Cartoon Network is currently in the process of airing FUNimation’s English dubs of the first three DragonBall Z movies, albeit in reversed order.
The third movie (“Tree of Might”) was aired on 29 January 1999 at 4:00 pm eastern. The version aired was the censored adaptation originally split into three parts to take the place of TV episode slots during the original syndication run of the second season of FUNimation’s dub of the DragonBall Z TV series.
The second movie (“The World’s Strongest) is set to air 05 February 1999 at 4:00 pm eastern, with the first movie (“Dead Zone”) following suit on 12 February 1999, also at 4:00 pm eastern.
Of particular note is the commercial Cartoon Network is airing for “The World’s Strongest”, which starts out with a quick mish-mash of audio snippets from the original Japanese version of the movie.