins (Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta), Freeza, the Androids, Cell or the numerous versions of Majin Buu?

Chikara no Taikai arc:

First, the choices for Team Universe 7. They weren't that obvious at a first glance. In this tournament, it's not just raw power that counted, strategy and experience, among other qualities, played a key role in the outcome. Choosing Muten Roshi to be a part of the team despite having countless dead warriors (both good and evil) from the past who are light-years ahead of him in terms of power was a good example. Krillin had to be there, but so did Tenshinhan, not just because of the techniques. I've always defended that Tenshinhan is the actual strongest human, not Krillin (just because Krillin has a lot more screen time throughout DBZ and is present at nearly all times, unlike Tenshinhan, who is absent for long periods of time, doesn't make Krillin stronger, one thing doesn't imply the other). The rest of the "cast" was obvious, with one interesting development: when they were one member short because of Majin Buu and hurrying and seeking a last-minute replacement, Goku's idea to choose Freeza and have him participate in the world of the living despite being dead for one day was as shocking, at first, as it was brilliant, since Freeza, at that/this point, is arguably as strong as Goku and Vegeta unless these are pushed to their very limits, as they indeed were later on in the tournament. I remember reading in the chat of a livestream somebody suggesting, for example, they should incorporate Cell instead. I laughed, because by that/this time Cell is leagues below Freeza in terms of power. They suggested it because he could regenerate. Well, he can regenerate all he wants, outside the ring after being dropped out... There were numerous, countless possibilities, but Freeza was obviously the right one. There was a potential disadvantage and danger, though, because Freeza could be plotting some self-serving scheme (which was obvious) and go so far as to betray his own Universe, or whatever strategy he had in mind. Freeza will do anything to reach his ends, literally anything, so that was a danger, but they had him somewhat under "control" - it wasn't an aliance, it was a mutual interest, a deal. It worked, and he did indeed play a key-role in ensuring Universe 7's victory; without him, they wouldn't have won. (I didn't know Whis' power was such that he could do basically what the Dragon Balls could, which is just resurrect somebody by directing his pole at him, but in the end, after all, it doesn't really surprise me, but I'll touch on Whis and the other Tenshis, the Daishinkan, the Zen-ou(s) and the Hakaishins' power (not just fighting power) and characteristics and duties in other posts). Choosing the Androids was obvious, if they wanted to to resort to living warriors. #17 had to be there. #18 had been present in relatively insignificant roles in recent movies and the series, but it was time to bring back #17 after his seconds of appearence in the end of DBZ's Majin Buu arc. Besides, both he and #18 have certain specific qualities and traits that make them extremely useful. #17 used his trademark barrier countless times during the fights.

I never liked Jiren from the beginning, and the developments throughout the tournament didn't make me change my mind/feelings towards him. Quite in fact, certain specific stuff he said just made it worse for me. I'm deeply fond of stoic, serious warriors, such as Vegeta, Piccolo, Tenshinhan, but I grew up watching these guys, they're part of me. Along comes this guy who proclaims more than once that neither Goku nor Vegeta, nor both of them combined, can defeat him. Vegeta's reaction in episode 122 is the exact same reaction that was triggered in me upon hearing that (I'll touch that in slight detail a little bit later on). His background story his extremely cliché and I don't recognize in him, with his stone-like attitude and posture, the moral superiority to teach the mightiest Saiya-jin warriors in the history of the multiverse moral lessons (or try to teach...), with his self-proclaimed absolutely perfect sense of morality and values. Nah. This guy needs to be overcome, no matter how incredibly, absurdly powerful he might be. He's obviously not a bad guy, but his sense of values is twisted and while he accuses others of being arrogant and proclaims to be above all that, he's actually the one who things he's almighty, deep down. And when Goku surpassed him, and in the last episodes of the tournament and the series, his real, true character was revealed.

Most of the warriors from the multiple universes weren't really that powerful in terms of raw strength, but they had special, peculiar qualities, hence their choice to enter. It was extremely fun to see multiple fighters battling one-on-one, or in a brawl, coming from different universes, including certain match-ups between some of our long-time DBZ favorites and other slightly charismatic and enigmatic and potentially extremely powerful enemies. Freeza vs Dyspo, Piccolo and Gohan vs Universe 6's Namek-sei-jins, Freeza vs Toppo, Freeza vs Kyabe, Goku and Hit vs Jiren, etc., etc., the list goes on and on and on.

