Live Action Movie Tidbits
Published by 30 December 2007, 12:02 AM EST

Emmy Rossum, playing the role of Bulma in the movie, posted up some tidbits in her MySpace blog talking about the movie and her experiences thus far.

Sorry I’ve been rather quiet for a bit, I’ve been working on a very exciting new film that I’m shooting outside the US. I’m working with the great Chow Yun Fat and I’m very excited about the role, which is so different than any role I’ve ever played. I love the character and I’m excited to get to share something so fun with you. In prep for the film I’ve been training very hard, learning how to fight, fire a gun, weapons training and even some martial arts. It’s fun to play such a different character when I am such a pacifist in real life. Speaking of pacifisim and peace, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy holiday and New Year.

In addition to that, is reporting that someone named Luis Arrieta will be playing the role of “Teto”, a friend of Goku’s in school. He apparently already shot all of his role in the span of two days, so don’t expect it to be anything major.

I guess there was also some type of Brazilian prank going around on their version of April Fool’s Day that reported the “cancelation” of the movie. Needless to say, this is false.

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