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Published by 15 March 2009, 10:11 PM EDTComment

Episode #0168 of the podcast is available for download! You know, we joke time and time again how if we discuss the live-action movie on the podcast, it will “blow up” or otherwise give us horrible technical problems (like it genuinely did back on Episode #0148). Sure enough, while editing the podcast I noticed how either Meri’s mic itself or the XLR cable fritzed out occasionally. In addition to that, random background noise would temporarily overtake the local recording track. Thankfully we do multi-track recording here, and I was able to (mostly) edit around Meri’s issues, and simply silence out those strange anomalies. We will overcome this curse once and for all at some point in time, I assure you.

This episode, we did anything and everything DragonBall Evolution. That’s right. We start out with Ayumi Hamasaki’s CD single and music video for “Rule” (the movie’s theme song), go into the VizKids adaptation of the story for their “Junior Novel”, and finally… the big one… Julian reviews the movie itself from its Japanese theatrical debut. Definitely check it out. You don’t want to miss this one.

Episode #0168! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian review all things “Dragon Ball Evolution”. We start out with Ayumi Hamasaki’s CD single for the movie’s theme song (“Rule”), go into the VizKids junior novel adaptation, and finally… the big one… Julian reviews the actual movie itself from its Japanese theatrical debut. It seems like it has been such a long time coming, and an impossibility, at that. How does it all stack up? Is it even worth the ticket price? Some random news bits, March’s releases, and a quick e-mail round out the episode.


Published by 13 March 2009, 3:00 PM EDTComment

Toshio Furukawa (Piccolo) gives us more information regarding Dragon Ball Kai with another blog update from the other day. Masaharu Satō will be playing the role of Kame-Sen’nin, as opposed to what seemed (and what we would have guessed) to be the character’s formal replacement actor, Hiroshi Masuoka.

As a bit of background, Kame-Sen’nin’s original actor, Kōhei Miyauchi, passed away in 1995 just before the end of the Drtagon Ball Z TV series. While Masaharu Satō and Kinya Aikawa stepped in at various points to play small bits of dialogue for the character, the entirety of Dragon Ball GT (and many other spin-off items like video games) were performed by Hiroshi Masuoka.

Furukawa updated his blog with this information and the following picture, showcasing (left to right, back to front) Masaharu Satō (Kame-Sen’nin), Ryō Horikawa (Vegeta), Toshio Furukawa (Piccolo), Shigeru Chiba (Raditz), Jōji Yanami (Narration, Kaiō-sama), Mayumi Tanaka (Kuririn), and Masako Nozawa (Son Goku, etc.):

Published by 12 March 2009, 8:54 AM EDTComment

The Fuji TV website has announced that Kenji Yamamoto will be responsible for the background music of Dragon Ball Kai.

While it is unfortunate that Shunsuke Kikuchi’s score will not be making a return, those unfamiliar with Kenji Yamamoto will be happy to hear that he has actually been involved with the series and its spin-off properties for around twenty years, himself. Yamamoto is responsible for the arrangement of many TV and movie theme songs throughout the years, including TV songs like “CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA” and “Unmei no Hi ~Tamashî VS Tamashî~”, as well as movie songs like DBZ movie 6 closing theme “Hero (Kimi ga Hîrō)” and DBZ movie 2 insert song “Pikkoro-san Da~isuki”. In addition to direct involvement with the animated series, Yamamoto has been responsible for the scores of countless Dragon Ball video games like the Super Butōden series from the Super Famicom era, all the way up through more current games like Burst Limit.

Our personal opinion is that if there was going to have to be a background score replacement, this is how we would want it handled. We have full confidence in its integrity and its ability to fit the mood and tone of the series. Of course, we will just have to wait and see what the final product looks (and sounds!) like come April 5th…!

For the record, this Kenji Yamamoto is different than the Kenji Yamamoto responsible for Metroid music. They are two different people that spell their names with different kanji.

Published by 11 March 2009, 9:15 PM EDTComment

Our old buddy Greg (who ran “The Ulimate DBZ Info Site” for many years, starting it up back in 1997, a year before this site began) has posted up his review and thoughts on Dragon Ball Evolution over in our forum. Hopefully we will be able to get Julian to go see it this weekend, and we will all just have to wait another month before it hits our theaters.

