Additional “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” Novelization Releasing December 2018
Published by 29 November 2018, 10:31 AM EST

In addition to the previously-announced “light novel” adaptation penned by Masatoshi Kusakabe for the JUMP jBOOKS line, the forthcoming Dragon Ball Super: Broly theatrical film will also receive a separate novelization from Shueisha Mirai Bunko authored by Kei Ogawa.

The 228-page book will retail for ¥700 + tax and will release 14 December 2018 alongside the film as well as the light novel version. The novelization is available for pre-order on Amazon Japan.

My Hero Academia‘s recent film also received separate novelizations, with Ogawa similarly behind the Mirai Bunko version; these versions are geared toward younger readers, with furigana accompanying all kanji.

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