I had "multiple orgasms" and was nearly "invited" to leave the public place where I watched all episodes as they aired in Japan in real-time in episodes 122 and 123, the two Vegeta-centered episodes. I had them and reacted in a slightly insanely satisfied way as I saw Vegeta landing a few powerful, successful blows on the previsouly unfazed Jiren. I was also nearly expelled from the public place in the following episode during the absolutely epic (brilliant piece of music in the background, but that's just one among the many things that made that scene one of the most importante and significant to me in the entirety of DBSuper as a series) Final Flash scene (same as the first against Cell: provoking of Vegeta's pride - Final Flash - Vegeta defying the target to keep from avoiding the attack if he dares - attack apparently successful - Vegeta's satisfaction of his provocation - Vegeta's victorious laughter - everyone cheering for him and Jiren to the ground; then, once again, the same as what happened with Cell, Vegeta's apparent victory and "victorious" laughter, only to be a short-lived illusion.

This/these was/were my favorite moments in the entirety of the tournament, as an ultra-Vegeta fan, of course. These two episodes, 122 and 123, contained everything Vegeta is. Another one of my favorite moments, of course, was Goku and Vegeta powering-up to their very maximum to face Jiren (Vegeta even attaining somehow Super Saiya-Blue Shinka - bodily transformation similar to that of SSJ Dai Ni Dankai, and in Goku's case, adding Kaio-Ken to SSJ Blue) with the instrumental version of the opening in the background, both screaming together, the two rivals/enemies/friends/allies (extremely complex relationship), the mightiest bearers of the Saiya-jin pride and strength, never, ever to be underestimated (Saiya-jins have no limits...), and then both advancing together, step by step, towards Jiren to face him, as if saying "you're screwed now, alien. Let's see you keeping that fake stone-like attitude facing the mightiest Saiya-jins with godly power together at their maximum".

After Vegeta dropped out, and long after Gohan already had and #17 apparently blew himself up - Freeza was always there... - I need to say that while I admire and love Vegeta at all times, there are specific instances when I cheer for Goku and love him when he turns serious in order to protect those he loves, the innocent, when the entire existence of his Universe is at stake, in this particular case. That said, in episode 129, when he finally masters Migatte no Gokui completely and proceeds to attack Jiren who can't even see (!) Goku attacking, such is the absurdly, incomprehensible level of power and the stage Goku has just achieved, I also had orgasms not only when Goku finally transforms physically but especially seconds later when he engages in battle with Jiren and dominates him completely as if in a state of godly invulnerability and insurmountability.

Regarding Migatte no Gokui, here's what I think: on one hand, it can be seen as a technique rather than a stage, a complete mastery of one's senses to the point where the body automatically reacts and defends itself (and attacks...) without the user thinking. That's what Whis describes (adding that not even Beerus has mastered this technique completely/perfectly). So, first of all, it can be seen as a technique more than anything else (or a state of mind/spirit, in battle). In the specific case of a Saiya-jin, like Goku, even in its unmastered version, it also manifests in a physical transformation (white/blue aura, grey eyes, etc.) - Migatte no Gokui Kizashi - and then, finally, when completely mastered, in the specific case of a Saiya-jin, it becomes a full-fledged transformation (white hair).

I don't regard Freeza's resurrection as a proper or appropriate reward for his "services" and performance, even though he was instrumental to ensure the victory of Universe 7. Freeza is the most evil being we've ever seen in the entirety of the Dragon Ball franchise, no matter how much good he ultimately does - especially for his own ends, deep down - he has so much destruction, sadism, violence, psychopathy and death to compensate for that he should have been sent to Hell. But it was a nice idea, despite this, to have him resurrected. After his death in DBZ, he apparead here and there, cameos, and in movies/specials, but with Fukkatsu no F they matched his previously relatively weak level of power with their objective to turn him into a protagonist again, gradually, so this is the logical conclusion. He's resurrected, fully regained his composure, he rebuilt his army and intergalactic empire and it always present and hovering above Goku and Vegeta trying again and again new ways of getting his revenge, among other goals (apparently, not immortality anymore, and not even invincibility/invulnerability, as seen in Broly's movie). Well, the emperor of evil is fully active, alive and kicking and ready to join in any significant, relevant action, so the process is complete. And he wasted no time in according to his new status in Broly's movie...

