Animation Production Guide

Animation Staff Database

The following database provides listings for the animation staff involved with the Dragon Ball franchise. These listings are not a complete catalog of an episode’s original credits, but instead provide credits of only the main animation staff involved. For complete credit listings, please visit the appropriate pages linked to in the Episode Guide and Movie Guide. Click the button below to view a searchable list of all individual staff members stored in the “Animation Staff Database” or view individual episode, movie, or feature credits below.

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Staff Database

The credit database is organized by series and then further by individual episodes. After selecting a series below, its main staff will be displayed along with a drop-down menu of that series’ episodes and any other associated animated productions. Select an item from the drop-down menu to view its animation staff credits. Certain staff members listed are linked to detailed profile pages which provide additional information and a listing of all productions in which they are credited, including TV specials and theatrical films.

ドラゴンボール153 episodes
ドラゴンボールZ291 episodes, 2 TV SP
ドラゴンボールGT64 episodes, TV SP
ドラゴンボール改159 episodes
ドラゴンボール超131 episodes
スーパーヒーローズ49 episodes, SP
ドラゴンボールDAIMA0 episodes

シリーズディレクター Series Director
岡崎 稔Minoru OkazakiStudio Junio
西尾大介Daisuke NishioToei Animation
企画 Planning
七條敬三Keizō ShichijōToei Animation
森下孝三Kōzō MorishitaToei Animation
土屋登喜蔵Tokizō Tsuchiya1 – 101Fuji TV
清水賢治Kenji Shimizu1 – 28, 92 – 153Fuji TV
石川順一Jun’ichi Ishikawa132Fuji TV
製作担当 Production Manager
岸本松司Matsuji KishimotoToei Animation
シリーズ構成 Series Composition
小山高生Takao KoyamaBrother Noppo
チーフアニメーター Chief Animator
前田 実Minoru MaedaStudio Junio
チーフデザイナー Chief Designer
辻 忠直Tadanao TsujiToei Animation
池田祐二Yūji Ikeda102 – 153Studio Wyeth
音楽 Music
菊池俊輔Shunsuke Kikuchi