Podcast Episode #0049
Published by 29 October 2006, 10:00 PM EST

Episode #0049 of the podcast is available for download! This week, we gave a pretty good rundown of daizenshuu numero seven, the encyclopedia to end all encyclopedias. Plus, we’re giving away daizenshuu three on our upcoming one-year anniversary show! Well, one year of the podcast… the website’s going on nine 😛 Definitely check it out.

Episode #0049! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian go over the plethora of gaming news, and detail the extravaganza of information that is daizenshuu numero seven. We also start up a contest to give away daizenshuu three on our one-year anniversary show! Top 5 Tenka-ichi Budokai, DBZ ABCs, your e-mails, and more round out the episode.


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