Podcast Episode #0168
Published by 15 March 2009, 10:11 PM EDT

Episode #0168 of the podcast is available for download! You know, we joke time and time again how if we discuss the live-action movie on the podcast, it will “blow up” or otherwise give us horrible technical problems (like it genuinely did back on Episode #0148). Sure enough, while editing the podcast I noticed how either Meri’s mic itself or the XLR cable fritzed out occasionally. In addition to that, random background noise would temporarily overtake the local recording track. Thankfully we do multi-track recording here, and I was able to (mostly) edit around Meri’s issues, and simply silence out those strange anomalies. We will overcome this curse once and for all at some point in time, I assure you.

This episode, we did anything and everything DragonBall Evolution. That’s right. We start out with Ayumi Hamasaki’s CD single and music video for “Rule” (the movie’s theme song), go into the VizKids adaptation of the story for their “Junior Novel”, and finally… the big one… Julian reviews the movie itself from its Japanese theatrical debut. Definitely check it out. You don’t want to miss this one.

Episode #0168! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian review all things “Dragon Ball Evolution”. We start out with Ayumi Hamasaki’s CD single for the movie’s theme song (“Rule”), go into the VizKids junior novel adaptation, and finally… the big one… Julian reviews the actual movie itself from its Japanese theatrical debut. It seems like it has been such a long time coming, and an impossibility, at that. How does it all stack up? Is it even worth the ticket price? Some random news bits, March’s releases, and a quick e-mail round out the episode.


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