Podcast Episode #0208
Published by 07 February 2010, 3:00 PM EST

I must say that it was perfect timing to get that Yamcha episode done last week, because Kai interrupted our regularly-scheduled programming yet again…!

With an official announcement of its licensing (and Jeff sick with family coming to town), it made sense to dedicate another podcast episode to the “refreshed” version of the DBZ TV series. You may think there is not a lot to discuss just yet, but never doubt the power of talkative fans. In our three topical segments, Hujio joins us to briefly recap how this “refresh” came about and what it ended up being (along with its domestic name change), Kendamu joins us to discuss what the manga fan is looking for in a domestic release of the series, while Gozar joins us to talk about what the FUNimation dub fan is looking for. Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.

Episode #0208! VegettoEX, Meri, and Julian discuss the latest news about “DragonBall Kai” before we bring in some friends to talk about specific aspects of the licensing news. Hujio joins us to give a recap on what “Kai” is in the first place and its domestic name change, Kendamu joins us to talk from the manga fan perspective, while Gozar joins us to talk from the dub fan perspective. We do not have a whole lot to go on just yet, but fandom seems braced for all the extra attention coming its way.


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