In the months prior to the premiere of Battle of Gods, Akira Toriyama said in an interview that, putting it in a new way to measure power levels and compare them, if Super Saiya-jin God Goku is a 6, Beerus is a 10, and Whis is a 15. There were indeed rumours that there was a mortal within all the Universes which not even Beerus, or any other Hakaishin, for that matter, could destroy. It was Jiren. However, in the course of the tournament, Goku surpassed Jiren, so now we have two (in fact, three, but that requires touching on the Broly movie, and not counting on fusions, whether it's Gogeta or Vegetto).

Another highlight was Goku's performance against Kefura once he reached, for the second time, unmastered Migatte no Gokui. This seconds time he had a much higher degree and level of control over the "stage" and at times went so far as to sound cocky, and the way he humiliates and declassifies her (them) is just absolutely fantastic and a display of overwhelming power, ending her seemingly unstoppable rampage.

- Speaking of fusions, it would be much simpler to have Goku and Vegeta fuse (they didn't need to use the Fusion Dance, there were Potara available just like there were for Kefura). Simple, brutal, quick and easy victory for Universe 7 ( just like the insane display in Broly). The only sertback of fusing is that if, for some reason, the fused warrior is disqualified, of course, both fighters who were the fusees are dropped out, but that wouldn't ever happen to Gogeta or Vegetto. And fusing is perfectly within the rules, as seen when Califula and Kale are recommended to fuse.

- Vegeta teaches Toppo and Jiren lesson on values; Toppo forsook his previously supposedly untouchable values for the sake of more power, to become a Hakaishin. That's disgusting, as it was for Vegeta. Therefore: "I can't cease being who I am ! Kakarotto can keep his Migatte no Gokui ! I will surpass my limits in my own way, and then, Jiren, defeat you !" This is Vegeta. More so: "Indeed I am arrogant. But, to me, that's precisely what Saiya-jin pride means ! I can't beat you ? Don't make me laugh !" (Final Flash scene, episode 122)

- Question: The technique Vegeta uses to drop Toppo out is the same used against Majin Buu. It's supposed to draw on the entire life force of the user (in a way, similarly to the Mafuuba and the Kikoho). Therefore, not matter how unbelievably powerful Vegeta has become, shoudln't he had died ? Unlike the Mafuuba or the Kikoho, I don't bite the explanation that he attained a stage of toughness such that it allowed him to survive the suicidal attack.

There are still a few significant and important concepts and pieces of information left that I wish and insist on including in this review, but I think this is enough for now. I'll review the Broly movie now.

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by emperior » Fri Jan 04, 2019 3:56 pm

On January 10th there will be a Dragon Ball Super: Broly screening with Masako Nozawa as the special guest.
There’s a possibility the new Super show will be announced there, but it’s just an assumption a few fans are making so don’t get your hopes up if you don’t want to end up being deluded, but it’s definitely something to look forward to.
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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by Chuquita » Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:03 pm

emperior wrote:On January 10th there will be a Dragon Ball Super: Broly screening with Masako Nozawa as the special guest.
There’s a possibility the new Super show will be announced there, but it’s just an assumption a few fans are making so don’t get your hopes up if you don’t want to end up being deluded, but it’s definitely something to look forward to.
I hope it gets announced there. I'm not even picky about when Super comes back (April, July, October I don't care.) I just want them to keep Shintani's fun character designs and bring them over to the series.
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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by vashter » Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:58 pm

Chuquita wrote:
emperior wrote:On January 10th there will be a Dragon Ball Super: Broly screening with Masako Nozawa as the special guest.
There’s a possibility the new Super show will be announced there, but it’s just an assumption a few fans are making so don’t get your hopes up if you don’t want to end up being deluded, but it’s definitely something to look forward to.
I hope it gets announced there. I'm not even picky about when Super comes back (April, July, October I don't care.) I just want them to keep Shintani's fun character designs and bring them over to the series.
Well geekdom101 somehow knew about Jan 10th right after 30 mins later on jump feasts was over and he YouTube it was mention then recently animajay brought up a theory from two people on discord mention this too so I actually believe geekdom101 knows something just going with it but who knows

