Podcast Episode #0176
Published by 25 May 2009, 9:10 PM EDT

Episode #0176 of the podcast is available for download! We apologize for the day-late-posting on it, but it’s a long holiday weekend for us… so that’s our excuse. This week we brought on Herms (and eventually Hujio showed up) from Kanzentai to discuss and totally dissect the two recent “Super Exciting Guide” books from Japan. Beyond some of the repeated information from past books, we got a chance to dig into new information like Mr. Satan’s real name, and perhaps the most intriguing, the idea of “Makaiōshin”. Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.

We had to leave you with the following image to go alongside one of the later discussions in the episode. You’ll know it when you hear it.

Episode #0176! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian bring on Herms (and eventually Hujio) from “Kanzentai” to discuss the recent “Super Exciting Guide” books from Japan. While there is plenty of recycled information, the new bits that we do get (such as Mr. Satan’s real name and the Makaioshin) are intriguing beyond belief. Video game news, your e-mails, and a contest to give away the two “Super Exciting Guide” books round out the episode!


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