“Dragon Ball XENOVERSE” Antagonist Revealed in WJ 2015 #10
Published by 31 January 2015, 10:27 AM EST

After having been teased last week in the March 2015 issue of V-Jump (though without a name, and just implied to be at the root of Towa’s and Mira’s alterations to history), the upcoming 2015 #10 issue of Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan is set to divulge more details on Dragon Ball XENOVERSE‘s “Domigura” (ドミグラ), or — as he will likely be named in the English localization — “Demigra”.


The promotional text says that, at the end of an adventure spanning time and space, there is this man… the one behind the alterations to history?! His presence is there behind Towa and Mira, but his true identity and goals are shrouded in mystery. However, he is identified as the one responsible for the “fiendish” red-eyed powerups given to heroes and villains alike, and can be witnessed doing so in the game. But what is he planning…?

With the game less than a week away from release in Japan, more information is likely to be revealed sooner than later!


Bandai Namco has also uploaded their fourth promotional video for the game, focusing on the various playable characters, including an array of characters from Dragon Ball GT and the 2013 film Battle of Gods. Enemies have been made even more vicious than usual, and you will have to be a true super warrior to defeat them.

Dragon Ball XENOVERSE — currently in development by Dimps for Bandai Namco — will be released on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The game is still on track for 05 February 2015 release in Japan, while other territories have shifted slightly (North America to 24 February 2015, and Europe to 27 February 2015, the lattermost of which will also act as the global PC release date). A season pass for three downloadable content packs has been announced, with the first hitting players in March.

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