Podcast Episode #0259
Published by 23 May 2011, 7:49 PM EDT

Thanks to a slow news week, we were able to dive into the past a little bit with something that is occasionally requested for a topic, but we have held off for fear of it being too distant and possibly irrelevant of a topic. With it being such a huge and important part of fandom’s rise and enjoyment, though, a listener e-mail gave us the push we needed to dive into ye’ olden fansub VHS days.

Our discussion begins with the need for a translated version of the show, all the way up through the digital age and any relevance it has to the franchise. Whether names like S. Baldric, E. Monsoon, Anime Labs, Ctenosaur, Project-X, NGN, or Pearl do or do not mean anything to you, this is the episode that explains it all! Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.

Episode #0259! VegettoEX and Meri discuss ye’ olden fansub VHS days. How did non-Japanese fans watch the series prior to any domestic release, what were the experiences like, and how did everything change once a legitimate and proper release came on the scene? Whether names like S. Baldric, E. Monsoon, Anime Labs, Ctenosaur, Project-X, NGN, or Pearl do or do not mean anything to you, this is the episode that explains it all!


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