Episode #0090 of the podcast is available for download! The confirmation of Chi-Chi in the game was obviously put up on the site after the episode had been recorded, but since you’re reading this, you’re certainly all up-to-date, anyway… and that’s what’s really important. Beyond talking about a bit of Sparking! METEOR news, the main meat of the episode was discussing how some DragonBall songs either pay a little homage to, on in the case of one particular song, outright copy pretty much the entire song. Curious as to what we’re talking about? Well, just tune in and listen for yourself. Lots of other great stuff is in the show, including some pretty in-depth e-mail responses. Definitely check it out.
Episode #0090! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian discuss DragonBall songs with obvious homages to completely unrelated songs… or in the case of one particular song, just copy it outright. Video game news, music news, August’s releases, and some in-depth e-mail responses round out the episode.
- DBZ TV Animation Studios Discussion @ Daizenshuu EX
- “Sparking! METEOR” Discussion @ Daizenshuu EX
- DragonBall CD Listings @ Hobby Link Japan
- DragonBall CD Listings @ CDJapan
- “Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei” Fusion Clip @ YouTube
- sailormusic.net
- Majin Boo Arc Capsule Set @ Amazon Japan
- DBGT DVD Vol. 5 @ Amazon France
- DBZ “Remastered” Vol. 13 (Spain) @ zonadvd.com
- “Budokai 3” / “Lucky Star” Video @ YouTube
- “Naruto MADness” @ AnimeMusicVideos.org
- “Eva Bebop” @ AnimeMusicVideos.org
- “Unlikely Star” @ AnimeMusicVideos.org
- AnimeNEXT 2007 AMV Contest OP @ AnimeMusicVideos.org