“Zenkai Battle Royale” Zarbon Details in March 2013 V-Jump
Published by 21 January 2013, 8:59 AM EST

Zenkai Battle Royale — the (for now?) Japanese, arcade-only, multiplayer, online, brawling fighting game — continues to receive a wealth of updates month in and month out. It most recently received a series of four weeks worth of bonus costumes, but prior to that was the tease of two new playable characters: Zarbon and Videl.

In this month’s March 2013 issue of V-Jump, Zarbon finally receives a full breakdown:


Get ready for “a dance of blood and roses!!” with Zarbon in Zenkai Battle Royale. He is the first character in the game with transforming capability (Super Saiyan forms for certain characters were only available separately as a part of the big “Super Saiyan Awakening” update), and you can use the transformation with your strategy combined with the state of the battle to disturb your opponent and their flow.

Zarbon’s “elegant” form has a “Bloody Dance” move, which allows you to rhythmically pummel your opponent without giving them an opening to counter, while his “monster” form has the “hunting claw” where you grab your opponent and throw them.

The magazine includes a little blurb noting how there was a huge line to play the game back at Jump Festa ’13!

One play of the game is ¥100. There is still no word on any possible home release of the game, and it (apparently!) is still receiving these updates on a regular basis.

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