“Dragon Ball: XENOVERSE” Updates in Sept. 2014 “Saikyō Jump”
Published by 03 August 2014, 11:18 AM EDT

In addition to revealing a new transformation for Broli in Dragon Ball Heroes, today’s (04 August 2014) September 2014 issue of Saikyō Jump provides a quick recap of information for the upcoming console video game for the franchise, Dragon Ball: XENOVERSE.


In addition to reviewing previously-detailed information, the issue’s two-page spread does note that the “Future Warrior” is sent to the past from a town led by Trunks, who sends him to various time periods in Dragon Ball‘s history via the time vault.

Dragon Ball: XENOVERSE will be released on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, though no release date has been set.

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