ect5150, in diligent ever-scanning-Amazon-Japan fashion, has discovered the full release schedule for the upcoming Dragon Ball GT R2 DVDs. As with DB & DBZ, these are individual discs based off of the previous Dragon Box sets (non-faux-remastered, nice sound, progressive, full-screen, etc.). Remember, these are from Japan, and while they are NTSC, they are encoded as Region 2 and have no subtitles.
- 06 February 2008: Volumes 1 & 2
- 05 March 2008: Volumes 3 & 4
- 02 April 2008: Volumes 5 & 6
- 09 May 2008: Volumes 7 & 8
- 04 June 2008: Volumes 9, 10, & 11
So there you have it. After this, all that is left will be the movies for single-disc releases… and those TV specials…