“Dragon Ball Online” Development Scandal
Published by 13 October 2009, 9:02 AM EDT

MMO News is reporting on what sounds like a minor “scandal” related to the development of Dragon Ball Online, the only-barely-just-recently “launched” massively multiplayer online role playing game. From the sounds of it (the English is a little broken), former designer on the game with NTL, Ku Jeong-Hun, claimed he was being taken advantage of by his company, was going to be dismissed in a “disgraceful manner”, and left the company. An agreement was reached between him and the company that certain aspects of his game design would not be used in the final product. Lo and behold, sure enough some of these aspects turned up after his departure. There appears to be some legal threats flying between parties, but as the article rightfully states in its conclusion: at the end of the day, all gamers really want is a good game.

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