FUNimation “Kai” Release Coming In May?
Published by 02 February 2010, 7:07 PM EST

Several birdies have been talking to us about the release schedule for a while now, and it seems like Wal-Mart wants in on the conversation, too. They are listing both the DVD and Blu-ray release of Dragon Ball Kai already (the domestic license was only just announced this morning!), and coming 18 May 2010, no less. That is just over three months from “announcement” to “release”… which is pretty impressive for the domestic anime industry. Clearly it has been in the works for a while, but it is still a great trend to keep going with.

The list price on the DVD set is $49.98, while the Blu-ray set will only set you back another $5 up at $54.98. There is no word yet on episode count or aspect ratios. As a refresher, the DVD release in Japan is the cropped widescreen as aired on TV (albeit in standard definition), while the Blu-ray is a high-definition 4:3 aspect ratio.

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