Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, the first animated theatrical release in 17 years of the globally-popular comic, will be the first-ever Japanese film to be screened at IMAX Digital Theaters. Greg Foster, Chairman and President of IMAX’s Filmed Entertainment division, stated:
We are very proud of having been able to partner with Akira Toriyama, a pioneer among manga creators, in bringing the first-ever Japanese film to IMAX Digital Theater screens.
With its fast-paced action scenes and eye-popping visuals, we are certain that Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods will be perfect for the IMAX experience.
The film is planned to screen at all 16 IMAX Digital Theater locations across the country.
IMAX is a high-resolution format used for theatrical and special types of video presentations. Most features made with IMAX in mind are also made with smaller screen presentations in mind, since not every theater or screening house will be capable of presenting the material in such a format.
Thanks to our buddy kei17 for the heads-up!
I want, I want, I want! I need to go see this movie in Full HD. 😀
Absolutely great 🙂 But are there no more trailers/clips coming for Battle of Gods?
That is awesome as fuck!
I would die of happiness if they ever said DBZ would come to theaters in the United States. I would be wished back with the dragonballs and then die again for good if they ever said that in addition to that, it would also come to IMAX theaters in the U.S.
I would be the first one there at midnight. 😀
Ecsatic as all hell!