Podcast Episode #0236
Published by 24 October 2010, 8:53 PM EDT

We are back with another doozy of an episode for everyone. In addition to catching up on the recent news (including a few new items, which we will get to below shortly) with Marc from The Fanboy Review, Josh from Sparking Turtle joined us for a topic we have been wanting to discuss for a long time now: ki. What exactly is ki, how is it represented in the DragonBall franchise, and how about those fighting styles? Lots of great tidbits get dropped throughout the conversation, and is one you definitely do not want to miss. Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.

Episode #0236! VegettoEX and Meri bring on a couple friends for a jam-packed episode. Marc talks international “Kai” dubbing and FUNimation’s recent announcement that their Dragon Box sets are indeed “limited”, while Josh joins us to talk about the concept of ki, how it is used in the franchise, as well as some general discussion about fighting styles. October and November releases, your e-mails, and a contest to win “Tenkaichi Tag Team” for the PSP rounds out the episode.


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