“Dragon Ball Heroes” JM8 Promotional Videos
Published by 08 January 2015, 8:25 AM EST

The official website for Dragon Ball Heroes — the four-year-old, still-going-strong, card-based arcade game — has updated with a slew of promotional material for its upcoming Ja’aku Ryū Mishion 8 (“Evil Dragons Mission 8” or “JM8”) update coming this month. This is the final “JM” update to the series, which will continue onward with the “God Mission” series this spring.


The 15-second commercial provides a brief overview of the new cards, specifically focusing on the One Star Dragon and his Card Action Ability “Dark Dragon” (also shown off last month in the 28th chapter of Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission), as well as Super Saiyan 4 and Golden Ōzaru versions of Gogeta. Two “secret” cards are also teased.

The 30-second “Special Movie” acts as the sort of “opening” theme and animation for the update, once again spotlighting the One-Star Dragon and Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, as well as calling back to Adult Gotenks and the class-upgraded Hero Avatars, both of which were introduced during the various “Evil Dragon Mission” updates.

The four-minute-long “How to Play” video provides an overview of just that along with showcasing the One Star Dragon’s “Dark Dragon” technique in action (stealing your opponent’s energy to then hit them with a massive attack), and teasing campaigns at arcade units involving defeating the various Evil Dragons to increase your experience, but also revealing something wrong with a new Age (possibly tying in to the upcoming “God Mission 1” update). The video closes out with a tease for “GDM 1” coming later this year.

The “JM8” update to Dragon Ball Heroes will be released 15 January 2015.

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