This is the theme used by FUNimation’s earliest version of their English dub for Dragon Ball Z, back in the late 1990s. In order to meet broadcast standards for syndication, the first 67 episodes were whittled down to 53, and much content was censored. As with the early attempt at a dub of Dragon Ball, this series used a completely different musical score from the Japanese original, composed by Shuki Levy; this is the opening theme used. Just as FUNimation’s episode numbering continued on from these episodes until the advent of the “Ultimate Uncut Edition” redub and subsequent “Orange Brick” boxed sets, this theme saw continued use until the end of the Freeza arc in FUNimation’s in-house “season three”, until finally replaced with an instrumental piece by Bruce Faulconer.
The official title of this theme, as per the official soundtrack, is “Main Title”; however, it is commonly referred to by the phrase repeated in the song.