“Ultimate Tenkaichi” Name Confirmed?
Published by 20 June 2011, 9:05 AM EDT has a new listing for what is clearly Game Project Age 2011, the new fighting game developed by Spike for Namco-Bandai due out on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this fall. What sets this listing apart from others is the fact that the name “Ultimate Tenkaichi” is already attached to it, a name that showed up a couple weeks back on a survey from the publisher. The listing also pegs the game for 01 November 2011, at least in Europe, though the Raging Blast games were released within the same week across all regions.

Does this confirm the name “Ultimate Tenkaichi” for non-Japan regions? Will the “Tenkaichi” branding have any impact on the name of the game in Japan, where it has never previously been used? It seems as if we will known soon enough!

Last year had listings for two games that never (or have yet to have) surfaced: “Spike“, a game for the Nintendo Wii, and an un-named Nintendo 3DS game. With the former was a head-scratcher, Namco-Bandai had at least announced shortly after the 3DS’ reveal that they had plans for a game on the portable system.

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