DBGT Dragon Box Extras Revealed + Movie Dragon Box
Published by 25 June 2005, 10:20 AM EDT

The Dragon Ball GT Dragon Box has finally been released in Japan, and we have a really nice peak at all of the extras contained there-in thanks to DBW of our forum — check it out.

Contained within the site are commercials, real-life zeni (of course, you cannot actually use it…), the complete TV special, etc. Within the thread you will also find screen caps of the menus and such. Coming soon will be more information about the Dragon Radar remote and Dragon Book that comes with the set.

What is most important is the indirect confirmation that a movie box set will be released. Using the zeni that comes with the set, you can fill out a questionnaire on Jumpland which asks what kind of extras you would like on the next box set. Well, all that is left to be released are the movies, so there you go!

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