“Dragon Ball Z: Sparking!” for the PlayStation may have come out in Japan yesterday on the 6th, but fret not US-PS2-owners: the American version (“Budokai Tenkaichi”) is due out very soon on 19 October 2005.
The “Greatest Hits” version of “Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3” (also for the PS2) was due out for us lucky Americans 09 November 2005, but has since been pushed back to 14 December 2005. Atari’s enhanced re-release is a cheap $19.99, sports the original Japanese cover art, and will feature selectable English/Japanese language tracks for the game. Europeans already got their hands on this special treat, so be sure to check it out if you get the chance.
“Bukū Ressen” (the sequel to “Bukū Tōgeki”, published on the GameBoy Advance) is due out for the Nintendo DS in Japan 01 December 2005. The American version of the game (“Super Sonic Warriors 2”) is listed by FUNimation as available the week of November 22nd. Sorry, no Japanese cover art for this one, yet — let me know if you have come across it!
“Legacy of Goku 1 & 2” for the GameBoy Advance is a compilation of the first two games in the series on the same cartridge, and is set for release on 14 December 2005.
That is technically at least one new game release every month until the end of the year — sweet deal! Big thanks to Mike on the forum for the heads-up on things we had missed.