Beware that there are a few spoilers in the thread… unless, of course, you are looking for that kind of thing.

Published by 11 March 2009, 8:54 PM EDTComment

While we anticipated scenes were being redrawn, a little visual confirmation never hurts. The blog “We Remember Love“, maintained by ghostlightning, recently (February 7th) posted an update covering his tour of Toei Animation’s Philippines branch. While he was there an in-between animator for Toei let him take a crack at re-drawing a frame for Dragon Ball Kai.

Here is what ghostlightning had to say about the remastering of Dragon Ball Kai:

…I actually went to TOEI Animation Philippines and confirmed it. TOEI is producing Dragonball Z in High Definition. They no longer have the original cels or artwork, which means they are re-drawing on captured images from the existing videos. Some new art will be drawn to expand the dimensions to fit wide-screen aspect ratios. It’s hard to explain the process, but I actually got to do it myself.

This is the same thing our pal Wasted Wisher has been saying for a while now. In the long run, it makes one question just how representative the recent promotional video is of the final product. It also raises the question: will they be correcting any of the bad animation that appears throughout Dragon Ball Z?

Published by 11 March 2009, 3:51 PM EDTComment

The official website for Dragon Ball Kai has updated with details on the upcoming Tokyo International Anime Fair and its Dragon Ball-related events. We knew from a prior update that on March 20th the singer of the new theme song would appear, and that Masako Nozawa would also be on-hand for an interview. Since then, we have learned about Takayoshi Tanimoto and his performance of the new theme songs (OP: “Dragon Soul”; ED: “Yeah! Break! Care Break!”).

The new update confirms that beginning at 10:00 am on the 20th they will distribute tickets to a special event (which will take place from 11:00 to 11:30) where Masako Nozawa will host a sort of “kick-off party” for Dragon Ball Kai. Also on-hand will be Hiromi Tsuru (Bulma) and Toshio Furukawa (Piccolo). Finally, Takayoshi Tanimoto will perform the new opening theme!

Published by 09 March 2009, 10:45 AM EDTComment

It looks like next week will see a couple CD releases that those looking forward to the upcoming Dragon Ball Evolution might be interested in. Amazon has listings for both the “soundtrack” for $14.99 and another “soundtrack” (which is actually the movie’s score as composed by Brian Tyler) for $17.99, both listing for about the $18 point MSRP and both due out 17 March 2009.

It is a little confusing, since the entry for the “soundtrack” that has “Original Score” in the URL is not the same entry that has the front and back cover clearly showing that it is, in fact, the original score. Maybe Amazon crossed their streams…? Nothing good ever comes of that. Thanks for the heads up, Tanooki.

Published by 08 March 2009, 10:11 PM EDTComment

Episode #0167 of the podcast is available for download! Since the “Rule” CD single didn’t come in until recording day (which actually lets us do an all-Evolution episode next week), we decided to bring on prior guests Hujio and Corey to talk some more DragonBall Kai with us. We have all seen the new commercial and its selective re-framing on the cropping, and it’s safe to say that everyone has an opinion on the situation. Tune in to hear what’s going on and what the current situation is. Beyond that, we’ve got your regular news, releases, e-mails, and a ton more. Definitely check it out.

Episode #0167! VegettoEX and Meri bring on Hujio (Kanzentai) and Corey to discuss the most recent information and commercial for “DragonBall Kai” and all of its implications. There appears to be re-framed cropping going on, so how does this compare and contrast with FUNimation’s faux-“remastered” release? Random bits of news, March’s releases, and your e-mails round out the episode.


Published by 08 March 2009, 12:42 PM EDTComment

We have been following these manga delays for a while, so it is no real surprise to see that a couple of the upcoming omnibus “Viz Big” editions for the “DBZ” portion of the manga have been delayed… again. DBZ #4 (covering tankōbon 26-28) has been pushed back from 21 April 2009 to 23 June 2009, while DBZ #5 (covering tankōbon 29-31) has been pushed back from 21 July 2009 to 20 October 2009 according to their Amazon listings.