- Over the Star
- Over the Star
- Over the Star
- 羽ばたいて
- Habataite
- Flapping my wings
- 宇宙を翔ける流星のように
- Sora1 o kakeru ryūsei no yō ni
- Like a shooting star soaring through the skies
- 見守る ここから
- Mimamoru koko kara
- I watch over you from here
- 距離を越えて
- Kyori o koete
- Overcoming the distance
- 祈りよ君のもとへ
- Inori yo kimi no moto e
- Let my prayers reach you
- 君を想うと 勇気が生まれてくる
- Kimi o omou to Yūki ga umarete kuru
- Thinking of you gives me courage
- どんなことにも 逃げない君だから
- Don’na koto ni mo nigenai kimi da kara
- Because you never run from anything
- 運命がふたりのこと
- Unmei ga futari no koto
- Even when the time comes
- 分かつ時が来たって
- Wakatsu toki ga kitatte
- For fate to divide us
- 前を見て 闘って
- Mae o mite tatakatte
- Look ahead, and fight
- 過去の自分と
- Kinō2 no jibun to
- With your past self
- Over the Star
- Over the Star
- Over the Star
- 輝いて
- Kagayaite
- Shining
- 迷いのない眼差しのままで
- Mayoi no nai manazashi no mama de
- With an unwavering gaze
- 走って 明日へ
- Hashitte Ashita e
- Run towards tomorrow
- 君だけしか
- Kimi dake shika
- Only you
- 君だけしか起こせぬ奇跡がある
- Okosenu kiseki ga aru
- There are miracles only you can create
- 傷ついた夜 人は空を見上げて
- Kizutsuita yoru hito wa sora o miagete
- The night they are wounded, people look up to the sky
- やっと見つける 希望という星を
- Yatto mitsukeru kibō to iu hoshi o
- At the star called hope that they’ve finally found
- 悲しみがその行く手を
- Kanashimi ga sono yukute o
- Even on days when sadness
- 遮る日があっても
- Saegiru hi ga atte mo
- Obstructs that path
- 負けないで 信じてて
- Makenaide shinjite ’te
- Don’t lose; believe
- 未来の光を
- Mirai no hikari o
- In the light of the future
- Over the Star
- Over the Star
- Over the Star
- 伝えたい
- Tsutaetai
- I want to tell you
- 終わりのない愛があることを
- Owari no nai ai ga aru koto o
- That there’s such a thing as endless love
- 幾千 あの星
- Ikusen ano hoshi
- Even if those thousands of stars
- 燃え尽きても
- Moetsukite mo
- Burn out
- 君への想い永遠に
- Kimi e no omoi towa ni
- My thoughts of you will go on forever
- You’re the Star
- You’re the Star
- You’re the Star
- 羽ばたいて
- Habataite
- Flapping my wings
- 碧い地球見えるでしょう?遠く
- Aoi chikyū mieru deshō? Tōku
- You can see the blue Earth, can’t you? Far away
- 呼んでる 心で
- Yonde ’ru kokoro de
- It’s calling, in your heart
- 時を越えて
- Toki o koete
- Transcending time
- 祈りよ君のもとへ
- Inori yo kimi no moto e
- Let my prayers reach you
- 祈りよ宇宙に…届け
- Inori yo sora1 ni… todoke
- Let my prayers… reach the skies
- 1 The kanji supplied for “sora” (“sky”) read “uchū”, meaning “outer space” or “the universe”.
- 2 The kanji supplied for “kinō” (“yesterday”) read “kako” (“the past”).