“Dragon Ball Super” Voice Actor Update: Satomi Kōrogi Debuts at “Zen’ō”
Published by 03 May 2016, 9:10 AM EDT

This past weekend’s forty-first episode of the Dragon Ball Super TV series in Japan saw the debut of “Zen’ō” (literally the “king/lord of everything”; the so-called “Omni-King”) — first seen at the end of the fortieth episode — with a speaking role as voiced by Satomi Kōrogi.


A newcomer to the Dragon Ball franchise, Kōrogi may perhaps be best known these days as Togepi in the Pokémon franchise, though her resume of other anime, gaming, and live-action dubbing roles beyond Pokémon is quite extensive.

Other voice debuts in the episode include Masaya Takatsuka and Yūsei Oda as the two attendants, with franchise stalwart Ryūzaburō Ōtomo taking the role of “Super Shenlong”.

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