Many of you long-time podcast listeners have already told us that you view this episode as the “end of an era”. Over four years ago, we set out to go through the Dragon Ball manga volume-by-volume and review it to the best of our ability, and from a few different angles. We had a few …
Our mostly-monthly segment is closing in on the finish line! This week on our show, the entire team tackles Volume 41 in our so-called “Manga Review of Awesomeness”. With just two volumes left to go in the series, these chapters are jam-packed with all sorts of transformations, hero swap-outs, and even still a bit of …
This week on our show we recap and expand upon what little news there has been over the last week, and turn our attention over to the 40th volume in our on-going “Manga Review of Awesomeness”. We are closing in on the end of the series, but there is still plenty of material to cover. …
This week on our show, we dive in to Volume 39 in our on-going “Manga Review of Awesomeness”. Majin Boo has finally hatched, and the heroes and civilians throughout the world are already suffering at his hands. The wacky villain is a huge change-up from the last two story arcs, though. Has Toriyama returned to …
This time around on our podcast, in addition to the big news surrounding Dragon Ball Kai and Kenji Yamamoto’s musical score, we finally get a chance to dive back into the manga with Volume 38. The fight against Bobbidi’s minions has begun, Vegeta has turned back into the demon prince he once was, and a …
The oft-delayed “Manga Review of Awesomeness” returns to the podcast for Volume 37! The new story arc is still off to its start, but we now have an entirely new group of gods introduced, as well as what seem to be the first in a series of evil henchmen. The kids also get a chance …
Those of you who look forward to our regular “Manga Review of Awesomeness” segment are in for a treat, as we are finally back on schedule and starting up the final major story arc of the series! After a seven-year time skip, the Earth has returned to peace, characters have grown up, new ones are …
This week on the show, our buddy Jeff finally gets a chance to break out a new “Manga Review of Awesomeness” with us. The Cell Game finally comes to a close, but do we reflect as fondly on this part of the series as we otherwise thought we might? Little bits of news, August’s last …
This podcast episode and “Manga Review of Awesomeness” is brought to you by exploding Cell Jr. heads: Julian just finished moving in with the fiancee, so with all of his stuff in storage and an otherwise all-local recording, we decided to do a live broadcast of the show this week. The Cell Game has finally …
Having reached the appropriate place in our monthly “Manga Review of Awesomeness”, it made sense to take pause and focus in on Trunks for an episode. This week we take a look at “TRUNKS: THE STORY”, the special manga chapter that was later adapted into the second DBZ TV special, and compare the two. How …