We are back at you this week on our show with a fun topic about characters and their power. More specifically, our buddy Kaboom stops by to dive into the difference between a scouter reading a character’s power and someone sensing it via their own internal abilities, as well as the differences between characters who can and cannot both mask and amplify their battle power. Ever wonder why it was that Nappa was “powering up” if he could not hide his power? So did we!
Episode #0308! VegettoEX and Kaboom discuss the ways in which characters are at advantages and disadvantages depending on the method by which they sense each others’ power. Additionally, if some characters cannot mask or amplify their power, what are they doing when they otherwise appear to be powering up? A quick news recap gets you on your way to round out the episode!
- “Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission” Coming to Nintendo 3DS
- “Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission” (3DS) Website Opens
- Kazuya Hisada Added to the Animation Styles Guide
Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum!