Following the base Super Dragon Ball Heroes arcade upgrade and its subsequent Universe Mission, Big Bang Mission, and Ultra God Mission expansions, the series is set to debut its brand new Meteor Mission update on 09 November 2023, alongside the game’s overall 13th anniversary.
Ahead of the game’s content launch, various multimedia spin-offs have already jumped into the game’s forthcoming content:
The November 2023 issue of Saikyō Jump featured the final chapter of Yoshitaka Nagayama’s Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission!!!! manga series — clocking in at 20 chapters, it has thus far been the longest of Nagayama’s various series. Alongside the final chapter, Shueisha announced that Nagayama would continue onward with a respective new Meteor Mission manga series, which hit today within the December 2023 issue of Saikyō Jump.
The Meteor Mission update is also given attention in the latest chapter of Yūji Kasai‘s Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Avatars!! manga series, likewise hitting today in the December 2023 issue of Saikyō Jump.
Back on 22 October 2023, the ongoing Super Dragon Ball Heroes “Promotional Anime” took a hiatus from its traditional 2D animation: the new Meteor Mission episode — “The Curtain Rises on the Demonic Invader Arc!! A Dark Shadow Attacks the Earth” — was instead animated via the video game’s engine (indeed featuring a different “Promotional CG Movie” watermark as opposed to the standard “Promo Anime” version).
In both the manga and promotional anime series, following the completion of the Super Space-Time Tournament, Goku and the others regroup on North Kaiō’s planet only to find him completely gone — they are then confronted by “Majin Ozotto,” who claims to have eaten Earth and is hunting gods.
The character Majin Ozotto is a notable focus in this latest Meteor Mission content. Ozotto dates back to 1994, where — in conjunction with the “Jump Multi(media) World” event celebrating Weekly Shōnen Jump‘s 25th anniversary — the character debuted in Sega’s first-person arcade fighting game, Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S., where “Majin Ozotto” (rendered in the game’s own English translation as “Ozotto the Super Monster”) is the shapeshifting final boss.
Ozotto was in fact designed by original Dragon Ball author Akira Toriyama himself. The original design set included a larger, multi-armed version which was not used in the final game; this design was most recently seen in the Dragon Ball 30th Anniversary Super History Book:
The character fell into relative-obscurity following his original release, with a planned appearance in the 1996 PlayStation and Saturn game Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu (“The Great Dragon Ball Legend”) unfortunately scrapped. Ozotto was brought back in 2018 within Super Dragon Ball Heroes, where he made a small appearance at the end of the “Universe Mission 3” update’s special video, and went onward to be included in various game missions and manga chapters.
1 Comment
If I wasn’t aware of the previous history of this character, I would SWEAR that’s just a discarded Dragon Quest villain design.