Podcast Episode #0044
Published by 26 September 2006, 7:00 PM EDT

Episode #0044 of the podcast is available for download! We recorded it before the convention, but due to remastering a video FOR the convention and delayed flights, the editing just couldn’t get finished until this morning. So here you go! Certainly an interesting episode, going into depth about the gender roles of the characters within the show, the author himself, fans, and even comparisons to other manga-ka. And to totally destroy the intelligent side of the show, Meri’s more than happy to tell you about the Top 5 Hottest Women in the series :P. Definitely check it out.

Episode #0044! VegettoEX, Meri, Julian, and Andrew talk about gender roles in the series; how are females portrayed, and are their characters written into a corner by all becoming mothers? We also compare stories and authors (Oda, Kishimoto, Takahashi, etc.) with their DB counterparts. Releases for October, some old e-mails, and our “Super DragonBall Z” contest round out the episode!


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