Content generation has been a little slow around these parts, but we are at least getting together once a week for the podcast! This time around it’s a catching up on news extravaganza and answering a slew of audience questions. Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.
Episode #0275! VegettoEX and Hujio break down some of the big news going around the world: Blu-rays are coming and starting to get some promotion, FUNimation tosses an extra bone on the final DBZ Dragon Box, the Kenji Yamamoto fallout continues in the strangest places, and international “Kai” updates!
- DBZ FUNimation Blu-ray Commercial @ YouTube
- Review with Kai Vol. 4 Music Mention @ YouTube
- “Raging Blast 2” Music Change @ YouTube
- “DragonBall Kai” Thai Dub Opening @ YouTube
- “DragonBall Kai” Thai Dub Ending @ YouTube
- “DragonBall Kai” Galacian Dub Promo @ YouTube
- “DragonBall Online” Opening @ YouTube
- “Ultimate Tenkaichi” (PS3) @ Amazon
- “Ultimate Tenkaichi” (360) @ Amazon
- Hujio’s Script Book Blog Entry @ Kanzentai