Podcast Episode #0128
Published by 12 May 2008, 8:12 PM EDT

Episode #0128 of the podcast is available for download! Sorry that it’s a day late and a buck short, but whatcha gonna do? It’s a shortie, but it’s a doozy.

Meri and I took a look at The Dragon Ball Z Legend: The Quest Continues, a “guidebook” (and boy, do we ever use that term loosely) written by Satoshi Ikeda and Martin Foster, and published by Cocoro Books. Definitely check it out.

Episode #0128! VegettoEX and Meri review “The Dragon Ball Z Legend” from Cocoro Books, which purports to be “an essential source for every anime fan”. What we found, instead, was a horribly-written attempt at a guidebook filled with spelling errors, factual inaccuracies, and more flip-flopping than one should ever have to read.


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