So we did it. We have been thinking about doing it for a while, but we finally did it — last night Julian and I recorded our first-ever podcast. All right, fine… so we have not actually set up the RSS feed and all that jazz yet, but we are getting to it! We mostly just wanted to get the file out there while it is still relevant!
For those who have not gotten into them yet, a “podcast” is essentially a pre-recorded Internet radio show. You do not need an iPod to listen; you can just download the MP3 and play it in any audio program, such as Winamp or Windows Media Player. When we get everything configured correctly, you will be able to subscribe to an RSS feed that will automatically download new episodes for you as soon as they become available!
The new “Podcast” page will always contain at least the latest episode, as well as a brief description and links we talk about during the show. You can also find a link to the page up in the right corner of this main page.
For our first episode, we talked a little bit about FUNimation’s upcoming DB movie box set, the upcoming “Dragon Box: The Movies” set, and we even brought in a special guest from our forum, lost_in_thought, to talk a little bit about “Sparking!” now that it is a few weeks later after the release of the game.
We have not yet decided on how often we will do the show (weekly, bi-weekly… who knows?), but we had a fun time with it and can’t wait to do more. It was our first show, so please excuse any interesting audio quirks… we can only go up from here!
Our first attempt at a podcast! VegettoEX and Julian discuss FUNimation’s upcoming box-set release of DB movies 2-4, Toei’s upcoming DB & DBZ movie “Dragon Box” in Japan, and the new individual DBZ R2 DVDs. We brought in Justin (lost_in_thought) to discuss our feelings on Sparking! (Budokai Tenkaichi); now that we’ve had it for a couple weeks, what’s left to do in the game?