- Dark 深く見果てぬ宇宙よ
- Dark fukaku mihatenu sora1 yo
- Dark; sky above, deep and unfulfilled
- 月は大きな傷跡だろう
- Tsuki wa ōki na kizuato darō
- The moon seems like one big scar
- Spark 闇に蠢いてる人影
- Spark yami ni ugomeite ’ru2 hitokage
- Spark; people crawling in the darkness
- 増殖して行くぜ
- Zōshoku shite yuku ze
- They’re growing in numbers
- 魔性の typhoon
- Mashō no typhoon
- A diabolical typhoon
- 狂気の hurricane
- Kyōki no hurricane
- A hurricane of madness
- ぶつかり合う it’s warriors
- Butsukariau it’s warriors
- It’s warriors clashing
- ☆ Survivor
- ☆ Survivor
- ☆ Survivor
- You are the Survivor
- You are the Survivor
- You are the Survivor
- 絶望を切り裂き
- Zetsubō o kirisaki
- Tearing through despair
- 歪んだ罪を仕留めろ
- Yuganda3 tsumi o shitomero
- Do away with these warped crimes
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- The Super Survivor
- The Super Survivor
- The Super Survivor
- 限界を壊せよ
- Genkai o kowase yo
- Break down the limits
- 怒れる魂
- Ikareru tamashii
- [With] a wrathful spirit
- Fight back!
- Fight back!
- Fight back!
- Crime 牙を剥いてる闇が
- Crime kiba o muite ’ru yami ga
- Crime; the darkness baring its fangs
- 広い世界を飲み込んでゆく
- Hiroi sekai o nomikonde yuku
- Swallows up the vast world
- Time 迫る限りのあるこの世は
- Time semaru kagiri no aru kono yo wa
- Time; this world, with its approaching limit
- 地獄か?天国か?
- Jigoku ka? Tengoku ka?
- Is it Heaven or Hell?
- 失意の tornado
- Shitsui no tornado
- A tornado of adversity
- 奇跡の blizzard
- Kiseki no blizzard
- A blizzard of miracles
- 極限まで It’s big fight
- Kyokugen made It’s big fight
- Up to the utter limit, it’s a big fight
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- You are the Survivor
- You are the Survivor
- You are the Survivor
- 欲望に爛れた
- Yokubō ni tadareta4
- Festering with desire
- おぞましい心滅ぼせ
- Ozomashii kokoro horobose
- Obliterate those disgusting hearts
- Survivor
- Survivor
- Survivor
- The Super Survivor
- The Super Survivor
- The Super Survivor
- 運命をもぎ取れ
- Unmei o mogitore
- Take hold of your destiny
- 野性の魂
- Yasei no tamashii
- [With] a wild spirit
- Fight back!
- Fight back!
- Fight back!
- 天才 soldiers
- Tensai soldiers
- Genius soldiers
- 残酷 fixers
- Zankoku fixers
- Cruel fixers
- 群がるのは It’s warriors
- Muragaru no wa It’s warriors
- It’s warriors swarming together
- Believer
- Believer
- Believer
- You are the Believer
- You are the Believer
- You are the Believer
- 暗黒の淵から
- Ankoku no fuchi kara
- From the depths of darkness
- 光の断片見つけろ
- Hikari no kakera5 mitsukero
- Find shards of light
- 猛り狂う嵐
- Takerikuru’u arashi
- The raging storm
- いつの日か静まる
- Itsu no hi ka shizumaru
- Will one day go calm
- その目で見ろ
- Sono me de miro
- See it with your own eyes
- ☆repeat
- ☆repeat
- ☆repeat
- 1 The kanji supplied for “sora” (“sky”) read “uchū” (“the universe”, “outer space”).
- 2 Furigana are given for the kanji in “ugomeku” (“writhe”, “crawl”) because the character is uncommon.
- 3 Furigana are given for the kanji in “yuganda” (“distorted”, “warped”) in order to disambiguate the pronunciation (“hizunda” is also possible).
- 4 Furigana are given for the kanji in “tadareta” (“sore”, “festering”) because the character is rarely used with this reading.
- 5The kanji supplied for “kakera” (“shard”, “fragment”) read “danpen” (“fragment”).