Podcast Episode #0135
Published by 29 June 2008, 12:25 AM EDT

Episode #0135 of the podcast is available for download! This week, we checked in with KaiserNeko and Lanipator from the new DragonBall Z Abridged fan-parody series by TeamFourStar!

We only recently discovered this recent trend of creating “Abridged” series, ourselves, and so with the debut of this group’s take on the TV series we definitely wanted to check in with them and see how the whole thing works. It’s an absolutely hysterical take on the series that has so many clever jokes for so many different types of fans, and still retains that genuine charm and endearing qualities of the original. If you haven’t seen it yet, you absolutely need to do so. In addition to that, we also dive into some somewhat-artificially-created drama between two dub voice actors as well as a ton of other news. Definitely check it out.

Episode #0135! VegettoEX, Meri, and Jeff interview some of the brains behind the new “DBZ Abridged” series from TeamFourStar. Where did this hilarious new fandub series come from, and what can we look forward to in the future? Julian joins in to discuss all of the latest news, including our own creation of drama between dub voice actors, the live-action movie, video games, music, and so much more!


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