- Yeah! Break! Care! Break! 思いっきり
- Yabure Kabure! Omoikkiri
- Yeah! Break! Care! Break!1 At full force
- 飛ぶんだ 無限の空へ
- Tobu n da mugen no sora e
- I’ll fly towards the infinite sky
- ジェット気流に乗っかり
- Jetto kiryū ni nokkari
- Riding the jet stream
- どこでも行くよソッコー
- Doko de mo iku yo sokkō
- I’ll get anywhere swiftly
- 向こうみずってサイコー
- Mukō mizu tte saikō
- Leaping before you look is the best
- Let’s go tip-top! All right?
- Let’s go tip-top! All right?
- Let’s go tip-top! All right?
- 目も醒めるような 碧い地球
- Me mo sameru yō na Aoi chikyū
- An Earth so blue it even seems to awaken
- かけがえないこの星 譲れないから
- Kakegae nai kono hoshi yuzurenai kara
- I can’t surrender this irreplaceable planet, so
- ★ 弾け飛ばせ かめはめ波
- ★ Hajiketobase Kamehameha
- ★ Let fly with a Kamehameha
- ヤバめのこの時代
- Yabame no kono jidai
- This is a dangerous era
- 世界を守るため生まれたから
- Sekai o mamoru tame umareta kara
- I was born to protect the world, so
- Yeah! Break! Care! Break! 思いっきり
- Yabure Kabure! Omoikkiri
- Yeah! Break! Care! Break! At full force
- やるんだ フルパワー
- Yaru n da furu pawā
- I’m gonna do it [at] full-power
- 希望が俺の武器だから
- Kibō ga ore no buki da kara
- Hope is my weapon, so
- 未来信じて
- Mirai shinjite
- Trust in the future
- 大気圏さえ抜け出し
- Taikiken sae nukedashi
- Break through even the atmosphere
- スピード上げて上昇
- Supīdo agete jōshō
- Increase your speed and rise up
- マッハで行けば楽勝
- Mahha de ikeba rakushō
- You’ll win easily if you go at Mach speed
- Let’s go sky-high! All right?
- Let’s go sky-high! All right?
- Let’s go sky-high! All right?
- 今なら間に合う この地球に
- Ima nara ma ni au kono hoshi1 ni
- I can make it in time if I go now
- 生きる命全てを 助けたいから
- Ikiru inochi subete o Tasuketai kara
- Because I want to save every living thing on Earth
- ☆宝島はここにある
- ☆ Takarajima wa koko ni aru
- ☆ A treasure island is right here
- 仲間という宝
- Nakama to iu takara
- The treasure called friends
- リアルな奇跡だよ 出会えたこと
- Riaru na kiseki da yo Deaeta koto
- It’s a real miracle, to have met you
- Yeah! Break! Care! Break! ありったけ
- Yabure Kabure! Arittake
- Yeah! Break! Care! Break! All that you have
- 光の矢を放て
- Hikari no ya o hanate
- Fire an arrow of light
- ピンチはプラスに出来るさ
- Pinchi wa purasu ni dekiru sa
- You can turn this pinch into an advantage
- 未来目指そう
- Mirai mezasou
- Let’s set our sights on the future
- ★ Repeat
- ★ Repeat
- ★ Repeat
- ☆ Repeat
- ☆ Repeat
- ☆ Repeat
- 1 The kanji supplied for this word read “chikyū”, meaning “the Earth”.
- 1 The literal translation of “Yabure Kabure” is “desperation”, but the idea behind writing the theme’s title as “Yeah! Break! Care! Break!” is based on it sounding like “Yabure Kabure” when said really fast.