Fuji TV has officially announced its new show line-up for the spring of 2014, including Dragon Ball Kai, the “refreshed” version of the Dragon Ball Z TV series originally created for its 20th anniversary in 2009. Along with the announcement, a brief listing of main staff and cast is provided. In addition to the main cast of Kai returning, some of the main cast from the Majin Boo arc of Z will be returning as well, including Kōzō Shioya as Majin Boo and Yūji Mitsuya as Kaiōshin.
However, as seen back in 2009 with Kai, some recasting will be occurring. Videl, originally played by Yūko Minaguchi in Z and most recently in the Battle of Gods film, will be portrayed by Shino Kakinuma, the wife of series veteran Toshio Furukawa (Piccolo). In addition, the role of Bobbidi will be portrayed by Bin Shimada instead of series narrator Jōji Yanami. There has been no official word yet about the casting of Dabra, Kibito, or other such minor characters.
There will also be a bit of a shakeup in the series’ staff. Most significantly, and due to the series’ musical controversy in 2011, the musical composition will be taken over by Norihito Sumitomo who most recently composed the score for Battle of Gods. Rounding out changes to the music department, Satoshi Motoyama will be joining veteran Yukio Nagasaki as audio director. Additionally, all three of the series’ producers will be new to the franchise, so it will be interesting to compare this to the adaptation of the previous story arcs. As expected, veteran series animator Tadayoshi Yamamuro is listed as lead animator for both the new opening and ending animations.
Dragon Ball Kai officially kicks off into a new era 06 April 2014 in Japan on Fuji TV at 9:00 a.m., joining One Piece to bring back the original Sunday morning “Dream 9” block. Thanks to kei17 for the heads up!
I anticipate Babidi’s voice to be better; kind of feel sad Minaguchi isn’t voicing Videl :(.
Why isn’t Video continuing? Just because Satan’s VA died?
“just because” is kind of an understatement of how much of a loss his death is though 😮 I think it’s mostly because of a busy schedule but I’m also really sad that Minaguchi isn’t going to voice Videl 🙁
With “just because” I meant; “Is the only reason because Mr. Satan’s VA died”? Sorry, but sometimes as a non native, especially when I’m tired, I don’t see the subtle, but important differences details like that means. I didn’t mean it’s nothing and doesn’t matter that he died, trust me.
She’s taken an extended hiatus from voice-acting to pursue her dream of living abroad and becoming fluent in English. Part of that was the deaths of Junpei Takiguchi and Daisuke Gōri, who were both mentor-figures to her, but it seems like it was a combination of factors. Maybe that was just the thing that made her decide to act on her ambition.
^That makes perfect sense to me, a friend had a recent death and really shook him up hard and made him realize that lifes short, gotta follow those dreams when you can.
Anyways, just so were clear, theres no OMGDATMUZACISSTOLEZ controversies with the new composers right? Reaaaally don’t want to go through the whole Yamamoto thing again.
The news of Videl being replaced just makes me even more thankful that Minaguchi came back for Battle of Gods.