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by Ajay » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:24 pm

vashter wrote:
Chuquita wrote:
emperior wrote:On January 10th there will be a Dragon Ball Super: Broly screening with Masako Nozawa as the special guest.
There’s a possibility the new Super show will be announced there, but it’s just an assumption a few fans are making so don’t get your hopes up if you don’t want to end up being deluded, but it’s definitely something to look forward to.
I hope it gets announced there. I'm not even picky about when Super comes back (April, July, October I don't care.) I just want them to keep Shintani's fun character designs and bring them over to the series.
Well geekdom101 somehow knew about Jan 10th right after 30 mins later on jump feasts was over and he YouTube it was mention then recently animajay brought up a theory from two people on discord mention this too so I actually believe geekdom101 knows something just going with it but who knows
They announced the January 10th event at Jump Festa. We're all on the same page here.
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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by AnimeNation101 » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:32 pm

Ajay wrote:
vashter wrote:
Chuquita wrote:
I hope it gets announced there. I'm not even picky about when Super comes back (April, July, October I don't care.) I just want them to keep Shintani's fun character designs and bring them over to the series.
Well geekdom101 somehow knew about Jan 10th right after 30 mins later on jump feasts was over and he YouTube it was mention then recently animajay brought up a theory from two people on discord mention this too so I actually believe geekdom101 knows something just going with it but who knows
They announced the January 10th event at Jump Festa. We're all on the same page here.
LOL, what i find interesting is that this was tweeted by this guy: https://twitter.com/Spy_0taku/status/10 ... 6443851778

And he’s a legit source of info. Just wish he elaborated. I’d assume the info he has will be revealed at the January 10 screening.
I called it that Gogeta, Bardock, and something Broly related would be in the movie before it was even announced that it was a Broly movie. 8)

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by vashter » Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:08 pm

AnimeNation101 wrote:
Ajay wrote:
vashter wrote:
Well geekdom101 somehow knew about Jan 10th right after 30 mins later on jump feasts was over and he YouTube it was mention then recently animajay brought up a theory from two people on discord mention this too so I actually believe geekdom101 knows something just going with it but who knows
They announced the January 10th event at Jump Festa. We're all on the same page here.
LOL, what i find interesting is that this was tweeted by this guy: https://twitter.com/Spy_0taku/status/10 ... 6443851778

And he’s a legit source of info. Just wish he elaborated. I’d assume the info he has will be revealed at the January 10 screening.
Who is this guy ? (Twitter)

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by AnimeNation101 » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:10 pm

vashter wrote:
AnimeNation101 wrote:
Ajay wrote:
They announced the January 10th event at Jump Festa. We're all on the same page here.
LOL, what i find interesting is that this was tweeted by this guy: https://twitter.com/Spy_0taku/status/10 ... 6443851778

And he’s a legit source of info. Just wish he elaborated. I’d assume the info he has will be revealed at the January 10 screening.
Who is this guy ? (Twitter)
He’s a guy who reports anime/manga news from japan (sometimes earlier than its publically revealed). Sort of like a YonkouProd but is strictly news and doesn’t drop nearly as many teasers nor does he seem to have as much inside info. But he’s def legit.
I called it that Gogeta, Bardock, and something Broly related would be in the movie before it was even announced that it was a Broly movie. 8)

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by vashter » Sun Jan 06, 2019 1:29 am

AnimeNation101 wrote:
vashter wrote:
AnimeNation101 wrote: LOL, what i find interesting is that this was tweeted by this guy: https://twitter.com/Spy_0taku/status/10 ... 6443851778

And he’s a legit source of info. Just wish he elaborated. I’d assume the info he has will be revealed at the January 10 screening.
Who is this guy ? (Twitter)
He’s a guy who reports anime/manga news from japan (sometimes earlier than its publically revealed). Sort of like a YonkouProd but is strictly news and doesn’t drop nearly as many teasers nor does he seem to have as much inside info. But he’s def legit.

Interesting, thanks for the info... I'll believe it coming 10th but I'll have to see.

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by emperior » Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:15 am

Announcement on the 10th or not, many people with insider sources have said a TV show is coming and Vegeta’s Italian VA even slipped its existence (he went back on his words of course).
The Fuji TV schedule shuffling happening in April alone is, in my opinion, proof that the new show will begin then.
I really can’t see Toei taking more months of pre-production. And the rumours are the pre-production started in October with possibly more planning behind the scenes before, so if Super comes back in April it will be with 6 months of pre-production which are good enough to ensure the show will be in a healthy state.
When Super started in 2015, it seems like it had barely 2 months of pre-production which is why its production already collapsed by episode 5.
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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by Dbzfan94 » Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:22 am

TheRed259 wrote:I have a question regarding episode 1.
For his purported role in saving Earth from Majin Buu, Mr. Satan has been awarded with 100 million Zeni that he does not want. He decides to give the money to one of the fighters.
How are they giving him 100 million Zeni for saving the Earth from Majin Buu if Buu is erased from their memories by Shenron?
Just another inconsistency in Super. To be fair that one started in the 08 Special, but still.

