Podcast Episode #0160
Published by 18 January 2009, 3:33 PM EST

Episode #0160 of the podcast is available for download! In addition to catching up on a couple little bits of news (which you’ve no doubt read below), we brought on our podcast host and The Fanboy Review superfan godofchaos to talk with us about FUNimation and their plans for Blu-ray, specifically with the DragonBall franchise. Lots of great image comparisons will be up in the forum thread for this episode, so make sure you take a look there. We also had a couple great e-mails and various other shenanigans, so it’s exactly what you need on this cold Sunday! Definitely check it out.

Episode #0160! VegettoEX and Meri bring of godofchaos (The Fanboy Review) to talk about FUNimation and their upcoming plans for the DragonBall series on Blu-ray. What have they already done that we can compare these plans to, and what other reference material is out there? Catching up on a couple quick news bits and some great e-mails round out the episode.


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