In conjunction with the Japanese television broadcast of the “Majin Boo arc” of Dragon Ball Kai in April 2014 — along with its own upcoming home video releases — Toei will be releasing two large box set collections compiling the previous 98 episodes as originally aired between 2009 and 2011. Via Happinet’s listing:
「ドラゴンボール改 魔人ブウ編」放送を記念し、2009年より放送された「ドラゴンボール改」シリーズをエピソード毎にまとめ、お求めやすい価格で発売!
In commemoration of the broadcast of “Dragon Ball Kai – Majin Boo Arc”, we have collected the “Dragon Ball Kai” series, which started airing episode-by-episode in 2009, and will be selling them at an affordable price!
The two collections will follow the previously established story arc split with the first 54 episodes comprising the “Saiyan & Freeza arc” and the remaining 44 episodes comprising the “Artificial Humans & Cell arc”. Each collection will be available in both Blu-ray and DVD formats, although as these are compilation collections, the disc content is noted to be identical to the previous Kai Blu-ray and DVD home video releases, with an identical disc/episode count, differing aspect ratios, and all previously included bonus material.
The “Saiyan & Freeza arc” Blu-ray Box is set to be released 02 December 2014 and will contain 54 episodes on 18 discs. It will carry a ¥38,000 (~$375) retail price point, while its DVD counterpart will come in a little cheaper at ¥32,000 (~$315). The “Artificial Humans & Cell arc” Blu-ray Box will follow a month later on 06 January 2015 and contain the remaining 44 episodes on 15 discs, making it a bit cheaper at ¥28,000 (~$275). Its DVD equivalent will set you back ¥24,000 (~$235). Just how “affordable” these box sets really are to average consumers may be somewhat questionable, but to be fair, in total it is roughly 50% cheaper to purchase these as opposed to picking up all eight of the original box sets or individual discs.
All releases will come packaged with a new exclusive booklet, although possibly with recycled material from previous booklets, and brand new box art. These releases will also feature Shunsuke Kikuchi’s replacement score. Thanks to Jacob for the tip!