Podcast Episode #0124
Published by 13 April 2008, 6:38 PM EDT

Episode #0124 of the podcast is available for download! We were out of town all weekend, so I recorded an episode Friday afternoon with Jeff. That’s right, no Meri or Julian! While it’s quite blasphemous, the episode that was intended to be short ended up being normal length, and the episode that was intended to have no real topic ended up having a semi-real topic! We discussed part one of IGN’s “What’s Wrong With DBZ” series of articles, and probably have a lot to say about it that you aren’t expecting (or perhaps are expecting, based on what you’ve read in the below update). Yes, we know that IGN has posted up part two, but this was recorded before that… and yet, we still managed to predict their final point pretty dead-on! Definitely check it out.

Episode #0124! VegettoEX records an episode without anyone else, but decides he should at least invite Jeff over to make it more interesting than a conversation with himself. Our first episode without a real “topic” section ends up with one, anyway, discussing IGN’s intriguing “What’s Wrong With DBZ” series of articles. Your e-mails and our on-going DVD contest round out the episode.


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