- おはよう世界の諸君
- Ohayō sekai no shokun
- Good morning, people of Earth
- 少し時間を頂こう
- Sukoshi jikan o itadakō
- I’d like to take a little of your time
- すばらしい知らせがある
- Subarashii shirase ga aru
- I have marvelous news
- そのままで聞いて欲しい
- Sono mama de kiite hoshii
- Stay there and listen
- 誰でもいい 誰でもいい 闘おう
- Dare de mo ii dare de mo ii tatakaō
- Anyone will do, anyone will do, let’s fight
- 強い者 強い者 闘おう
- Tsuyoi mono tsuyoi mono tatakaō
- Strong ones, strong ones, let’s fight
- 申し送れてすまない
- Mōshiokure de sumanai
- I apologize for not mentioning earlier
- わたしの名はセルという
- Watashi no na wa Seru to iu
- My name is Cell
- スリルに満ちた毎日を
- Suriru ni michita mainichi o
- i-Together, let’s fill
- 私と共に送ろう
- Watashi to tomo ni okurō
- Every day with thrills-i
- 誰でもいい 誰でもいい 闘おう
- Dare de mo ii dare de mo ii tatakaō
- Anyone will do, anyone will do, let’s fight
- 君でもいい 君でもいい 闘おう
- Kimi de mo ii kimi de mo ii tatakaō
- You’ll do, you’ll do, let’s fight
- 勘違いしないで欲しいんだが
- Kanchigai shinai de hoshii n da ga
- I don’t want you to get the wrong idea
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- 私にはヒマつぶしなんだ
- Watashi ni wa himatsubushi na n da
- But this is just killing time to me
- セル・セル・セル・セル・ゲーム
- Seru Seru Seru Seru Gēmu
- The Cell, Cell, Cell, Cell Game
- 世界中の人間を
- Sekaijū no ningen o
- All the humans in the world
- ひとり残さず殺そう
- Hitori nokosazu korosō
- I’ll kill every last one
- 恐怖にひきつった顔を
- Kyōfu ni hikitsutta kao o
- i-Gazing until the last
- ながめながら最後まで
- Nagamenagara saigo made
- Upon faces twisted in fear-i
- 誰でもいい 誰でもいい 闘おう
- Dare de mo ii dare de mo ii tatakaō
- Anyone will do, anyone will do, let’s fight
- 楽しみだ 楽しみだ 闘おう
- Tanoshimi da tanoshimi da tatakaō
- I can’t wait, I can’t wait, let’s fight
- 勘違いしないで欲しいんだが
- Kanchigai shinai de hoshii n da ga
- I don’t want you to get the wrong idea
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- 逃げ切れると思わないでくれ
- Nigekireru to omowanai de kure
- But don’t think you can escape
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- 冗談を言うタイプではないんだ
- Jōdan o iu taipu de wa nai n da
- I’m not the joking type
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- というワケで君を待っている
- To iu wake de kimi o matte iru
- With that in mind, I’ll be waiting for you
- セル・セル・セル・セル・ゲーム
- Seru Seru Seru Seru Gēmu
- The Cell, Cell, Cell, Cell Game
- 完全体の私 このチカラを見るがいい
- Kanzentai no watashi kono chikara o miru ga ii
- Behold the power of my perfect form
- こんな星などワケもない
- Kon’na hoshi nado wake mo nai
- A planet such as this has no reason to be
- 勘違いしないで欲しいんだが
- Kanchigai shinai de hoshii n da ga
- I don’t want you to get the wrong idea
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- 提案してるワケではないんだ
- Teian shite ’ru wake de wa nai n da
- But I’m not making a suggestion
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- 勘違いしないで欲しいんだが
- Kanchigai shinai de hoshii n da ga
- I don’t want you to get the wrong idea
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- (This game is mine ’nd you can’t refuse)
- 私にはヒマつぶしなんだ
- Watashi ni wa himatsubushi na n da
- But this is just killing time to me
- セル・セル・セル・セル・ゲーム
- Seru Seru Seru Seru Gēmu
- The Cell, Cell, Cell, Cell Game
- i…i The lines indicated have been transposed for clarity.