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by alakazam^ » Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:54 am

Dbzfan94 wrote:
TheRed259 wrote:I have a question regarding episode 1.
For his purported role in saving Earth from Majin Buu, Mr. Satan has been awarded with 100 million Zeni that he does not want. He decides to give the money to one of the fighters.
How are they giving him 100 million Zeni for saving the Earth from Majin Buu if Buu is erased from their memories by Shenron?
Just another inconsistency in Super. To be fair that one started in the 08 Special, but still.
They know they have been saved from something so it's not an inconsistency. Even if they remember the word "Boo", the Dragon Balls would prevent them from putting two and two together.

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by wjbraden » Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:58 am

emperior wrote:Announcement on the 10th or not, many people with insider sources have said a TV show is coming and Vegeta’s Italian VA even slipped its existence (he went back on his words of course).
The Fuji TV schedule shuffling happening in April alone is, in my opinion, proof that the new show will begin then.
Could you elaborate on this? Is Fuji TV changing their anime lineup or something?
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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by vashter » Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:46 pm

wjbraden wrote:
emperior wrote:Announcement on the 10th or not, many people with insider sources have said a TV show is coming and Vegeta’s Italian VA even slipped its existence (he went back on his words of course).
The Fuji TV schedule shuffling happening in April alone is, in my opinion, proof that the new show will begin then.
Could you elaborate on this? Is Fuji TV changing their anime lineup or something?
Think he talking about time slot

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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by emperior » Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:52 pm

wjbraden wrote:
emperior wrote:Announcement on the 10th or not, many people with insider sources have said a TV show is coming and Vegeta’s Italian VA even slipped its existence (he went back on his words of course).
The Fuji TV schedule shuffling happening in April alone is, in my opinion, proof that the new show will begin then.
Could you elaborate on this? Is Fuji TV changing their anime lineup or something?
Yes. Last year, on the 8th of April 2018, a Professor Layton anime started to air on Fuji TV in the 8:30 AM time slot.
https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2 ... ut/.126795
“The announcement listed the series at 50 episodes with each a runtime of 30 minutes.“
It seems like the anime is scheduled to run for exactly 50 episodes, and the rumor is that once it will be over Kitaro will take its time slot to free up the 9:00 AM time slot for an eventual Dragon Ball Super show, which would take its old time slot as the lead-in to One Piece.
As far as I know, no anime has been announced to take Layton’s place, nor has it been announced that Layton is getting extended.

It’s entirely speculation, but from my part I’m like 99% sure Super will return this April. I was sure of Super ending last year once the speculation emerged, so maybe I will be right this time too. Well, I hope so, because I miss weekly Super.
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Re: "Dragon Ball Super" Series Official Announcement & Discussion Thread

Post by wjbraden » Sun Jan 06, 2019 1:27 pm

emperior wrote:
wjbraden wrote:
emperior wrote:Announcement on the 10th or not, many people with insider sources have said a TV show is coming and Vegeta’s Italian VA even slipped its existence (he went back on his words of course).
The Fuji TV schedule shuffling happening in April alone is, in my opinion, proof that the new show will begin then.
Could you elaborate on this? Is Fuji TV changing their anime lineup or something?
Yes. Last year, on the 8th of April 2018, a Professor Layton anime started to air on Fuji TV in the 8:30 AM time slot.
https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2 ... ut/.126795
“The announcement listed the series at 50 episodes with each a runtime of 30 minutes.“
It seems like the anime is scheduled to run for exactly 50 episodes, and the rumor is that once it will be over Kitaro will take its time slot to free up the 9:00 AM time slot for an eventual Dragon Ball Super show, which would take its old time slot as the lead-in to One Piece.
As far as I know, no anime has been announced to take Layton’s place, nor has it been announced that Layton is getting extended.

It’s entirely speculation, but from my part I’m like 99% sure Super will return this April. I was sure of Super ending last year once the speculation emerged, so maybe I will be right this time too. Well, I hope so, because I miss weekly Super.
Oh, I was unaware of Layton being in the 8:30 slot, moving Kitaro up in April to make way for the return of Super makes sense. Here's hoping you are right!
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