Podcast Episode #0074
Published by 22 April 2007, 12:20 PM EDT

Episode #0074 of the podcast is available for download! This week, we took a look at the new CD from last December, DragonBall Z Best Remix 2006 1/2 Special. Certainly an interesting release, it’s not quite a “remix” CD in terms of what the word traditionally means… it’s more of a “re-mix” CD. Listen in for more details. We checked in with Julian at Anime Boston, Jeff stopped by to read some e-mails, and don’t forget that there’s one more week for the DBZ Movie 8 DVD contest! Definitely check it out.

Episode #0074! VegettoEX and Meri discuss and review the “DragonBall Z Best Remix 2006 1/2 Special” CD. We check in with Julian at Anime Boston, Jeff stops by to read some e-mails, and we bring back a segment everyone has been asking for!


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